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The call parking application provides 2 reports out of the box, Currently, these reports are only available for the UCCE in CUIC. 

  • Detailed Report 

  • Agent Consolidated Report Day -Wise

Detailed Report

This report provides the details of the calls parked and unparked by the agents on the gadget. The following fields are available in this report.

Column Details 



Call ID

Unique ID of the call. This ID is the combination of CiscoRouterCallKey+CiscoRouterCallKeyDay

Caller Number

Customer Calling Number

Parked Since

Time since the call is parked in timestamp format

Parked Reason

The reason provided by the agent while parking the call

Parked By

Name of the agent who parked the call

Parked Agent Talk Time (s)

The time agent spent talking before parking the call

Parked Call Duration (s)

The total duration of the call remains in parking space

Parked Agent Wrapup Time (s)

The time agent spent in wrapup for the parked call

Parked Agent Wrapup Data

Wrapup code entered by the agent for the parked call

Un-Park Status Code

The status code for the unparked call (such as either call was un-parked or not) 

Un-Parked By

Name of the agent who unparked the call and answered 

Un-Park Agent Talk time (s)

The time agent spent talking on the unparked call

Un-Park Call Duration (s)

Total Unpark call duration 

Un-Park Agent Wrapup Time (s) 

The time agent spent in wrapup for the un-parked call

Un-Park Agent Wrapup Data

Wrapup code entered by the agent for the un-parked call


  • Date Time

Agent Consolidated Report - Day Wise

This report provides the day-wise consolidated stats of agents per skill group.  The following fields are available in this report.

Column Details 




Display the date selected for the data extraction

Skill Group

Name of the skill group assigned to the agent

Agent Name

Name of the Agent

Call Status 

Display the status of the call as "Parked" or "Un Parked"

Total Calls 

Count of calls parked and unparked by the agent

Talk Time (m)

The total talk time spent by the agent

Wrapup Time (m)

The total wrapup time spent by the agent during wrapup

Duration (m)

The total duration of the parked and unparked calls answered by the agent


  • DateTime

  • Skill Group 

  • Agent

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