Solution Limitations
Shown below are some of the limitations of this gadget in case of certain use cases:
1. In case an agent has selected multiple wrapUps for a single call, only the first selected wrap-up would be pushed to Cisco contact center and will be available in Cisco’s default reports.
2. In case of this use case (set agent state to ready if no wrap-up is selected during call or in wrap-up state):
WrapUps selected in Not_Ready state will not be available in Cisco’s Default reports as Cisco doesn’t accept wrap-up after call. However, these will be reflected under Expertflow’s custom-developed reports.
If the web browser is refreshed or restarted due to any reason, the wrap-up gadget will be reset to its default state (hidden) and the agent will not be able to apply wrap-up to the previous call. These calls will be reflected in reporting with the value “NOT_READY” under the wrap-up column.
3. Time Zone Difference:
For the gadget reports to work properly, the Time Zone configurations must be done at the Datasource level. The UCCX Replicated data stamp will be at GMT 0, thus in case needed to change the replicated DateTime.