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CIM Media Messages

Media Messages consist of the following types: 

  • Image 

  • Video 

  • Audio

  • File

  • Sticker

The response and request structure is given in the tabs below according to each type of message.

Assumptions and Constraints

  • Maximum file size is 5Mb. The size is configurable and can be changed based on the business need.

  • There is no restriction of file type/extension in Expertflow CX. It is also configurable based on the business requirements. 

  • File exchange between conversation participants is carried out by first uploading the media file to a server space in Expertflow CX. The process for uploading the file is described in Send a Media Message

Image Message Format

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Image Message

  • Specify the type = "IMAGE". Body should be in JSON format with following properties:
type - String - RequiredValue = "IMAGE"
caption - String - Optionalcontains caption specified by end user for the image.

attachment - Object:

  • mediaUrl - URL - Req - URL where media is located
  • thumbnail - Image - Optional - resized image 
  • mimeType - String - Optional - type and extension of the file e.g. image/png
  • size - Numeric - Optional - size of the uploaded file

Contains media object attachment details. For file upload and processing, please see Send a Media Message.

markdownText - String - Optionalcontains custom plain text sent by end user.
additionalDetails - String - OptionalAdditional details such as timedate object values can be passed.

"body": {
        "type": "IMAGE",
        "caption": "Screenshot",
        "attachment": {
            "mediaUrl": "",
            "thumbnail": null,
            "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
            "size": 41047
        "markdownText": null,
        "additionalDetails": {
            "timestamp": "1652080145"

Video Message Format

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Video Message

  • Specify the type = "VIDEO". Body should be in JSON format with following properties: 
type - String - RequiredValue = "VIDEO"
caption - String - Optionalcontains caption specified by end user for the video

attachment - Object:

  • mediaUrl - URL - Req - URL where media is located
  • thumbnail - Image - Optional - resized image 
  • mimeType - String - Optional - type and extension of the file e.g. image/png
  • size - Numeric - Optional - size of the uploaded file

Contains media object attachment details. For file upload and processing, please see Send a Media Message.

markdownText - String - Optionalcontains custom plain text sent by end user.
additionalDetails - String - OptionalAdditional details such as timedate object values can be passed.

"body": {
        "type": "VIDEO",
        "caption": "sample video message",
        "attachment": {
            "mediaUrl": "",
            "thumbnail": null,
            "mimeType": "video/mp4",
            "size": 3114398
        "markdownText": null,
        "additionalDetails": {
            "timestamp": "1652177594"

Audio Message Format

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Audio Message

  • Specify the type = "AUDIO".  Body should be in JSON format with following properties: 

type - String - RequiredValue = "AUDIO"
caption - String - Optionalcontains caption specified by end user for the audio

attachment - Object:

  • mediaUrl - URL - Req - URL where media is located
  • thumbnail - Image - Optional - resized image 
  • mimeType - String - Optional - type and extension of the file e.g. audio/codec
  • size - Numeric - Optional - size of the uploaded file

Contains media object attachment details. For file upload and processing, please see Send a Media Message.

markdownText - String - Optionalcontains custom plain text sent by end user.
additionalDetails - String - OptionalAdditional details such as timedate object values can be passed.

"body": {
        "type": "AUDIO",
        "caption": "sample video message",
        "attachment": {
            "mediaUrl": "",
            "thumbnail": null,
            "mimeType": "video/mp4",
            "size": 3114398
        "markdownText": null,
        "additionalDetails": {
            "timestamp": "1652177594"

File Message Format

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File Message

  • Specify the type = "FILE". Body should be in JSON format with following properties:
type - String - RequiredValue = "FILE"
caption - String - Optionalcontains caption specified by end user for the file

attachment - Object:

  • mediaUrl - URL - Req - URL where media is located
  • thumbnail - Image - Optional - resized image 
  • mimeType - String - Optional - type and extension of the file e.g. file/pdf
  • size - Numeric - Optional - size of the uploaded file

Contains media object attachment details. For file upload and processing, please see Send a Media Message.

markdownText - String - Optionalcontains custom plain text sent by end user.
additionalDetails - String - OptionalAdditional details such as timedate object values or file name can be passed.
"body": {
        "type": "FILE",
        "caption": "sample.pdf",
        "attachment": {
            "mediaUrl": "",
            "thumbnail": null,
            "mimeType": "application/pdf",
            "size": 3028
        "markdownText": null,
        "additionalDetails": {
            "timestamp": "1652177308",
            "fileName": "sample.pdf"

Sticker Message Format

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Sticker Message

  • Specify the type = "STICKER".  Body should be in JSON format with following properties:  
type - String - RequiredValue = "STICKER"
mediaUrl - URL - Required

Contains media object URL: mediaUrl = "http://..."

For file upload and processing, please see Send a Media Message..

stickerId - String - Optionalcontains ID of the sticker as provided by the channel. 
markdownText - String - Optionalcontains custom plain text sent by end user.
additionalDetails - String - OptionalAdditional details such as: - timedate object - metadata: - emojis - contains available emojis
"body": {
        "type": "STICKER",
        "mediaUrl": "",
        "stickerId": null,
        "markdownText": null,
        "additionalDetails": {
            "timestamp": "1652178293",
            "metadata": {
                "emojis": [
                "is-first-party-sticker": 1,
                "sticker-pack-id": "whatsappcuppy"

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