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CTI Call Controls

Agents avail with call control functions via Agent Desk (Agent SDK) CTI toolbar. To improve usability, and enhance agents' overall call-handling experience, agents have the option to fix the CTI toolbar in the conversation view on the right side above the customer information panel

When agents answer a call, they have a clear indicator showing the active call status, in a fixed location and the conversation view is open for agents to perform any activity.

docked cti toolbar.png

Minimize, Hide, or Active Call Display

Call Controls

Agents have the following call control functions via the Agent Desk (Agent SDK) CTI toolbar.



Answer call

view and respond to an incoming call alert

End call

end the current call

Hold call

hold the call

Resume call

resume the call

Consult/Conference UPCOMING

Consult, consult-transfer, conference with other agents

Direct Transfer

Direct transfer to an agent via Agent extension or name

Popout toolbar

the icon on the extreme left on the toolbar allows to popout the toolbar in a floating view where it can easily be dragged and dropped to reposition. Agents may also choose to stick / fix it on one location. in that case, it is fixed on the top of the right-side panel.

CX-Voice is under active development. See CX Voice Limitations for some open agent controls/capabilities issues.

Answer Call

On accepting a call, the CTI toolbar appears with the following controls:

CTI Call Controls

  1. Minimize

  2. Mute/Unmute

  3. Hold/Resume

  4. End Call

controls onCTI toolbar-numbers.png


This Minimize button provided on the toolbar facilitates the agent to clear his conversation view. As the agent accepts the call, this toolbar pops up anywhere on the screen. On clicking this Minimize button, this toolbar moves automatically on the right-hand expandable side of the conversation view as can be seen in the screenshot below.

minimize cx-voice-1.gif

Minimize CTI Toolbar


Thisimage-20240229-123123.pngbutton on the toolbar enables an agent to mute or unmute the call if and when required.

Call Hold/Resume

The agent can put an active call on hold with the customer or with any other agent in case of transfer, using the Hold button.

In the same way, one can resume the held call using the Resume button as he/she becomes available again.

For now, one button is being used for hold/resume.



End Call

Ends a call using the CTI toolbar End Call function.

The agent can end a call using the End Call button. This will end the call leg between the agent and the customer.

end call-2.png

End Call

Dialpad Integration for DTMF

Agents can manually enter phone numbers using the dialpad on the Agent Desk interface.

DTMF during Active calls

During active calls, agents can send Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) signals through the available dialplan to interact with systems or press the key for specific information.


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