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Transfer and Conference

Allows CX agents to transfer an active conversation, add agents to the conference, and send Whisper Message.

Transfer a Conversation

Agents can transfer an active conversation to another agent if think that the other agent will better answer the customer's query. A conversation can be transferred in two ways:

  • Queue Transfer

  • Direct Transfer (Agent-to-Agent transfer)

Queue Transfer

Agents can transfer a conversation to another queue. The system looks for a suitable agent to join the conversation. Now, the updated implementation allows the customer to place a request on the queue even if there is no agent available on the queue.

To Transfer to the queue

Follow these steps to transfer
  1. Click 

    the button on the control toolbar. The agent will see a dropdown containing the list of all queues with the following information:

    1. Queue Name (department name or any queue name)

    2. Number of agents available (ready + active) in the queue. This helps the agent to decide whether this conversation should be transferred to the selected queue or not (based on the available agents count).

  2. Choose a queue from the list and select the Transfer option.

  3. A queue transfer request can be placed even if no active agent is available on the queue.

    1. Upon request, the request is placed in the queue. If an agent becomes available, the request is routed to that agent.

    2. If no agent becomes available, the request is removed from the queue after the TTL timer expires, No Agent Available is published and a notification is shown in the interaction history.

    3. If a user initiates another request and a request is already in process, the user will be notified with an error from the system.

  4. In the Message box in the Transfer to Queue dialog box, the agent can optionally type a message for the receiving agent. This message is then received by the other agent who is going to join the conversation. Click the Transfer button to transfer the conversation.

  5. The agent will see two notifications. One is a notification that "Conversation is closed due to CHAT TRANSFERRED" and another toaster notification "Transfer request placed successfully"

  6. The chat will be parked in the transferred queue on priority. The system will look for an available agent from the queue to route the conversation to an agent.

  7. The customer sees a notification, "Your request is being transferred to <queue-name>, please wait!", followed by another notification that, "Agent1 has left".

  8. If the other agent does not accept the request, the system keeps on looking for another agent for some time.

  9. If no agent is found, 

    1. The request is timed out.

    2. The customer will see a notification, "No agents were available".

Writing a note while transferring a request is an option thing for agents to describe something about the conversation to the transferee. 

In case, an agent receives a transferred request from another agent, 

  1. A transfer request notification will be received with the following information:

    1. Channel icon via which the request is placed (WhatsApp, Web, Facebook, etc.) 

    2. A button to Accept the request 

    3. Name of the customer if identified

    4. The optional notes are entered by the agent while transferring the conversation. (See point #3 above.)

  2. Click the Accept button to accept the conversation

  3. The customer will also be notified that 'You have joined the conversation'.

Transfer A Conversation To A Queue

Direct Transfer/Named Agent Transfer

Agents can transfer a conversation to another agent

Follow these steps to transfer via named agent
  1. Click the Agent Assistance button 

    on the control toolbar. The agent will see a dropdown containing the list of all the queues linked to CX Voice MRD with the following information:

    1. Queue Name (department name or any queue name)

    2. Number of agents available (ready + active) in the queue. This helps the agent decide whether this conversation should be transferred to the selected queue or not (based on the available agents count).

  2. Expand a queue to view the list of agents available on that particular queue.


  3. Choose an agent from the list and select the Transfer button image-20240305-074151.png , available upon hovering on the agent.

  4. The agent will see two notifications. One is a notification that "Agent transfer request has been placed" and another toaster notification "Transfer request placed successfully".

  5. The chat will be transferred to the selected agent based on their availability.

  6. On a successful transfer, the requested agent will see an incoming request notification with the following information:

    1. Channel icon via which the request is placed (CX Voice).

    2. A button to Accept the request.

    3. Name of the customer.

    4. Number of the customer.

  7. Click the Accept button to accept the conversation

Add Agents to Conference

This allows agents to add one or more agents to the conference with the customer. The recent implementation allows the customer to place a request on the queue even if there is no agent available on the queue.

When an agent is added to the conference, the conversation becomes a conferenced conversation. All newly added agents in the conference have the same level of rights and permissions as the first primary agent in the conversation. This also implies that if the first agent leaves the conversation, the conference will continue with the agents in the conversation. 

Follow the steps mention below
  1. Click 

    button on the control toolbar. A dropdown will appear with a list of all available queues with:

    1. Queue Name  

    2. Number of agents available (ready + active) in the queue

  2. Choose a queue name from the list and hit the Queue Conference button.

  3. A queue conference request can be placed even if no active agent is available on the queue.

    1. Upon request, the request is placed in the queue. If an agent becomes available, the request is routed to that agent.

    2. If no agent becomes available, the request is removed from the queue after the TTL timer expires, No Agent Available is published and a notification is shown in the interaction history.

    3. If a user initiates another request and a request is already in process, the user will be notified with an error from the system

  4. A Message box will appear in the Conference dialog box.

  5. Type a message for the receiving agent. This is an optional message. This message is then received by the other agent who is going to join the conversation.

  6. Then, click the Add to Conference button to make it a Conference Conversation

  7. The system looks for an available agent to be added as a Primary Participant to the conversation  The system will route the conversation to Agent2 

  8. The first agent can see a toaster notification that "a conference request has been placed successfully." 

  9. You will  see a notification in the Activity Timeline that the "Conference request has been successfully placed" and on the other hand

  10. An incoming conference request notification will be received to Agent2 (receiving agent) with the following information:

    1. A special indication that this is a Conference Chat request from Agent1

    2. Name of the identified/linked customer (if done by Agent)

    3. Note entered by Agent1 (if available) before placing the Conference request 

    4. A button to Accept the request

  11. By clicking the Accept button, Agent2  joins the conversation as the Primary Participant.

    1. Agent1 sees the notification that A2 has joined 

    2. The Customer sees the same notifications in the Conversation history on the Customer side

    3. Agent2 can send/receive Whisper messages with Agent1.

    4. Agent2 can also see all the message exchanges in the current conversation. 

    5. Agent2 will see the Customer Profile and all the Media Channels, Active Sessions of the customer (based on the permissions) along with the Conversation Data and the past conversation history 

    6. Agent2 can perform other operations based on the Primary Participant permissions.

  12.  Agent 2 can leave the chat

      1.  All other conversation participants will see a notification, "<agent-names> left the conversation"

  1. In case, Agent2 does not accept the request. 

      1. The system keeps on looking for another available agent from the selected queue until it finds one

  2. No agents available

    1. The request will be canceled.

    2. Agent1 sees a notification in the Activity Timeline such as, "No agents were available to join the conference conversation"

Adding an Agent to Conference


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