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Agent Not Ready Detail

Report Summary

Displays the details of all the reasons why the agents are not ready.

Report Columns

Following are the report columns



Agent Name

The name of the agent.

Agent ID

The ID of the agent.

Login Time

Show the time when the agent login.

Format year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds (2024-01-01 00:00:00)

Not Ready Reason

Show the reason why the agent goes in not-ready state.

State Change Time

Show the time when an agent goes in a not-ready state.

Format year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds (2024-01-01 00:00:00)


Shows the duration for which the agent remains in a NOT_READY state.

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Agent Not Ready Detail.gif

Report Filters

The following report filters are available

  • Date/Time - Choose the date to filter out the data. You may also select the date ranges to see the data falling under the said period

  • Agent - Select the agent/agents by name whose performance you want to analyze.

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