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Agent Productivity By Queue

Report Summary

Provides the concise summary of an agent's productivity by a queue, and also highlights the total number of tasks assigned to the agent per queue.

This report enables the business to analyze and monitor queue-wise agents' productivity and then can take necessary measures to improve the performance of agents by offering them different trainings.

Report Columns

Following are the report columns: 




Shows the date

Agent Name

Shows the name of the agent

Agent Extension

Shows the extension of the Agent

Agent Team

Shows the team name of the agent.

Queue Name

Shows the name of that particular queue of which the agent is part of

An agent could be a part of multiple queues. In this case, the report shows multiple records for the same agent to show the number of tasks statistics for each queue.

MRD Name

Shows the name of MRD which is associated to this queue. For instance CHAT or VOICE MRD


Total number of tasks offered to this particular agent from this specific queue


Total number of tasks handled on this specific queue by this particular agent


Shows the count of tasks of which the disposition is cancelled (the customer has left before the agent joined)


Shows the count of tasks of which the disposition is RONA (Ring on No Answer)

Transferred IN

Shows the number of tasks of this particular queue which are received from another agent to this agent.

Transferred OUT

Shows the number of tasks of this particular queue which are transferred from this agent to another agent.

Conferenced IN

Shows the number of tasks of this particular queue which the agent receive as a conference request from another agent.

Agent Logout

Shows the count of tasks of which the task disposition is Logout. For details, see Agent Task Disposition ->  AGENT_LOGOUT 

Average Handle Duration

Shows the average time an agent takes to handle or close the task. This will be calculated as

SUM (task_end_time - task_answered_time)/COUNT (agent_task_id)

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Total Handle Duration

Total time the agent spends in handling the tasks. This will be calculated as

SUM(TIMESTAMP DIFF(SECOND, task_answered_time, task_end_time)

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Average Wrapup Duration

Shows the average wrapup time of chats/calls that end with wrapup.
This is the average wrapup time the agent takes in the wrapup state. This will be calculated as

SUM (task_wrapup_time - task_end_time) / Count of Total Wrapups

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Minimum Speed of Answer

Shows the minimum time it takes to answer a push-based request after being reserved. 
This is the shortest speed of answer (the time it takes the agent to accept the task since it began ringing on the Agent Desk. This will be calculated as

min (task_alert_duration)
Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Maximum Speed of Answer

Shows the maximum time it takes to answer a push-based request after being reserved. 
This is the longest speed of answer (the time it takes the agent to accept the task since it began ringing on the Agent Desk. This will be calculated as

max (task_alert_duration)
Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Average Speed of Answer

Shows the average time it takes to answer a push-based request after being reserved. 
This is the average speed of answer (the time it takes the agent to accept the task since it began ringing on the Agent Desk. This will be calculated as

SUM (task_alert_duration)/COUNT (agent_task_id)
Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Total Speed of Answer

Shows the total time it takes to answer all push-based requests after being reserved. 
This is the total speed of answer (the time it takes the agent to accept the task since it began ringing on the Agent Desk. This will be calculated as

sum (task_alert_duration)
Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)


Report Filters

The following report filters are available for filtering the reporting data:

  • Select Date - choose the date for which you want to filter out the data. You may also select date ranges to see the data falling under the said period. 

  • Agent - select the agent(s) by name whose productivity you want to analyze.

  • Queue - select the name of the queue(s) you want to see the data for.

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