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Conversation Data

Conversation Data is a set of dynamic key-value pairs that any 3rd party application may use to get, set, or update some information for an active Conversation object. All conversation control APIs including conversation data are mentioned on Conversation Control APIs.

Some use cases of Conversation Data are:

  • Set a customer's authentication status via an IVR or a bot

  • an agent's wrap-up may also be pushed as a Conversation Data

  • a survey score may also be pushed as a Conversation Data

  • any filled form may also be stored as a Conversation Data

  • Set a customer journey trial on an IVR application or a web-app as Conversation Data for the agent to know the customer's journey

  • Set a customer's intent for agent selection via a Conversation bot

  • Set a URL in the conversation via a bot to assist the agent in better handling the customer.  

  • Agents handling a conversation can see the real-time information passed into the Conversation Data about the conversation.

Conversation Data is available as part of the Conversation object for all kinds of historical and real-time reports. This information is also available to the Agent SDK / Agent Desk. 

See Agent’s Capability to view Conversation Data visible on the Agent Desk.

A conversation can have a maximum of 10 Conversation Data key-value pairs. 

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