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Expertflow CX provides integration with media channels including Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Viber, Web-Chat, and SMS. For further details on each of the supported channels, follow the relevant links below: 

Expertflow continues to add more digital channels in its list of supported media channels. You may develop your own chat channel following the Channel Connector Developer Guide.

Following are the CX supported digital channels and their capabilities.

(tick) Supported, (error) Not Supported, (minus) Not Applicable



Web Chat


(Via SMPP)

SMS/MMS Via Twilio


(Social Media)


(Direct Message)

WhatsApp Via Dialog360 & Meta Cloud API

WhatsApp Via Twilio



(Direct Message)


(Direct Message)

(Social Media)


Plain text

Plain text message in any supported language













Buttons Message













Video Message













Audio message













Image Message













File Message













URL Message







































Structured Messages

Viber Keyboards, FB Message Templates


























Contact Message













Location Message













List Message














Initiate a WebRTC session between the customer and the agent. The WebRTC session is started in a separate browser tab.













Voice Notes













Carousal Message

Rich Media Messaging













Outbound Message Templates

For example, WhatsApp Template Messages for outbound, Viber Broadcast messages













Email Capabilities

Following are the Email supported capabilities



Receive Incoming Emails


Send Reply to incoming Email


Send a new email to ongoing session’s customers only


Send outbound Email (to any customer)


Attachments supported in Incoming & Outgoing emails


Styling supported in Incoming & Outgoing emails


Signatures support (with dynamic Agent Details)


Email Thread with attachment


Reply at any level of Email Thread


Email Forwarding


Forward any level of Email Thread


Cc and Bcc support


Channel Capabilities for Voice

Following are the Voice Channel capabilities
Expertflow CX offers the following voice and video interaction features. Using CX Voice, a business can:



Receive inbound customer phone calls


  • Do a traditional or a conversational IVR treatment


  • Route calls to the most suitable customer care agent


Make Outbound Calls


  • Agents can make manual outbound calls


  • Contact center administrators can schedule agent-based and IVR campaigns


  • Connect via WebRTC using a customer widget or a mobile app for audio and video calls and screen-sharing


  • Automated self-service via traditional and conversational IVR.


Direct Transfer For Calls


  • Agents can directly transfer calls on the configured voice queues.


  • Agents can transfer calls directly to specific agents.


Consult For Calls

  • Agents can perform consult calls on the configured voice queues.


  • Agents can perform consult calls with specific agents.


Consult Transfer For Calls

  • Agents can transfer the calls to consulted agents.


Silent Monitoring For Calls

  • Users can silently monitor ongoing customer calls.


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