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ETL Jobs

This document provides comprehensive technical documentation for each Mysql ETL job for the EFCX system.

The same process has been replicated for MSSQL ETL jobs as well.

1. allMySqlJobs ETL job:


This scheduler job (parent job) orchestrates the execution of multiple MySQL ETL jobs in a specified order. It ensures that each job is executed sequentially, handling both configuration-based and transaction-based ETLs.

Job Components

The job comprises several key components, each representing a step in the ETL process:

  1. tRunJob (Manages complex Job systems which need to execute one Job after another).

  2. ExceptionHandling (LogCatch)

1. Detailed Job components description:
  • Each tRunJob component runs a specific MySQL job.

  • Configuration-based ETL are designed to handle static data or settings that rarely change.

  • Transaction-based ETL are designed to handle dynamic/operational data and operations that occur frequently.


ETL job












Channel Type












Agent Task



Channel Session






Agent and Mrd states insert



Agent and Mrd states - update duration












Mrd Type


2. Exception Handling
  • LogCatch_1:

    • This component catches and logs exceptions that occur during the execution of the scheduler job.

    • It ensures that any errors are documented for troubleshooting and maintenance.

3. Execution Flow
  1. The scheduler job starts by executing tRunJob_0.

  2. Each subsequent tRunJob component is triggered upon the successful completion of the previous job.

  3. If any job fails, the LogCatch_1 component captures the error details.

  4. The process continues, completing all configuration and transational based jobs while following the linked order.

Job view


2. mysql_job_00_configs


This job is designed to load the report configurations into the system. It specifically handles the following configurations:

  • Config 1: Conversation Transcript Download URL

  • Config 2: Conversation Transcript View URL

1. Execution Flow
  1. Start:

    • The job starts and initializes the necessary connections and settings.

    • This job consist of two child jobs (Load Configuration 1 and Load Configuration 2)

  2. Load Configuration 1: Conversation Transcript Download URL:

    • The tMysqlInput_1 component retrieves the existing configuration for the Conversation Transcript Download URL from the MySQL database.

    • The tMap_1 component processes and maps the retrieved data.

    • The tMysqlOutput_1 component writes the processed data back into the database.

    • The tLogRow_1 component logs the processed data for verification.

  3. Load Configuration 2: Conversation Transcript View URL:

    • The tMysqlInput_2 component retrieves the existing configuration for the Conversation Transcript View URL from the MySQL database.

    • The tMap_2 component processes and maps the retrieved data.

    • The tMysqlOutput_2 component writes the processed data back into the database.

    • The tLogRow_2 component logs the processed data for verification.

  4. Custom Processing (Optional):

    • The tJavaRow component executes any custom Java code required for additional processing or calculations on the configuration data.

  5. Exception Handling:

    • The LogCatch component captures and logs any exceptions that occur during the job execution for troubleshooting and maintenance.

  6. End:

    • The job completes, and all connections and resources are closed and released.

2. Job View


This structured flow ensures that the report configurations for the Conversation Transcript Download URL and View URL are loaded accurately and efficiently into the database.

3. mysql_job_01_Bot


This job manages the records of a bot configured in the system. The job handles the insertion and updating of bot details, ensuring that each bot's details are correctly maintained in the database.

1. Execution Flow
  1. Start:

    • The job starts and initializes the necessary connections and settings.

  2. Bot - Insert / Update:

    • The tMysqlInput_1 component retrieves the existing bot data from the MySQL database.

    • The tMap_1 component processes and maps the retrieved data.

    • The tMysqlOutput_1 component writes the processed data into the database. This can involve inserting new bot records or updating existing ones based on the conditions set.

    • The tLogRow_1 component logs the processed data for verification.

  3. Bot - Update:

    • The tMysqlInput_2 component retrieves specific bot data that needs to be updated.

    • The tMap_2 component processes and maps the data for updating.

    • The tMysqlOutput_2 component writes the updated data back into the database.

    • The tLogRow_2 component logs the processed data for verification.

  4. Exception Handling:

    • The LogCatch component captures and logs any exceptions that occur during the job execution for troubleshooting and maintenance.

  5. End:

    • The job completes, and all connections and resources are closed and released.

  6. This structured flow ensures that the bot records are accurately inserted and updated in the database, maintaining the integrity and correctness of the bot configuration details.

2. Job View


4. mysql_job_02_agent


This job manages the records of an agent in the system. The job handles the insertion and updating of agent details, ensuring that each agent's details are correctly maintained in the database. Additionally, it updates the is_deleted column to TRUE if an agent is deleted from the source.

1. Execution Flow
  1. Start:

    • The job starts and initializes the necessary connections and settings.

  2. Agent - Insert / Update:

    • The tMysqlInput_1 component retrieves the existing agent data from the MySQL database.

    • The tMap_1 component processes and maps the retrieved data.

    • The tMysqlOutput_1 component writes the processed data back into the database. This can involve inserting new agent records or updating existing ones based on the conditions set.

    • The tLogRow_1 component logs the processed data for verification.

  3. Update is_deleted column to TRUE if agent deleted from source:

    • The tMysqlInput_2 component retrieves agent data that has been marked as deleted from the source.

    • The tMap_2 component processes and maps the data for updating the is_deleted column to TRUE.

    • The tMysqlOutput_2 component writes the updated data back into the database, setting the is_deleted column to TRUE for the appropriate records.

    • The tLogRow_2 component logs the processed data for verification.

  4. Exception Handling:

    • The LogCatch component captures and logs any exceptions that occur during the job execution for troubleshooting and maintenance.

  5. End:

    • The job completes, and all connections and resources are closed and released.

This structured flow ensures that the agent records are accurately inserted, updated, and marked as deleted in the database, maintaining the integrity and correctness of the agent configuration details.

2. Job View


5. mysql_job_03_ChannelType


A channel type describes the type/class of the channels, for example, WHATSAPP, SMS, WEB. Multiple channels of a channel type can be created.

1. Execution Flow
  1. Start: The job starts and initializes the necessary context variables and connections.

  2. Extract Data: The tMongoDBInput_ChannelType component extracts channel type data from the source database.

  3. Transform Data: The extracted data is passed to the tMap_ChannelType component, which maps and transforms the input data.

  4. Load Data: The transformed data is sent to the tMySQLOutput_ChannelType component to load the channel type data into the target database.

  5. Log Exceptions: The tLogCatcher_ChannelType component logs any exceptions that occur during the main ETL process.

  6. Exception Handling: The tLogCatcher_ExceptionHandling component catches and logs exceptions.

  7. End: The job finalizes the process and closes any open connections.

2. Job View

6. mysql_job_04_Channel


A channel instance is created when a new communication channel is registered by the system. It includes all the configuration details of a channel, such as the channel name, service identifier, channel mode, etc. A channel is of a particular channel type. For instance, we can create two channels WhatsApp-external and WhatsApp-internal, both of a channel type WHATSAPP.

This ETL job handles the following tasks:

  1. Insert or update channel information.

  2. Update the "is_deleted" column to TRUE if a channel is deleted from the source.

1. Execution Flow

  1. Start: The job starts and initializes the necessary context variables and connections.

Channel - Insert / Update
  1. Extract Data: The tMongoDbInput_Channelextract channel data from channel collection of mongoDB.

  2. Transform Data: The extracted data is passed to the tMap_Channel component, which splits the data into streams for updating matched records (updateMatchedRecords) and inserting unmatched records (insertUnmatchedRecords).

  3. Load Data:

    • The updateMatchedRecords stream is sent to the tMySQLOutput_UpdateChannel component to update existing channel records.

    • The insertUnmatchedRecords stream is sent to the tMySQLOutput_InsertChannel component to insert new channel records.

  4. Log Exceptions: The tLogCatcher_Channel component logs any exceptions that occur during the insert/update process.

Update "is_deleted" column to TRUE if channel deleted from source
  1. Extract Deleted Data: The tMysqlInput_DeletedChannel retrieves channel data that has been marked as deleted from the source.

  2. Transform Deleted Data: The extracted deleted data is passed to the tMap_UpdateDeleted component for mapping.

  3. Load Deleted Data: The mapped data is sent to the tMySQLOutput_UpdateDeleted component to update the "is_deleted" column to TRUE for the corresponding channels.

  4. Log Exceptions: The tLogCatcher_UpdateDeleted component logs any exceptions that occur during the update process.

  5. Exception Handling: The tLogCatcher_ExceptionHandling component catches and logs exceptions.

  6. End: The job finalizes the process and closes any open connections.

2. Job View


7. mysql_job_05_Queue


This ETL job manages the properties of a routing queue. Whenever a human agent is required for a conversation, a request to assign an agent is created by the system and offered to a routing queue. The properties of a single routing queue are inserted as a single record in this table.

This ETL job handles the following tasks:

  1. Insert or update queue information.

  2. Update the "isDeleted" column to TRUE when the queue is deleted from the source database.

1. Execution Flow

  1. Start: The job starts and initializes the necessary context variables and connections.

Queue - Insert / Update
  1. Extract Data: The tMongoDBInput_1 (precisionQueues) component reads queue data from a MongoDB database.

  2. Transform Data: The extracted data is passed to the tMap_1 component, which splits the data into streams for updating matched records (UpdateExistingRows) and inserting unmatched records (InsertUnmatchedRecords).

  3. Load Data:

    • The UpdateExistingRows stream is sent to the tMySQLOutput_UpdateQueue component to update existing queue records.

    • The InsertUnmatchedRecords stream is sent to the tMySQLOutput_InsertQueue component to insert new queue records.

  4. Log Exceptions: The tLogCatcher component logs any exceptions that occur during the insert/update process.

Update "isDeleted" column to TRUE when the queue is deleted from source DB
  1. Extract Deleted Data: The tMySqlDBInput_2 (queue) component reads queue data marked as deleted from a Mysql database.

  2. Transform Deleted Data: The extracted deleted data is passed to the tMap_2 component for mapping.

  3. Load Deleted Data: The mapped data is sent to the tMySQLOutput_UpdateDeletedQueue component to update the "isDeleted" column to TRUE for the corresponding queues.

  4. Log Exceptions: The tLogCatcher component logs any exceptions that occur during the update process.

  5. End: The job finalizes the process and closes any open connections.

2. Job View

7. mysql_job_06_conversations


The mysql_job_06_conversations job performs ETL operations over conversations in the EFCX system. This job consists of three individual child jobs:

  1. Conversation

  2. Conversation Participant

  3. Conversation Data

Each child job involves different components and targets different tables.

Detailed Job Components Description

1. Conversation ETL Job
  1. conversation tDBInput_1 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Fetches the end_time value from the conversation table to get the time of the last record being dumped.

    • Component Description: Retrieves the most recent end_time from the conversation table to determine the starting point for fetching new data.

  2. tJava

    • Purpose: Implements batch data extraction logic.

    • Component Description: Contains Java code to calculate the number of batches needed for processing.

    • Formula:

      totalBatches = Math.ceil(recordCount / (double) batchSize); 
      context.batch_number = totalBatches;
  3. tLoop

    • Purpose: Handles job run in a loop depending on the value of context.batch_number.

    • Component Description: Uses the calculated batch number to iterate the job execution for fetching and processing data in batches.

  4. tRest_1

    • Purpose: Uses an API of the historical reports manager component to fetch the required data.

    • API URL: <FQDN>/historical-reports/stats/conversation?endTime=1900-01-01T00:00:00.000Z&limit=100

    • Component Description: Makes a REST API call to fetch conversation data from the historical reports manager component.

  5. tExtractJsonFields_1

    • Purpose: Extracts the desired data from JSON fields based on the JSONPath or XPath query.

    • Component Description: Parses the JSON response received from the API and extracts the necessary fields for transformation and loading.

  6. tJavaRow

    • Purpose: Provides a code editor to enter Java code applied to each row of the flow.

    • Component Description: Maps the input_row with output_row and sends the mapped data to the tMap component.

  7. tMap

    • Purpose: Performs data transformation and mapping.

    • Component Description: Maps and transforms the data fields according to the target schema requirements.

  8. conversation tDBOutput_1 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Inserts the processed data into the MySQL conversation table.

    • Component Description: Writes the transformed conversation data into the conversation table in the MySQL database.

Execution Flow

  1. Start:

    • The job initializes necessary connections and settings.

  2. Fetch Last Record Time:

    • The conversation tDBInput_1 component retrieves the end_time of the last record dumped in the conversation table.

  3. Calculate Batches:

    • The tJava component calculates the total number of batches required based on the record count and batch size.

  4. Iterate Batches:

    • The tLoop component iterates the job execution based on the calculated batch number.

  5. Fetch Data via API:

    • The tRest_1 component calls the API to fetch conversation data starting from the last end_time.

  6. Extract JSON Fields:

    • The tExtractJsonFields_1 component parses the JSON response and extracts the required fields.

  7. Map Data:

    • The tJavaRow and tMap components transform and map the extracted data to match the target schema.

  8. Insert Data into MySQL:

    • The conversation tDBOutput_1 component inserts or updates the processed data into the MySQL conversation table.

  9. End:

    • The job completes, and all connections and resources are closed and released.

Job view for conversation child job

2. Conversation Participant ETL Job
  1. conversation_participant tDBInput_1 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Fetches the record_creation_time value from the conversation participant table to get the time of the last record being dumped.

    • Component Description: Retrieves the most recent record_creation_time from the conversation_participant table to determine the starting point for fetching new data.

  2. tJava

    • Purpose: Implements batch data extraction logic.

    • Component Description: Contains Java code to calculate the number of batches needed for processing.

      • Formula:

        totalBatches = Math.ceil(recordCount / (double) batchSize);
        context.batch_number = totalBatches;
  3. tLoop

    • Purpose: Handles job run in a loop depending on the value of context.batch_number.

    • Component Description: Uses the calculated batch number to iterate the job execution for fetching and processing data in batches.

  4. tRest_1

    • Purpose: Uses an API of the historical reports manager component to fetch the required data.

    • API URL: <FQDN>/historical-reports/stats/conversation/participant?endTime=<last_sync_time>&limit=100

    • Component Description: Makes a REST API call to fetch conversation participant data from the historical reports manager component.

  5. tExtractJsonFields_1

    • Purpose: Extracts the desired data from JSON fields based on the JSONPath or XPath query.

    • Component Description: Parses the JSON response received from the API and extracts the necessary fields for transformation and loading.

  6. tJavaRow

    • Purpose: Provides a code editor to enter Java code applied to each row of the flow.

    • Component Description: Maps the input_row with output_row and sends the mapped data to the tMap component.

  7. tMap

    • Purpose: Performs data transformation and mapping.

    • Component Description: Maps and transforms the data fields according to the target schema requirements.

  8. conversation_participant tDBOutput_1 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Inserts the processed data into the MySQL conversation_participant table.

    • Component Description: Writes the transformed conversation participant data into the conversation_participant table in the MySQL database.

Execution Flow for Conversation Participant

  1. Start:

    • The job initializes necessary connections and settings.

  2. Fetch Last Record Time:

    • The conversation_participant tDBInput_1 component retrieves the end_time of the last record dumped in the conversation_participant table.

  3. Calculate Batches:

    • The tJava component calculates the total number of batches required based on the record count and batch size.

  4. Iterate Batches:

    • The tLoop component iterates the job execution based on the calculated batch number.

  5. Fetch Data via API:

    • The tRest_1 component calls the API to fetch conversation participant data starting from the last end_time.

  6. Extract JSON Fields:

    • The tExtractJsonFields_1 component parses the JSON response and extracts the required fields.

  7. Map Data:

    • The tJavaRow and tMap components transform and map the extracted data to match the target schema.

  8. Insert Data into MySQL:

    • The conversation_participant tDBOutput_1 component inserts the processed data into the MySQL conversation_participant table.

  9. End:

    • The job completes, and all connections and resources are closed and released.

Job view for conversation participant child job

3. Conversation Data ETL Job
  1. tMongoDBInput (source)

    • Purpose: Extracts data from MongoDB based on a specific query.

    • MongoDB Query:

      { "$and": [ { "endTime": { "$gt": { "$date": "globalMap.get('conversation_last_sync_context')" } } }, { "conversationData": { "$exists": true, "$type": "object", "$ne": {} } } ] }

  2. tJavaRow

    • Purpose: Converts conversationDataObj into a JSONArray for further processing in tJavaFlex.

    • Component Description: Prepares the conversation data for iteration and transformation.

  3. tJavaFlex

    • Purpose: Iterates over the JSONArray and processes each key-value pair.

    • Code:

      for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
          JSONObject jsonObject1 = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
          Iterator<String> keysItr2 = jsonObject1.keys();
          while (keysItr2.hasNext()) {
              String key1 =;
              String value1 = jsonObject1.getString(key1);
              row9.key = key1;
              row9.value = value1;
    • Component Description: Iterates through the JSON array to extract key-value pairs for each conversation data entry.

  4. tMap

    • Purpose: Performs data transformation and mapping.

    • Component Description: Maps and transforms the data fields according to the target schema requirements.

  5. conversation_data tDBOutput (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Inserts or updates the processed data into the MySQL conversation_data table.

    • Component Description: Writes the transformed conversation data into the conversation_data table in the MySQL database.

Execution Flow for Conversation Data

  1. Start:

    • The job initializes necessary connections and settings.

  2. Fetch Data from MongoDB:

    • The tMongoDBInput component retrieves data from the MongoDB database based on the specified query.

  3. Add conversation data to JSON Array:

    • The tJavaRow component converts the conversationDataObj into a JSONArray.

  4. Process JSON Array:

    • The tJavaFlex component iterates over the JSONArray and extracts key-value pairs for each entry.

  5. Map Data:

    • The tMap component transforms and maps the extracted data to match the target schema.

  6. Insert Data into MySQL:

    • The conversation_data tDBOutput component inserts the processed data into the MySQL conversation_data table.

  7. End:

    • The job completes, and all connections and resources are closed and released.

Job view for conversation data child job


Complete Job view


8. mysql_job_07_agent_task


The purpose of this ETL job is to compute agent tasks. During a conversation, when a task is reserved for an agent, an agent task is created. The system processes various task states and task media states to compute agent tasks. The task states include ACTIVE, WRAP_UP, and CLOSED, while the task media states include QUEUED, RESERVED, ACTIVE, and CLOSED.
Learn more about Agent Task : Agent Task/Routing Task

The ETL job processes these task on the basis of task media states based on the routing mode (PUSH or PULL) and loads the transformed data into the agent_task table row by row. This means multiple rows may correspond to a single agent_task_id, each row representing a part of the conversation journey.


For Routing Mode = PUSH
  1. Agent Task QUEUED

    { "$and": [ {"recordCreationTime": {"$gt": {"$date": "'"+globalMap.get("agent_task_last_sync")+"'}}}, {"": "TASK_STATE_CHANGED"}, {"": {"$elemMatch": {"state": "QUEUED"}}}, {"": "PUSH"} ] }
  2. Agent Task RESERVED

    { "$and": [ {"recordCreationTime": {"$gt": {"$date": "'"+globalMap.get("agent_task_last_sync")+"'}}}, {"": "TASK_STATE_CHANGED"}, {"": {"$elemMatch": {"state": "RESERVED"}}}, {"": "PUSH"} ] }
  3. Agent Task ACTIVE

    { "$and": [ {"recordCreationTime": {"$gt": {"$date": "'"+globalMap.get("agent_task_last_sync")+"'}}}, {"": "TASK_STATE_CHANGED"}, {"": {"$elemMatch": {"state": "ACTIVE"}}}, {"": "PUSH"} ] }
  4. Agent Task CLOSED

    { "$and": [ {"recordCreationTime": {"$gt": {"$date": "'"+globalMap.get("agent_task_last_sync")+"'}}}, {"": "TASK_STATE_CHANGED"}, {"": {"$elemMatch": {"state": "CLOSED"}}}, {"": "PUSH"} ] }
For Routing Mode = PULL (For OUTBOUND/Agent Initiated conversations)

    { "$and": [ {"recordCreationTime": {"$gt": {"$date": "'"+globalMap.get("agent_task_last_sync")+"'}}}, {"": "TASK_STATE_CHANGED"}, {"": {"$elemMatch": {"state": "ACTIVE"}}}, {"": "PULL"} ] }


    { "$and": [ {"recordCreationTime": {"$gt": {"$date": "'"+globalMap.get("agent_task_last_sync")+"'}}}, {"": "TASK_STATE_CHANGED"}, {"": {"$elemMatch": {"state": "CLOSED"}}}, {"": "PULL"} ] }

Components Description

  1. tDBInput_1 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Fetches the record_creation_time value from the agent_task table to get the time of the last record being dumped.

    • Component Description: Retrieves the most recent record_creation_time from the conversation_participant table to determine the starting point for fetching new data.

  2. tJava

    • Purpose: Implements batch data extraction logic.

    • Component Description: Contains Java code to calculate the number of batches needed for processing.

    • Formula:

      totalBatches = Math.ceil(recordCount / (double) batchSize); 
      context.batch_number = totalBatches;
  3. tLoop

    • Purpose: Handles job run in a loop depending on the value of context.batch_number.

    • Component Description: Uses the calculated batch number to iterate the job execution for fetching and processing data in batches.

  4. tMongoDBInput_1 (CustomerTopicEvents)

    • Purpose: Extraction based on the above mentioned queries.

  5. tJavaRow

    • Purpose: Provides a code editor to enter Java code applied to each row of the flow.

    • Component Description: Maps the input_row with output_row and sends the mapped data to the tMap component.

  6. tMap

    • Purpose: Performs data transformation and mapping.

    • Component Description: Maps and transforms the data fields according to the target schema requirements.

  7. tDBOutput_1 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Inserts the processed data into the MySQL agent_task table.

    • Component Description: Writes the transformed agent task data into the agent_task table in the MySQL database.

Execution Flow

  1. Start: The job starts and initializes the necessary context variables and connections.

For each sub-job (e.g., Agent Task QUEUED, RESERVED, ACTIVE, CLOSED)
  1. Extract Data: The tMongoDBInput_1 (CustomerTopicEvents) component reads data based on the specified query.

  2. Transform Data: The extracted data is passed to the tJavaRow component for mapping and transformation.

  3. Load Data: The transformed data is sent to the tMap component for further processing and then loaded into the MySQL agent_task table using the tDBOutput_1 component.

  4. Log Exceptions: The tLogCatcher component logs any exceptions that occur during the process.

  5. End: The job finalizes the process and closes any open connections.

View for all the sub jobs of Agent Task ETL job


9. mysql_job_08_ChannelSession


The mysql_job_08_ChannelSession job performs ETL operations for channel session instances in the system. A channel session instance is created when a customer's new chat session is started on a particular channel, such as WhatsApp or SMS. Each chat session on different channels results in a new channel session instance. The channel session instance ends when the chat is over on the associated channel.

Execution Flow for Channel Session Data

  1. Start:

    • The job initializes necessary connections and settings.

  2. Fetch Data from MySQL:

    • The channel_session tDBInput component retrieves the most recent record_creation_time from the channel_session table to determine the starting point for fetching new data.

  3. Calculate Batches:

    • The tJava component calculates the number of batches needed for processing using the formula:

      totalBatches = Math.ceil(recordCount / (double) batchSize);
       context.batch_number = totalBatches;
  4. Iterate with Loop:

    • The tLoop component iterates the job execution for fetching and processing data in batches.

  5. Fetch Data from API:

    • The tRest_1 component makes a REST API call to fetch channel session data from the historical reports manager component using the URL: https://<FQDN>//historical-reports/stats/channelSession?endTime=<channel_session_last_sync>&limit=<context.batch_size>.

  6. Extract JSON Fields:

    • The tExtractJsonFields_1 component parses the JSON response and extracts the necessary fields for transformation and loading.

  7. Map Data:

    • The tMap component maps and transforms the data fields according to the target schema requirements.

  8. Insert Data into MySQL:

    • The channel_session tDBOutput component inserts or updates the processed data into the MySQL channel_session table.

  9. End:

    • The job completes, and all connections and resources are closed and released.

Job View


10. mysql_job_09_Wrapup


The purpose of this ETL job is to process wrap-ups and wrap-up notes associated with conversations handled by agents. Wrap-ups are concluding notes added to conversations to summarize what the conversation was about. Agents can provide wrap-ups during or after the conversation, and they can also add notes independently at any time. This ETL job consists of two sub-jobs: one for processing wrap-ups and another for wrap-up notes.

1. Wrapups

Source: CustomerTopicEvents (tMongoDBInput_1)


{ "$and": [ {"": "WRAPUP"}, {"": {"$exists": true, "$type": "array", "$ne": []}}, {"recordCreationTime": {"$gt": {"$date": "'"+globalMap.get("wrapup_last_sync")+"'"}}} ] }
2. Wrapup Notes

Source: CustomerTopicEvents (tMongoDBInput_1)


{ "$and": [ {"": "WRAPUP"}, {"": {"$exists": true, "$type": "array", "$eq": []}}, {"recordCreationTime": {"$gt": {"$date": "'"+globalMap.get("wrapup_last_sync")+"'"}}} ] }

Components Description

  1. tDBInput_1 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Fetches the record_creation_time value from the wrapup_detail table to get the time of the last record being dumped.

    • Component Description: Retrieves the most recent record_creation_time from the wrapup_detail table to determine the starting point for fetching new data.

  2. tJava

    • Purpose: Implements batch data extraction logic.

    • Component Description: Contains Java code to calculate the number of batches needed for processing.

    • Formula:

      totalBatches = Math.ceil(recordCount / (double) batchSize); 
      context.batch_number = totalBatches;
  3. tLoop

    • Purpose: Handles job run in a loop depending on the value of context.batch_number.

    • Component Description: Uses the calculated batch number to iterate the job execution for fetching and processing data in batches.

  4. tMongoDBInput_1 (CustomerTopicEvents)

    • Purpose: Extraction based on the mentioned queries.

  5. tJavaRow

    • Purpose: Provides a code editor to enter Java code applied to each row of the flow.

    • Component Description: Maps the input_row with output_row and sends the mapped data to the tMap component.

  6. tMap

    • Purpose: Performs data transformation and mapping.

    • Component Description: Maps and transforms the data fields according to the target schema requirements.

  7. tDBOutput_1 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Inserts the processed data into the MySQL wrapup_detail table.

    • Component Description: Writes the transformed wrap-up data into the wrapup_detail table in the MySQL database.

Execution Flow

  1. Start: The job starts and initializes the necessary context variables and connections.

For each sub-job (e.g., Wrapups, Wrapup Notes)
  1. Extract Data: The tMongoDBInput_1 (CustomerTopicEvents) component reads data based on the specified query.

  2. Transform Data: The extracted data is passed to the tJavaRow component for mapping and transformation.

  3. Load Data: The transformed data is sent to the tMap component for further processing and then loaded into the MySQL wrapup_detail table using the tDBOutput_1 component.

  4. Log Exceptions: The tLogCatcher component logs any exceptions that occur during the process.

  5. End: The job finalizes the process and closes any open connections.

Job View


11. mysql_job_10_a_AgentAndMrdStates_insert


This ETL job loads the agent and agent MRD (Media Routing Domain) states into a historical database. The agent state data provides information about the current state of the agent, while the MRD state data provides information about the states of different media routing domains that the agent is handling. The duration of the states is also recorded, with specific values indicating the current state or logout events.

Child Jobs

1. Agent State

Source: agentStateChangeEvents (tMongoDBInput_1)


{ "$and": [ {"name": "AGENT_STATE_CHANGED"}, {"data.agentStateChanged": true}, {"data.agentPresence.stateChangeTime": {"$gt": {"$date": "'"+globalMap.get("agent_state_last_sync")+"'"}}} ] }

Target Table: agent_state (MySQL)

2. Agent MRD State

Source: agentStateChangeEvents (tMongoDBInput_1)


{ "$and": [ {"data.agentPresence.agentMrdStates": {"$elemMatch": {"stateChangeTime": {"$gt": {"$date": "'"+globalMap.get("agent_mrd_state_last_sync")+"'"}}}}}, { "$or": [ {"$and": [{"name": "AGENT_STATE_CHANGED"}, {"data.agentStateChanged": false}]}, {"$and": [ {"name": "AGENT_STATE_CHANGED"}, {"data.agentStateChanged": true}, {"": {"$ne": "READY"}} ]} ] } ] }

Target Table: agent_mrd_state (MySQL)

Components Description

  1. Load Agent State Last Sync

    • Component: tDBInput_1 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Fetches the last synchronization time(end_time) for agent states from the agent_state table.

    • Component Description: Retrieves the most recent stateChangeTime to determine the starting point for fetching new agent state data.

  2. Load Agent MRD State Last Sync

    • Component: tDBInput_2 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Fetches the last synchronization time(end_time) for agent MRD states from the agent_mrd_state table.

    • Component Description: Retrieves the most recent stateChangeTime to determine the starting point for fetching new agent MRD state data.

  3. Agent State Extraction and Transformation

    • Component: tMongoDBInput_1 (agentStateChangeEvents)

    • Purpose: Extracts agent state data based on the specified query.

    • Component: tMap_1

    • Purpose: Maps and transforms the agent state data according to the target schema requirements.

    • Target Table: agent_state (MySQL)

  4. Agent MRD State Extraction and Transformation

    • Component: tMongoDBInput_2 (agentStateChangeEvents)

    • Purpose: Extracts agent MRD state data based on the specified query.

    • Component: tJavaRow_1

    • Purpose: Applies Java code to process each row of the extracted data.

    • Component: tJavaFlex_1

    • Purpose: Additional transformation logic for the MRD state data.

    • Target Table: agent_mrd_state (MySQL)

Execution Flow

  1. Start: The job starts and initializes the necessary context variables and connections.

For each sub-job (e.g., Agent State, Agent MRD State)
  1. Load Last Sync Time: The tDBInput components fetch the last synchronization times for both agent states and agent MRD states.

  2. Extract Data: The tMongoDBInput components read data based on the specified queries.

  3. Transform Data: The extracted data is passed through the tMap, tJavaRow, and tJavaFlex components for mapping and transformation.

  4. Load Data: The transformed data is sent to the agent_state and agent_mrd_state tables in the MySQL database using the appropriate tDBOutput components.

  5. Log Exceptions: The tLogCatcher component logs any exceptions that occur during the process.

  6. End: The job finalizes the process and closes any open connections.

Job View


12. mysql_job_10_b_AgentAndMrdStates_updateDuration


This ETL job updates the duration of agent states and agent MRD (Media Routing Domain) states in the historical database. The duration indicates the time an agent or MRD has spent in a particular state. A duration of -1 means the agent or MRD is currently in this state, and a duration of 0 means the agent or MRD has logged out.

Components Description

For Updating Agent State Duration
  1. tDBConnection_1 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Establishes a connection to the MySQL database.

  2. tDBRow_1 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Executes the SQL query to update the duration of agent states.

    • Query:

    UPDATE agent_state a1
    JOIN (
            LEAD(state_change_time) OVER (PARTITION BY login_date_time, agent_id ORDER BY state_change_time ASC) AS next_state_time,
            TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, state_change_time, LEAD(state_change_time) OVER (PARTITION BY login_date_time, agent_id ORDER BY state_change_time ASC)) AS duration
        FROM agent_state
    ) a2 ON a1.login_date_time = a2.login_date_time
        AND a1.agent_id = a2.agent_id
        AND a1.state_change_time = a2.state_change_time
    SET a1.duration = a2.duration
     a1.duration = -1 
    AND a2.next_state_time IS NOT NULL;

  3. tDBCommit_1 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Commits the transaction to ensure the changes are saved in the database.

For Updating Agent MRD State Duration
  1. tDBRow_2 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Executes the SQL query to update the duration of agent MRD states.

    • Query:

    UPDATE agent_mrd_state a1
    JOIN (
            LEAD(state_change_time) OVER (PARTITION BY login_date_time, agent_id, mrd_id ORDER BY state_change_time ASC) AS next_state_time,
            TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, state_change_time, LEAD(state_change_time) OVER (PARTITION BY login_date_time, agent_id, mrd_id ORDER BY state_change_time ASC)) AS duration
        FROM agent_mrd_state
    ) a2 ON a1.login_date_time = a2.login_date_time
        AND a1.agent_id = a2.agent_id
        AND a1.state_change_time = a2.state_change_time
        AND a1.mrd_id = a2.mrd_id
    SET a1.duration = a2.duration
     a1.duration = -1 AND
     a2.next_state_time IS NOT NULL;
  2. tDBCommit_2 (MySQL)

    • Purpose: Commits the transaction to ensure the changes are saved in the database.

Execution Flow

  1. Start: The job starts and initializes the necessary context variables and connections.

For Updating Agent State Duration
  1. Establish Connection: The tDBConnection_1 component establishes a connection to the MySQL database.

  2. Execute Query: The tDBRow_1 component runs the SQL query to update the duration of agent states.

  3. Commit Changes: The tDBCommit_1 component commits the transaction to save the changes in the database.

For Updating Agent MRD State Duration
  1. Execute Query: The tDBRow_2 component runs the SQL query to update the duration of agent MRD states.

  2. Commit Changes: The tDBCommit_2 component commits the transaction to save the changes in the database.

  3. End: The job finalizes the process and closes any open connections.

Job View


13. mysql_job_11_MediaRoutingDomain


The mysql_job_11_MediaRoutingDomain job is designed to perform ETL operations for Media Routing Domains (MRDs) in the system. MRDs are configurations that define the routing of media types (e.g., voice, chat, email) within the contact center system.
Learn more :

1. Execution Flow
  1. Start:

    • The job starts and initializes the necessary connections and settings.

  2. Agent - Insert / Update:

    • The tMysqlInput_1 component retrieves the existing MRD data from the MySQL database.

    • The tMap_1 component processes and maps the retrieved data.

    • The tMysqlOutput_1 component writes the processed data back into the database. This can involve inserting new agent records or updating existing ones based on the conditions set.

    • The tLogRow_1 component logs the processed data for verification.

  3. Update is_deleted column to TRUE if agent deleted from source:

    • The tMysqlInput_2 component retrieves agent data that has been marked as deleted from the source.

    • The tMap_2 component processes and maps the data for updating the is_deleted column to TRUE.

    • The tMysqlOutput_2 component writes the updated data back into the database, setting the is_deleted column to TRUE for the appropriate records.

    • The tLogRow_2 component logs the processed data for verification.

  4. Exception Handling:

    • The LogCatch component captures and logs any exceptions that occur during the job execution for troubleshooting and maintenance.

  5. End:

    • The job completes, and all connections and resources are closed and released.

Job View


14. mysql_job_12_IVR


This ETL job loads data from the IVR_AGGREGATED_ACTIVITY event into a historical database. It extracts records from a MongoDB source based on a specific query and inserts valid records into a MySQL target table while handling any exceptions.

Components Description

Main Job Flow
  1. tJava_1 (Calculation)

    • Purpose: Performs batch size calculations and context initializations before loading the IVR last sync time.

    • Type: Custom Java code execution.

  2. tJavaRow_1 (Load IVR Last Sync)

    • Purpose: Loads the last synchronization time for IVR records.

    • Type: Executes a custom Java code to retrieve the last sync time and set it in global variable.

  3. tJavaRow_3 (Load IVR Last Sync)

    • Purpose: Another component for loading the IVR last sync time, possibly for different scope or retry mechanism.

    • Type: Executes custom Java code.

  4. tJava_3 (Increment)

    • Purpose: Increments the batch iterator or handles loop continuation.

    • Type: Custom Java code execution.

  5. tMongoDBInput (CustomerTopicEvents)

    • Purpose: Extracts records from the MongoDB source.

    • Query:

        "$and": [
            { "recordCreationTime": { "$gt": { "$date": '"+globalMap.get("ivr_last_sync")+"' } } },
            { "cimEvent.type": "ACTIVITY" },
            { "": "IVR_AGGREGATED_ACTIVITY" }
  6. tMap_1 (IVR - Insert)

    • Purpose: Maps the extracted data from MongoDB to the MySQL target structure.

    • Type: Data mapping component.

  7. tDBOutput (Insert IVR Records)

    • Purpose: Inserts valid IVR records into the MySQL target table.

  8. tDBOutput (IVR - Valid Records)

    • Purpose: logs valid records into the main MySQL target table.

  9. tDBOutput (IVR - Rejected Records)

    • Purpose: logs rejected records into a separate MySQL table for further inspection.

Batch Processing
  1. tLoop_1 (Batch Iterator)

    • Purpose: Iterates through batches of data for processing.

    • Type: Loop iteration component.

  2. tJava_2 (Batch Iterator)

    • Purpose: Custom Java code for batch iteration logic.

Exception Handling
  1. tLogCatcher_1 (Exceptions Handling)

    • Purpose: Captures and logs exceptions that occur during the ETL process.

    • Type: Log catcher component.

  2. tLogRow_2 (Log Exceptions)

    • Purpose: Logs captured exceptions for debugging and analysis.

    • Type: Log output component.

Execution Flow

  1. Start: The job starts and initializes necessary context variables and connections.

  2. Load IVR Last Sync: Retrieves the last synchronization time for IVR records using tJavaRow_1 and tJavaRow_3.

  3. Batch Iteration: Iterates through batches of data using tLoop_1 and tJava_2.

  4. Extract Data: Extracts data from the MongoDB source based on the query using tMongoDBInput.

  5. Map Data: Maps the extracted data to the target structure using tMap_1.

  6. Insert Valid Records: Inserts valid IVR records into the MySQL target table using tDBOutput.

  7. Insert Rejected Records: logs rejected records for further inspection using tDBOutput_rejected records.

  8. Increment Batch: Increments the batch iterator using tJava_3.

  9. Exception Handling: Captures and logs any exceptions using tLogCatcher_1 and tLogRow_2.

  10. End: The job finalizes the process and closes any open connections.

Job View


15. mysql_job_13_List


This ETL job is designed to record the properties of routing lists. Whenever a human agent is required for a conversation, a request is created by the system and appears in a routing list. This job ensures that the properties of each routing list are inserted as a single record into the target table.

Execution Flow

  1. Start: The job begins by initializing the necessary components and connections.

  2. Extract Data: The tMongoDBInput component extracts records from the routingLists collection in MongoDB based on the defined query.

  3. Map Data: The tMap component maps the extracted data to the schema of the MySQL target table.

  4. Insert Records: The tDBOutput component inserts the transformed data into the routing_list table in the MySQL database.

  5. End: The job completes the process by closing any open connections and finalizing the execution.


  • Configurational ETL: This job is primarily a configurational ETL, focusing on inserting or updating records related to routing lists in the target database.

  • Exception Handling: Ensure that any errors or issues encountered during data extraction or insertion are properly logged and managed.

Job View


16. mysql_job_14_MrdType


This ETL job is designed to manage and update the MrdType supporting table used for the media routing domain. It ensures that the MrdType information is up-to-date in the target database by performing insert, update, and delete operations as required.

Example MongoDB Document for MrdType

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "64f6edf8b89b71cc6cb60917"
  "name": "CHAT",
  "managedByRe": true,
  "autoJoin": true,
  "interruptible": true,
  "_class": "com.ef.cim.objectmodel.MrdType"

Execution Flow

  1. Start: The job begins by initializing the necessary components and connections.

  2. Extract Data: The tMongoDBInput component extracts records from the mrdType collection in MongoDB (routing engine database).

  3. Map Data: The tMap component maps the extracted data to the schema of the MySQL target table.

  4. Update Existing Records: The tDBOutput component updates records in the mrd_type table if changes are detected.

  5. Insert New Records: The tDBOutput component inserts new records into the mrd_type table if they do not already exist.

  6. Mark Records as Deleted: The tDBOutput component updates the isDeleted field to TRUE for records that have been deleted from the source MongoDB collection.

  7. Exception Handling: The tLogCatcher component captures and logs any exceptions during the ETL process.

  8. End: The job completes the process by closing any open connections and finalizing the execution.


  • Supporting Table: This job manages a supporting table for the media routing domain, ensuring that the MrdType information is accurate and up-to-date.

  • Exception Handling: Proper exception handling is in place to ensure that any errors or issues are logged and managed appropriately.

Job View


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