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Migrate to TLS enabled StatefulSets


This procedure requires an outage for production. Please plan accordingly

To migrate to the TLS-enabled components, all the existing deployments for Redis, Mongo, PostgreSQL, and ActiveMQ


Before proceeding with the migration to TLS-enabled release, please take a backup of all the applications using the guide available at Mongo, PostgreSQL Backup/Restore Procedure for EF-CX on Kubernetes (manual procedure)

Once the backup has been taken, follow this guide to enable TLS for StatefulSets artifacts.

Change your working directory

cd ~/cim-solution/kubernetes

Upgrade Mongo to enable TLS/Auth

Uninstall the Mongo Helm chart

helm -n ef-external delete mongo

Once the chart is removed, install the chart from the appropriate release with TLS and Auth enabled

helm upgrade --install --namespace ef-external --values=external/bitnami/mongo/value.yaml mongo external/bitnami/mongo

Once the Mongo deployment is ready, restore the previous backup mentioned in this guide.

Upgrade Redis to enable TLS/Auth

Uninstall the existing Redis deployment

helm -n ef-external delete redis

Deploy the Redis chart from the latest release with TLS and Auth enabled

helm upgrade --install --namespace ef-external  --values=external/bitnami/redis/values.yaml redis external/bitnami/redis

Upgrade PostgreSQL to enable TLS/Auth

Uninstall the existing PostgreSQL helm chart

helm -n ef-external delete ef-postgresql

Upgrade the Postgresql using the latest TLS/Auth-enabled release

helm upgrade --install --namespace ef-external --values=external/bitnami/postgresql/values.yaml ef-postgreql external/bitnami/postgresql

Once the PostgreSQL deployment is ready, restore the backup.


After enabling TLS, we can verify it by following these steps:-

  1. list all pods in namespace ef-external

kubectl get pods -n ef-external

the output will be similar to this

  1. Identify the pod you want to verify and run the following command after updating the pod name.

kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n ef-external

the output will be as follows, scroll to Environment to get the tlsCertificateKeyFile and tlsCAFile directories as mentioned below:-


3. Now exec into the client pod using the following command:-

 kubectl run --namespace ef-external mongo-mongodb-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --env="MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD" --image --command -- bash

  1. now run the following connection string to connect to the pod:-

mongosh admin --host "mongo-mongodb" --authenticationDatabase admin -u root -p $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD --tls  --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames  --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates --tlsCertificateKeyFile <tlsCertificateKeyFile >  --tlsCAFile <tlsCAFile>
  1. Once the connection is established, the verification is completed.

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