TLS Enablement for Stateful Components
This procedures requires redeployment of existing solution to enable SSL/TLS support in mongodb, redis, postgresql and activeMQ. Please take backup before proceeding with the procedure below and then restore when completed. For further details please consult Mongo, PostgreSQL Backup/Restore Procedure for EF-CX on Kubernetes ( manual procedure )
Deploy Static Certificates:-
Copy the CX-4.5.2/cim-solution/kubernetes/external-tls-secrets
and paste in current release cim-solution/kubernetes
CD into the following directory of the current release:-
cd cim-solution/kubernetes
apply TLS secrets for external components:-
kubectl apply -f external-tls-secrets/
Update the following values in the values.yaml
file under cim-solution/kubernetes/external/bitnami/redis
## @param tls.enabled Enable TLS traffic
enabled: true
## @param tls.authClients Require clients to authenticate
authClients: true
## @param tls.autoGenerated Enable autogenerated certificates
autoGenerated: false
## @param tls.existingSecret The name of the existing secret that contains the TLS certificates
existingSecret: "redis-crt"
## @param tls.certificatesSecret DEPRECATED. Use existingSecret instead.
certificatesSecret: ""
## @param tls.certFilename Certificate filename
certFilename: "tls.crt"
## @param tls.certKeyFilename Certificate Key filename
certKeyFilename: "tls.key"
## @param tls.certCAFilename CA Certificate filename
certCAFilename: "ca.crt"
Uninstall the Redis Helm Chart
helm -n ef-external delete redis
Delete the existing PVC for Redis
kubectl -n ef-external delete pvc redis-data-redis-master-0
Deploy the Redis using the helm command
helm upgrade --install=true --wait=true --timeout=10m0s --debug --namespace=ef-external --values=external/bitnami/redis/values.yaml redis external/bitnami/redis/
Once the Redis is deployed successfully, migrate the TLS certificate to Expertflow
namespace by executing
kubectl get secret redis-crt -n ef-external -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: ef-external/namespace: expertflow/' | kubectl create -f -
Manual Verification ( Optional)
Export all cert files using the following commands:-
mkdir /tmp/redis_certs/
CERTFILES=($(kubectl get secret redis-crt -n ef-external -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{$k}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'))
for f in ${CERTFILES[*]}; do kubectl get secret redis-crt -n ef-external -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{ if eq $k "'$f'"}}{{$v | base64decode}}{{end}}{{end}}' > /tmp/redis_certs/${f} 2>/dev/null; done
Export Redis Password:-
export REDIS_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace ef-external redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d)
Start a Redis client pod:-
kubectl run --namespace ef-external redis-client --env REDIS_PASSWORD=$REDIS_PASSWORD --image --command -- sleep infinity
Now you can mount the secret redis-crt
inside the client pods and use TLS certificates.
kubectl cp --namespace ef-external /tmp/redis_certs/tls.crt redis-client:/tmp/tls.crt
kubectl cp --namespace ef-external /tmp/redis_certs/tls.key redis-client:/tmp/tls.key
kubectl cp --namespace ef-external /tmp/redis_certs/ca.crt redis-client:/tmp/ca.crt
Exec into client pod:-
kubectl exec --tty -i redis-client \
--namespace ef-external -- bash
verify the connection using the following command in the client pod:-
I have no name!@redis-client:/$ REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_PASSWORD" redis-cli -h redis-master --tls --cert /tmp/tls.crt --key /tmp/tls.key --cacert /tmp/ca.crt redis-master:6379>
redis-master:6379> CONFIG GET databases
1) "databases"
2) "16"
Update the following values in the values.yaml
file under cim-solution/kubernetes/external/bitnami/postgresql
## @param tls.enabled Enable TLS traffic support
enabled: true
## @param tls.autoGenerated Generate automatically self-signed TLS certificates
autoGenerated: false
## @param tls.preferServerCiphers Whether to use the server's TLS cipher preferences rather than the client's
preferServerCiphers: true
## @param tls.certificatesSecret Name of an existing secret that contains the certificates
certificatesSecret: "ef-postgresql-crt"
## @param tls.certFilename Certificate filename
certFilename: "tls.crt"
## @param tls.certKeyFilename Certificate key filename
certKeyFilename: "tls.key"
## @param tls.certCAFilename CA Certificate filename
## If provided, PostgreSQL will authenticate TLS/SSL clients by requesting them a certificate
## ref:
certCAFilename: ""
Uninstall the PostgreSQL helm chart
helm -n ef-external delete ef-postgresql
Delete the PVC for postgresql
kubectl -n ef-external delete pvc data-ef-postgresql-0
Deploy the Postgresql using the helm command
helm upgrade --install=true --wait=true --timeout=10m0s --debug --namespace=ef-external --values=external/bitnami/postgresql/values.yaml ef-postgresql external/bitnami/postgresql
Once the Postgresql is deployed successfully, migrate the TLS certificate to Expertflow
namespace by executing
kubectl get secret ef-postgresql-crt -n ef-external -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: ef-external/namespace: expertflow/' | kubectl create -f -
Manual Verification ( optional )
export all cert files using the following commands:-
mkdir /tmp/postgresql_certs/
CERTFILES=($(kubectl get secret ef-postgresql-crt -n ef-external -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{$k}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'))
for f in ${CERTFILES[*]}; do kubectl get secret ef-postgresql-crt -n ef-external -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{ if eq $k "'$f'"}}{{$v | base64decode}}{{end}}' > /tmp/postgresql_certs/${f} 2>/dev/null; done
Export Postgres Password:-
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace ef-external ef-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d)
Start a Postgresql client pod by running this command:-
kubectl run ef-postgresql-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --namespace ef-external --image --env="PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" \
--command -- psql --host ef-postgresql -U sa -d licenseManager -p 5432
Now restore the backup for postgresql using Mongo, PostgreSQL Backup/Restore Procedure for EF-CX on Kubernetes ( manual procedure )
1. Update Keycloak Helm Chart Values
To update the Helm chart values of your Bitnami Keycloak, you need to edit the values.yaml
file. You can locate this file in the “cim-solution/kubernetes/external/bitnami/keycloak” directory. You need to modify the database connection string to include SSL parameters and mount the secret containing the certificates. Find the 'extraEnv'
, 'extraVolumes'
and 'extraVolumeMounts'
sections in values.yaml
. Add the following properties to specified sections:
## Add TLS parameters
value: "sslmode=verify-ca&sslrootcert=/opt/keycloak/certs/ca.crt"
## Mount the secret containing the TLS certificates
- name: ef-postgresql-crt
secretName: ef-postgresql-crt
- name: ef-postgresql-crt
mountPath: /opt/keycloak/certs/
readOnly: true
Uninstall the Keycloak Helm Chart
helm -n ef-external delete keycloak
Deploy or Upgrade the Keycloak Release with Helm
Deploy or upgrade your Keycloak release using the values.yaml
file by running the following command:
helm upgrade --install=true --wait=true --timeout=10m0s --debug --namespace=ef-external --values=external/bitnami/keycloak/values.yaml keycloak external/bitnami/keycloak/
The following components use Auto Generated certs
Auth Enablement
open values.yaml file in MongoDB helm chart.
vi external/bitnami/mongodb/values.yaml
Update the following values as mentioned below:-
## @param auth.enabled Enable authentication
## ref:
enabled: true
## @param auth.rootUser MongoDB(®) root user
rootUser: root
## @param auth.rootPassword MongoDB(®) root password
## ref:
rootPassword: "Expertflow123" # Change this to match the requirements
TLS Enablement
open values.yaml file in MongoDB helm chart.
vi external/bitnami/mongodb/values.yaml
Deploy the mongoDB helm chart with these values changed
## @param tls.enabled Enable MongoDB(®) TLS support between nodes in the cluster as well as between mongo clients and nodes
enabled: true
## @param tls.autoGenerated Generate a custom CA and self-signed certificates
autoGenerated: true
- "mongo-mongodb.ef-external.svc"
- "mongo-mongodb.ef-external.svc.cluster.local"
Uninstall the MongoDB helm chart
helm -n ef-external delete mongo
Remove the PVC/PV
Make sure the backup is secured before proceeding with this step, as the PVC/PV will be recreated
kubectl -n ef-external delete pvc datadir-mongo-mongodb-0
Then deploy the solution using the standard helm command
helm upgrade --install=true --wait=true --timeout=10m0s --debug --namespace=ef-external --values=external/bitnami/mongodb/values.yaml mongo external/bitnami/mongodb/
Once the mongoDB chart is deployed successfully, copy the secret containing TLS certificates using
kubectl get secret mongo-mongodb-ca -n ef-external -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: ef-external/namespace: expertflow/' | kubectl create -f -
Restore Backup
Once the mongodb statefulset is deployed successfully and is in ready state, please proceed with the restore procedure of mongo backup.
when restoring mongo from backup, please do not restore the admin
Manual Verification ( optional )
export all the cert files in
namespace using
mkdir /tmp/mongodb_certs
CERTFILES=($(kubectl get secret mongo-mongodb-ca -n ef-external -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{$k}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'))
for f in ${CERTFILES[*]}; do kubectl get secret mongo-mongodb-ca -n ef-external -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{ if eq $k "'$f'"}}{{$v | base64decode}}{{end}}{{end}}' > /tmp/mongodb_certs/${f} 2>/dev/null; done
The above script will export all the certs to local directory /tmp/mongodb_certs
Run the following command to export MongoDB Password:-
kubectl get secret --namespace ef-external mongo-mongodb -o jsonpath="{.data.mongodb-root-password}" | base64 -d
Run the mongoDB client pod
kubectl run --namespace ef-external mongo-mongodb-client --env="MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD" --image --command -- sleep infinity
copy the certificate files inside the client pod
kubectl -n ef-external cp /tmp/mongodb_certs mongo-mongodb-client:/tmp/
Connect to the mongoDB pod using SSL/TLS certs
kubectl -n ef-external exec -it mongo-mongodb-client -- bash
once inside the mongodb-client pod, combine both cert and key file using
cat /tmp/mongodb_certs/mongodb-ca-cert /tmp/mongodb_certs/mongodb-ca-key > /tmp/mongodb_certs/combined.pem
verify the connection using tls
mongosh admin --host "mongo-mongodb" \
--authenticationDatabase admin \
-u root \
--tls \
--tlsAllowInvalidHostnames \
--tlsAllowInvalidCertificates \
--tlsCertificateKeyFile /tmp/mongodb_certs/client-pem \
--tlsCAFile /tmp/mongodb_certs/client-pem
Sometimes, the mongodb client pod doesn’t inherit the MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD
environment variable, and user will have to enter the password manually.