Using Managed MongoDB
When using managed or external mongoDB deployed out of the EFCX solution, below given paramters are required to be updated before the EFCX deployment.
variable | URI | placement | used by |
MONGO_HOST | mongo-mongodb.ef-external.svc.cluster.local:27017 | cim/Deployments/ef-routing-engine-deployment.yaml | file-engine |
MONGO_HOST | mongo-mongodb.ef-external.svc.cluster.local:27017 | cim/Deployments/ef-conversation-controller-deployment.yaml | conversation-controller |
MONGODB_HOST | mongodb://mongo-mongodb.ef-external.svc.cluster.local | cim/ConfigMaps/ef-connection-env-configmap.yaml | connections |
mongo_host1 upto 6 | mongo-mongodb.ef-external.svc | pre-deployment/reportingConnector/reporting-connector.conf | reporting-connector |
Important Note when using Managed MongoDB in HA using replicaSet:
For Connections configmap:
In case the managed mongoDB is running in replica-set configuration, please enable the relevant parameters for the replica-set. the above URI should reflect the full list of all the replica-set members in mongodb://mongo-mongodb-0.mongo-mongodb-headless.ef-external.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-mongodb-1.mongo-mongodb-headless.ef-external.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-mongodb-2.mongo-mongodb-headless.ef-external.svc.cluster.local:27017/?replicaSet=expertflow&tls=false&ssl=false&retrywrites=true
For file-engine and conversation-controller:
this is required only to verify that mongoDB is available and properly booted up as precondition to run. This can be only primary node’s URI instead of the full replica-set URI.
For Reporting-Connector
When using single node MongoDB , please use the same value of the URL for all the variables.
However, in case of replica-set deployment model of MongoDB, place each replica-set member starting with the initial primary assigned to mongo_host1
and then remaining in sequential order to other variables.
for example for above given replica-set configuration, it will be