Agent to customer WEBRTC connection
Assumption: The agent desk knows whether to send a secure or non-secure invite and from where to get the secure link URL and secure code
| When the customer channel is other than WEB | When the customer channel is WEB |
For secure connection | Suppose the customer channel is WhatsApp, the agent desk will send a URL link to the customer with a flag in the query param indicating that the link is secure. The link will be received on WhatsApp, and the customer clicks on the link and the web widget will open. The web widget will read the query param and check for the secure link flag. In the case, that the flag is true, the web widget will open a popup to enter the secure code and after further proceeding will establish a webrtc connection and web channel.
| Agent desk will not send a URL link but send a different message type to the customer let's say a type named webrtc (including the secure link information). Based on message type, the web widget will show a join button. The customer will click on this button, and a popup will open for the customer to enter the secure code. After further proceeding webrtc connection will established in the same browser tab, but the different tab of the web widget.
For non-secure connection | The agent desk will send a URL link to the customer on WhatsApp with the secure link flag set to false. The customer clicks the link on WhatsApp, the web widget will open. The web widget will directly establish a webrtc connection and web channel
| The agent desk will send a webrtc message type to the customer. The message will create a join button on the web widget. The customer will click on this button and webrtc connection will established