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Limitations for Pause/Resume Conversation

Hold/Resume Conversation:

  • This feature is only integrated for non-voice sessions; voice sessions have their own hold/resume button. The hold/resume button on the agent interface will work exclusively for non-voice sessions.

  • As of the 4.5 release, when an agent applies wrap-up to a conversation, that wrap-up is sent as an agent message in the system. In the case of multiple agents, if the conversation is ON_HOLD and one agent leaves the conversation and gives the wrap-up, it is considered an agent message. Consequently, the conversation state is changed to ACTIVE, initiating customer inactivity.

  • Currently, on CONVERSATION_HOLD and CONVERSATION_RESUMED, the customer is notified in the form of a BOT message. This will be changed to notifications in the future. On CONVERSATION_RESUMED, a BOT message is published to the customer: “The conversation is resumed now.” As the conversation state is changed to active and the BOT message is published, the customer inactivity timer is started.

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