Auto renewal of SSL Certificate
This document demonstrates auto renewal of Lets Encrypt SSL certificate for Expertflow CX.
- EF-CX is deployed.
- Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate is applied.
Prepare For Deployment
change directory:-
cd cim-solution/kubernetes/
update the FQDN:-
sed -i 's/devops[0-9]*<FQDN>/g' scripts/ssl-renewal/*
Run the Cronjob
scripts/ssl-renewal/ 0 0 1 */2 *
This command will run this CronJob after every 2 months. Default duration of SSL certificate is 3 months. This will update the SSL Certificate before the expiration.
Run the following command to list down the currently active certificate:
kubectl get certificate -n expertflow
describe the certificate:
kubectl describe certificate -n expertflow <certificate name>