Barge In -CX Voice
Enables a supervisor to monitor an ongoing conversation silently between the agent and the customer.Once supervisor Silently monitor a CX voice call he can click barge In button.
To enable barge In during Silent Monitoring,
Supervisor has to ensure to be assigned to a team within the Keycloak, with the supervisor’s name included in group attributes.
From the Ongoing Conversation Detail Dashboard, the supervisor can silently monitor a conversation but can not intervene in the conversation by sending a direct message or call to the customer.
To Barge In Conversation
Navigate to the Ongoing Conversations Detail dashboard.
The supervisors can see the active session for each conversation.
To silently monitor, click the button
The supervisor can now join the conversation as a Silent Monitor.
And can monitor agent interactions during the conversation.
once supervisor clicks on barge In button Button ,now he joins conversation as Primary participant he can interact with Agent and customer.
After clicking barge In call become like conference call Agent Supervisor and customer can interact with each other.
call participants in barge In mode |
Point to be noted
In the case of voice supervisor, the MRD status will remain "Not-Ready" throughout the call, regardless of whether the user was previously in a "Ready" or "Not-Ready" state
In the case of chat supervisor, the MRD will remain unchanged and the supervisor can change its MRD while Barge In the chat.
In case of hold ,we don’t listen any music.
There can be four participants in barge In at maximum.
If a Barge In is already in progress on chat for a conversation, and the CX Voice session gets active afterward, the barge In will only be limited to chat.
Barge In on Outbound and Transferred conversations is not supported.
If any changes are done with roles on KeyCloak, the Supervisor/Agent needs to re-login for the changes to be reflected.
The Whisper options are only available for chat.
Whisper Message Composer Not Visible on A1 Side During Supervisor Whisper Interaction.
Barge In does not work for features Outbound,Direct Named Agent Transfer,Consult Transfer due to limitations in “Ongoing Conversations Detail" dashboard, preventing further monitoring of the interaction.
Grafana Dashboard doesn’t display proper data in case of barge In call.