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Embed a Web Application

As part of conversation control, a Conversation Designer may push a web application to agents handling a conversation. As a Conversation Designer, you can do this anytime during a conversation. For example, at the start of a call or a chat message, on customer intent, etc.

One or more embedded browser tabs may be opened.

A Conversation Designer may form a dynamic URL and may utilize the Channel and Conversation Data. For instance, the designer may use:

  • Customer Channel Identifier

  • Channel Service Identifier

  • Queue where the call has landed

  • … any other Channel or Conversation Data

Based on the defined conversation control script (such as upon conversation started/ended, customer intent), an event is fired, named, EXTERNAL_GADGET_REQUESTED.

See the details in the following sample.






action: "open || close",
gadgets: [{
  id: 1,
  agentId: 123,
  title: abc,
  id: 2,
  agentId: 346,
  title: xyz,

In the sample above, you can open multiple URLs within Agent Desk in the form of tabs.

Agent Desk opens the suggested URL in an iframe as a new tab. For further details, see Embedding a web application in Agent Desk

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