This action node finds an agent for the current conversation based on various settings like queue, priority, and mode, then sends the details in the message.
Inputs | Input Details | Options | Option Details |
Queue | The queue that the agent is working in. | None | No queue is specified |
msg | Queue can bi dynamically set via message payload |
str | Queue is set as a static string |
Type | The type of queue identification. | None | No queue identification type |
Id | Identify queue by unique id |
Name | Identify queue by name |
Offer To Agent | Whether to offer the task to the agent. | None | No offer is made |
true | The task will be offered to an agent. |
false | The task will not be offered to an agent. |
Priority | The priority of the agent’s task. | None | No priority assigned. |
1 to 9 | Priority values from 1 (highest) to 9 (lowest). |
Is Reinitiated | Whether the task is a re-initiation. | None | No re-initiation flag |
true | The task is a re-initiation. |
false | The task is not a re-initiation. |
Direction | The direction of the task. | None | No direction specified. |
Inbound | Task is inbound(incoming). |
Outbound | Task is Outbound(outgoing). |
Mode | The mode of the agent. | None | No mode specified. |
mode 1 | Mode 1 configuration |
mode 2 | Mode 2 configuration |
Metadata | Metadata for the task | NULL | No metadata specified. |
json | Metadata is provided as JSON data. |