Change Log CX-4.4.9 to CX-4.7
Update following core deployments.
CODE#sample for adding volume spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: ef.service: ef-ccm strategy: {} template: metadata: labels: ef.service: ef-ccm ef: expertflow spec: #add the volume here volumes: - name: mongo-mongodb-ca secret: secretName: mongo-mongodb-ca - name: redis-crt secret: secretName: redis-crt #sample for adding volume mount image: name: ef-ccm volumeMounts: - name: mongo-mongodb-ca mountPath: /mongo - name: redis-crt mountPath: /redis # Add following new environment variables, Volumes and VolumeMounts in below mentioned core components deployment file - name: MONGODB_CLIENT_CERT valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: MONGODB_CLIENT_CERT name: ef-connection-env-cm - name: MONGODB_CA_CERT valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: MONGODB_CA_CERT name: ef-connection-env-cm - name: TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD name: ef-connection-env-cm - name: KEY_STORE_PASSWORD valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: KEY_STORE_PASSWORD name: ef-connection-env-cm - name: REDIS_CA_CERT valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: REDIS_CA_CERT name: ef-connection-env-cm - name: REDIS_CLIENT_CERT valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: REDIS_CLIENT_CERT name: ef-connection-env-cm - name: REDIS_CLIENT_KEY valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: REDIS_CLIENT_KEY name: ef-connection-env-cm volumes: - name: mongo-mongodb-ca secret: secretName: mongo-mongodb-ca - name: redis-crt secret: secretName: redis-crt volumeMounts: - name: mongo-mongodb-ca mountPath: /mongo - name: redis-crt mountPath: /redis # core components list to add above variables, volumes and volumeMounts Customer Channel Manager Conversation Manager (update only volumes and volumeMounts) Conversation-controller (only add redis volumeMount) Routing Engine Bot Framework State Events Logger Campaign Scheduler Realtime Reports Manager Historical Reports Manager Agent manager Cim backend Team announcement Unified admin # Update Customer Channel Manager 1) Update Tag: # Update Conversation Manager 1) Update Tag: # Update routing-engine tag 1) Update tag # Update Bot-framework tag 1) Update tag # Update unified admin tag 1) Update tag 2) containers: - env: - name: CAMPAIGN_NODERED_URL valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: CAMPAIGN_NODERED_URL name: ef-unified-admin-cm - name: CAMPAIGN_API_URL valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: CAMPAIGN_API_URL name: ef-unified-admin-cm - name: SURVEY_NODERED_URL valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: SURVEY_NODERED_URL name: ef-unified-admin-cm - name: SURVEY_API_URL valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: SURVEY_API_URL name: ef-unified-admin-cm # Update unified agent tag 1) Update tag image: 2) Add the following env in ef-unified-agent-deployment.yaml - name: SIP_MONITORING_DN valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: SIP_MONITORING_DN name: ef-unified-agent-cm # Update web channel manager tag 1) Update tag image: # Update customer widget tag 1) Update tag image: # Update cim backend tag 1) Update tag image: # Update State Event Logger tag 1) Update tag # Update Scheduler Activities tag 1) Update tag # Update Realtime Reporting tag 1) Update tag # Update Historical Report Manager tag 1) Update tag # Update AMQ tag 1) Update tag image: 5.17.1-alpine-zulu-K8s-4.5.3_f-CIM-14675-4.6 # Update Facebook Connector tag 1) Update tag image: # Update Instagram Connector tag 1) Update tag image: image: # Update Twitter Connector tag 1) Update tag image: # Update Twilio Connector tag 1) Update tag image: # Update Telegram Connector tag 1) Update tag image: # Update Viber Connector tag 1) Update tag image: # Update 360 Connector tag 1) Update tag image: # Update smpp Connector tag 1) Update tag image: # Update Conversation Monitor tag 1) Update tag image: # Update file Engine Deployment 1) chage conatiner port and port name containerPort: 8080 name: https-fi-m-8080 # Update ef-licence-manager-deployment.yaml 1) Open cim/Deployments/ef-licence-manager-deployment.yaml 2) Update tag: 3) Update Volumes volumes: - name: ef-postgresql-crt secret: secretName: ef-postgresql-crt 4) Update VolumeMounts volumeMounts: - name: ef-postgresql-crt mountPath: /postgresql # Update Campaign Scheduler tag 1) Open cim/Deployments/ef-scheduled-activities-deployment.yaml file. 2) Update tag 3) Delete following environment variables - name: COUNT_OF_WEBHOOK_NOTIFICATION_RETRY_ATTEMPTS valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: COUNT_OF_WEBHOOK_NOTIFICATION_RETRY_ATTEMPTS name: ef-scheduled-activities-cm - name: WEBHOOK_NOTIFICATION_RETRY_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: WEBHOOK_NOTIFICATION_RETRY_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS name: ef-scheduled-activities-cm 4) Add following new variables - name: THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_RETRY_COUNT_ATTEMPTS_LIMIT valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_RETRY_COUNT_ATTEMPTS_LIMIT name: ef-scheduled-activities-cm - name: THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_NEXT_RETRY_TIMEOUT_DURATION_IN_SECONDS valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: THIRD_PARTY_COMPONENTS_NEXT_RETRY_TIMEOUT_DURATION_IN_SECONDS name: ef-scheduled-activities-cm