Deployment of Mongo using ReplicaSet
Deployments where MongoDB is used in ReplicaSet mode is usually needed for
high availability and redundancy
isolating the read and write pipes for heavier workloads
backups are less disturbing for the whole solution when using replica-set setup, as all the read queries are being taken from the secondary node, while the primary node is spared to serve client requests.
To deploy MongoDB in HA mode for Expertflow CX , please consider below given points.
MongoDB in HA should be deployed when using multi-node cluster, with replica members spread across different nodes. If one of the node goes down, the other node will take over and solution will survive
Current implement of the Expertflow MongoDB HA can be run on a single node ( not recommended )
MongoDB requires hardware specs given below
Entity | Spec |
Number of replicas | 2 ( 1 primary and 1 secondary ) |
RAM | 4 GB per replica |
CPU Cores | 1 CPU Core per replica |
Default replicaset name is “expertflow” when using MongoDB HA
Deploy the MongoDB in HA using replica-set, follow these steps
clone the values file for the MongoDB helm chart
helm show values expertflow/mongodb-ha > helm-values/mongo-db-ha-custom-values.yaml
Edit/update values required in helm-values/mongo-db-ha-custom-values.yaml
for-example, the default password under the auth section
rootPassword: "Expertflow123"
Deploy MongoDB by running the following command.
helm upgrade --install=true --namespace=ef-external --values=helm-values/mongo-db-ha-custom-values.yaml mongo expertflow/mongodb
Check the MongoDB deployment status by running the following command:
kubectl -n ef-external rollout status sts mongo-mongodb
sample output
# kubectl -n ef-external get pods
mongo-mongodb-0 1/1 Running 0 8m10s
mongo-mongodb-1 1/1 Running 0 6m42s
mongo-mongodb-client 1/1 Running 0 5s