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Personalized Agent Information in Customer widget


We've recently introduced a new feature to enhance the personalization of the customer widget. This feature allows for a dynamic display of the agent's name in the active chat view based on the configuration settings of the customer widget.

Configuration Variable

  • USERNAME_ENABLED: A boolean configuration variable was added in the helm-values/ef-cx-custom-values.yaml file and is used to control the display of the agent's name in the customer widget.

  • Upgrade the helm-values/ef-cx-custom-values.yaml file with the following commands to update the pods.

    • helm upgrade --install --namespace expertflow --create-namespace ef-cx --debug --values helm-values/ef-cx-custom-values.yaml expertflow/cx --version <release-name>

Behavior-Based on Configuration

  1. When USERNAME_ENABLED is true only the agent's username will be shown.

    • Notification: The username will appear in the customer widget notifications.

    • Message Header: The username will also be displayed in the message header of the active chat view.

  2. When USERNAME_ENABLED is false the widget will display the agent's full name if available. If both the first and last names are empty, a default string of "AGENT" will be shown.

    • Notification: The full name (or "AGENT" if the name parts are missing) will be displayed in the notification section.

    • Message Header: The first name and last name as full name (or "AGENT") will appear in the message header of the active chat view.

Detailed Display Logic

  1. Active Chat View - Notifications

    • If USERNAME_ENABLED is true:

      • Display: Username

    • If USERNAME_ENABLED is false:

      • If firstName and lastName are available:

        • Display: FirstName LastName

      • If firstName or lastName is empty:

        • Display: available name like firstName

      • If firstName and lastName both are empty:

        • Display: "AGENT"

  2. Active Chat View - Message Header

    • If USERNAME_ENABLED is true:

      • Display: Username

    • If USERNAME_ENABLED is false:

      • If firstName and lastName are available:

        • Display: FirstName LastName

      • If firstName or lastName is empty:

        • Display: available string like firstName or lastName.

      • If firstName and lastName are empty:

        • Display: "AGENT"

Example Scenarios

  1. Scenario 1: USERNAME_ENABLED is true, username is "john_doe", firstName is "John", lastName is "Doe"

    • Notification: "john_doe"

    • Message Header: "john_doe"

  2. Scenario 2: USERNAME_ENABLED is false, username is "john_doe", firstName is "John", lastName is "Doe"

    • Notification: "John Doe"

    • Message Header: "John Doe"

  3. Scenario 3: USERNAME_ENABLED is false, username is "john_doe", firstName is "John", lastName is ""

    • Notification: "John"

    • Message Header: "John"

  4. Scenario 3: USERNAME_ENABLED is false, username is "john_doe", firstName is "", lastName is "Doe"

    • Notification: "Doe"

    • Message Header: "Doe"

  5. Scenario 4: USERNAME_ENABLED is false, username is "john_doe", firstName is "", lastName is ""

    • Notification: "AGENT"

    • Message Header: "AGENT"


This feature allows for a customizable and personalized experience for users interacting with the customer widget, based on the configMaps of the Customer Widget.

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