RKE2 Control plane Deployment
This guide covers prerequisites and steps to install RKE2 on the control plane of Expertflow CX.
RKE2 supported OS list is subject to frequent updates, to verify whether your OS is supported visit this link at Official RKE2 Supported Platforms
- Is Internet access available on the target node? If not available, check RKE2 Official Air-Gapped install of RKE2 or Air-Gap Install for RKE-2 Kubernetes for offline deployment.
- The node is running RKE2 supported OS. RKE2 installation requirements
- FQDN should be mapped to the underlying node IP.
- All nodes are synchronizing date/time using NTP.
- FirewallD or UFW is setup appropriately. We recommend to disable the firewall, however, if this is required, please open all the network port mentioned https://docs.rke2.io/install/requirements#networking
- When using RKE2 in HA , the Virtual-IP is allocatable to all the Control-Plane nodes.
- If your environment allows internet connectivity through an HTTP proxy, follow Configure an HTTP proxy to configure your proxy as per RKE2 recommendations.
Environment Preparation
For Ubuntu based deployments
Disable the firewall
BASHsystemctl disable firewalld --now systemctl disable apparmor.service systemctl disable ufw --now reboot
update the release to latest revision (Optional)
BASHapt update apt upgrade -y
Disable the firewall
BASHsystemctl disable firewalld --now systemctl disable nm-cloud-setup.service nm-cloud-setup.timer systemctl disable apparmor.service reboot
Lock the release to the supported version of RHEL
BASH# The following command set assumes that the supported RHEL version is 8.5 subscription-manager release --set=8.5; yum clean all; subscription-manager release --show; rm -rf /var/cache/dnf
Update the RHEL packages for supported release (Optional)
BASHyum update -y
Set Hostname
Only when deploying multi-node Cluster with Control-plane HA or Worker-HA
If two or more of your machines have the same hostname ( you can verify the hostname using
command on all nodes ), you must do one of the following:Update the hostname to a unique value
OR set the
parameter in the config file to a unique valueOR set the
parameter in the config file totrue
to append a randomly generated ID number to the hostname.
To set a hostname, run the following command:-
If you are deploying a multi-node cluster, each node should have a unique hostname.
hostnamectl set-hostname <hostname>
To check the hostname, run the following command:-
Enable kernel tunning for Kubernetes
Run this code block for all the nodes in all deployment modes for example Worker-HA, Control-Plane HA and single Node deployments
cat << EOF > /etc/sysctl.d/99-expertflow.conf
# SWAP settings
vm.max_map_count = 262144
# Have a larger connection range available
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1024 65000
# Increase max connection
# Reuse closed sockets faster
# The maximum number of "backlogged sockets". Default is 128.
# 16MB per socket - which sounds like a lot,
# but will virtually never consume that much.
# Various network tunables
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096 87380 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096 65536 16777216
# ARP cache settings for a highly loaded docker swarm
# ip_forward and tcp keepalive for iptables
# monitor file system events
sysctl --system > /dev/null 2>&1
Installation Steps
This step is required for the Nginx Ingress controller to allow customized configurations.
Step 1. Create Manifests
Create necessary directories for RKE2 deployment
mkdir -p /etc/rancher/rke2/
mkdir -p /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/
Generate the ingress-nginx controller config file so that the RKE2 server bootstraps it accordingly.
cat << EOF | tee /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/rke2-ingress-nginx-config.yaml
apiVersion: helm.cattle.io/v1
kind: HelmChartConfig
name: rke2-ingress-nginx
namespace: kube-system
valuesContent: |-
- name: ef-set-sysctl
image: busybox
privileged: true
- sh
- -c
- |
sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=65535
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range="1024 65535"
# DO not enable at the cluster install, enable when monitoring is deployed.
enabled: false
prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
prometheus.io/port: "10254"
# DO not enable at the cluster install, enable when monitoring is deployed.
enabled: false
enabled: false
use-forwarded-headers: "true"
keep-alive-requests: "10000"
upstream-keepalive-requests: "1000"
worker-processes: "auto"
max-worker-connections: "65535"
use-gzip: "true"
allow-snippet-annotations: true
enable-brotli: true
enable-vts-status: true
annotations-risk-level: "Critical"
ssl-protocols: "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
## Configures the external IP address used to publish the Ingress status. DO NOT ENABLE/EDIT
#publish-status-address: ""
## Sets the default SSL certificate for HTTPS traffic. Useful when no specific certificate is defined in the Ingress resource. DO NOT ENABLE/EDIT
#default-ssl-certificate: "kube-system/wildcard-tls"
## Allows encrypted traffic (HTTPS) to be passed directly to the backend without termination at the Ingress. DO NOT ENABLE/EDIT
#enable-ssl-passthrough: true
## Enables HTTP status code breakdowns in metrics. For example, you can see 2XX, 3XX, 4XX, and 5XX response counts grouped together instead individual status codes. DO NOT EDIT
report-status-classes: true
## Prevents requests without matching Ingress rules from being routed to the default backend, improving security and performance DO NOT ENABLE/EDIT
#disable-catch-all: true
# Enables fine-grained customizations for specific Ingress resources using annotations.
allowSnippetAnnotations: "true"
# Optimizes traffic distribution by routing requests based on topology, such as geographic proximity or network distance.
enableTopologyAwareRouting: true
Create a deployment manifest called config.yaml
for RKE2 Cluster and replace the IP addresses and corresponding FQDNS according.
add any other fields from the Extra Options sections in
at this point .entry of tls-san can have FQDN and IP addresses of control-plane nodes and worker nodes as well.
If you deploying worker HA, uncomment to disable rke2 ingress.
cat<<EOF|tee /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml
#Uncomment for Control-Plane HA tls-san and its kid entry <FQDN>
# - <FQDN>
write-kubeconfig-mode: "0644"
etcd-expose-metrics: true
etcd-snapshot-schedule-cron: "0 */6 * * *"
# Keep 56 etcd snapshorts (equals to 2 weeks with 6 a day)
etcd-snapshot-retention: 56
- canal
#Uncomment for Worker HA Deployment ONLY
# - rke2-ingress-nginx
#Uncoment the following to retain logs for any component without integrating with ELK stack
# - "container-log-max-files=5"
# - "container-log-max-size=10Mi"
# See hostname section above or https://docs.rke2.io/install/requirements#prerequisites
# node-name
# with-node-id
In above mentioned template manifest,
<FQDN> must be pointing towards the first control plane
Step 2. Download the RKE2 binaries and start Installation
Following are some defaults that RKE2 uses while installing RKE2. You may change the following defaults as needed by specifying the switches mentioned.
Switch | Default | Description | |
To change the default deployment directory of RKE2 |
| Important Note: Moving the default destination folder to another location is not recommended. However, if there is need for storing the containers in different partition, it is recommended to deploy the containerd separately and change its destination to the partition where you have space available using |
Default POD IP Assignment Range |
| IPv4/IPv6 network CIDRs to use for pod IPs |
Default Service IP Assignment Range |
| IPv4/IPv6 network CIDRs to use for service IPs |
cluster-cidr and service-cidr are independently evaluated. Decide wisely well before the the cluster deployment. This option is not configurable once the cluster is deployed and workload is running.
Run the following command to install RKE2.
curl -sfL https://get.rke2.io |INSTALL_RKE2_TYPE=server sh -
Enable the rke2-server service
systemctl enable rke2-server.service
Start the service
systemctl start rke2-server.service
RKE2 server requires 10-15 minutes (at least) to bootstrap completely You can check the status of the RKE2 Server using systemctl status rke2-server
; Only procced once everything is up and running or configurational issues might occur requiring redo of all the installation steps.
Step 3. Kubectl Profile setup
By default, RKE2 deploys all the binaries in
path. Add this path to the system's default PATH for kubectl utility to work appropriately.
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin" >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo "export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml" >> $HOME/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Step 4. Bash Completion for kubectl
Install bash-completion package
For Ubuntu:-
apt install bash-completion -y
For RHEL:-
yum install bash-completion -y
Set-up autocomplete in bash into the current shell, Also, add alias for short notation of kubectl
kubectl completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/kubectl
echo "source /etc/bash_completion.d/kubectl" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias k=kubectl" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "complete -o default -F __start_kubectl k" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Step 5. Install helm
Helm is a super tool to deploy external components. In order to install helm on cluster, execute the following command:
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3|bash
In case the above mentioned command does not work, follow the below mentioned commands:-
For Ubuntu:-
curl https://baltocdn.com/helm/signing.asc | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/helm.gpg > /dev/null
apt-get install apt-transport-https --yes
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/helm.gpg] https://baltocdn.com/helm/stable/debian/ all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/helm-stable-debian.list
apt-get update
apt-get install helm
For RHEL:-
curl -L https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/clients/helm/latest/helm-linux-amd64 -o /usr/local/bin/helm
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/helm
helm version
Step 6. Enable bash completion for helm
Generate the scripts for help bash completion
helm completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/helm
create link for crictl to work properly.
ln -s /var/lib/rancher/rke2/agent/etc/crictl.yaml /etc/crictl.yaml