Upgrade Guide CX-4.6 to CX-4.7-not to public
Before upgrading, ensure that the system is idle, i.e., all agents are logged out from the AgentDesk.
Make sure the system is idle for 30 minutes, to sync the reporting data
Clone the CX repository on the target server
CODE# Create CX-4.7 directory from root mkdir CX-4.7 # Navigate to CX-4.7 cd CX-4.7 # Clone the CX-4.7 branch of cim-solution repository git clone -b CX-4.7 https://efcx:RecRpsuH34yqp56YRFUb@gitlab.expertflow.com/cim/cim-solution.git # Navigate to root(previous) directory cd .. # Navigate to the following folder of the existing release i.e. CX-4.6 cd cim-solution/kubernetes
Stop core Deployments
CODE# Navigate to the following folder of the existing release i.e. CX-4.6 cd cim-solution/kubernetes kubectl delete -f cim/Deployments # Stop ActiveMQ kubectl delete -f cim/StatefulSet/ef-amq-statefulset.yaml # Stop reporting connector kubectl delete -f pre-deployment/reportingConnector/ef-reporting-connector-cron.yaml -n expertflow
Update the AMQ Deployment
CODE1) Open cim/StatefulSet/ef-amq-statefulset.yaml file. 2) Update AMQ Tag gitimages.expertflow.com/general/activemq-k8s:6.0.0-alpine-zulu-K8s--4.7 3) Apply ActiveMQ deployment kubectl apply -f cim/StatefulSet/ef-amq-statefulset.yaml
Update the ConfigMaps
CODE# Update the Common eviroment Config 1) kubectl delete -f cim/ConfigMaps/ef-common-environment.yaml 2) Open cim/ConfigMaps/ef-common-environment.yaml 3) Add following new environment variables IS_ENABLED_2FA: "false" CHANNEL_2FA: "app" TWILIO_SID: "" TWILIO_VERIFY_SID: "" TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN: "" TOPIC_CONCURRENCY_MIN: "2" TOPIC_CONCURRENCY_MAX: "6" # Update the connection-enviroment Config 1) kubectl delete -f cim/ConfigMaps/ef-connection-env-configmap.yaml 2) Open cim/ConfigMaps/ef-connection-env-configmap.yaml 3) Remove the following variable. MONGODB_PORT: "27017" 4) Add following new environment variables MONGODB_READ_PREFERENCE: "secondaryPreferred" MONGODB_REPLICASET: "expertflow" MONGODB_REPLICASET_ENABLED: "false" 5) update the following variable MONGODB_HOST: "mongo-mongodb.ef-external.svc.cluster.local:27017" # Update Unified-Agent app translations 1) Copy Agent desk translation files 2) From CX-4.7/cim-solution/kubernetes/pre-deployment/app-translations/unified-agent/i18n To pre-deployment/app-translations/unified-agent 3) Delete and Create the ConfigMap kubectl delete cm ef-app-translations-cm -n expertflow kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-app-translations-cm --from-file=pre-deployment/app-translations/unified-agent/i18n/ # Update the realtime-reporting-configmap 1) kubectl delete -f cim/ConfigMaps/ef-realtime-reporting-configmap.yaml 2) Open cim/ConfigMaps/ef-realtime-reporting-configmap.yaml 3) Add following new environment variables UNIFIED_ADMIN_URL: http://ef-unified-admin-svc:3000 # Update the media-routing-configmap 1) kubectl delete -f cim/ConfigMaps/ef-routing-engine-configmap.yaml 2) Open cim/ConfigMaps/ef-routing-engine-configmap.yaml 3) Add following new environment variables IS_QUEUE_PRIORITY_ENABLED: "false" # Update the Agent manager configmap 1) kubectl delete -f cim/ConfigMaps/ef-agent-manager-configmap.yaml 2) Open cim/ConfigMaps/ef-agent-manager-configmap.yaml 3) Add following new environment variables SOCKET_DISCONNECT_TIME: "10000" # Update the Team announcement configmap 1) kubectl delete -f cim/ConfigMaps/ef-team-announcement-configmap.yaml 2) Open cim/ConfigMaps/ef-team-announcement-configmap.yaml 3) Add following new environment variables UNIFIED_ADMIN_URL: http://ef-unified-admin-svc:3000 # Update the CCM configmap 1) kubectl delete -f cim/ConfigMaps/ef-ccm-configmap.yaml 2) Open cim/ConfigMaps/ef-ccm-configmap.yaml 3) Add following new environment variables QUEUE_CONCURRENCY_MIN: "1" QUEUE_CONCURRENCY_MAX: "3"
Update the Core Deployments
Update the replica count for components as per your workload.
# update deployment
1) Copy deployment folder from CX-4.7 to current release
From CX-4.7/cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/Deployments
To cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/Deployments
Update reporting connector
CODE# Update ef-reporting-connector-cron.yaml 1) Replace ef-reporting-connector-cron.yaml file Copy from CX-4.7/cim-solution/kubernetes/pre-deployment/reportingConnector/ef-reporting-connector-cron.yaml to cim-solution/kubernetes/pre-deployment/reportingConnector # Update reporting-connector.conf 1) Replace reporting-connector.conf file Copy from CX-4.7/cim-solution/kubernetes/pre-deployment/reportingConnector/reporting-connector.conf to cim-solution/kubernetes/pre-deployment/reportingConnector
Start core Deployments
CODE# Apply all ConfigMaps kubectl apply -f cim/ConfigMaps # Apply all deployments kubectl apply -f cim/Deployments # Apply reporting-connector cron job kubectl apply -f pre-deployment/reportingConnector/ef-reporting-connector-cron.yaml -n expertflow
Permission must be upgraded for migrating Keycloak Groups/Teams.
Guide for migrating Keycloak Groups/Teams to CX Teams https://expertflow-docs.atlassian.net/l/cp/0aRTcLkk
Upgrade Grafana