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Compatibility Guide

Agent Interfaces 

  1. MS CRM Web Page

Integration Approaches

Classic UIUse the Classic UI to develop a UI application inside Dynamics CRM. The default UI below version 9.0. 
Unified Client Interface (UCI)
  1. Introduced in version 9.0 (Dynamics 365) 
  2. Backward compatibility is available using the Dynamics 365-custom app. This app supports classic UI but it'll be discontinued by Q1 2020. 
Channel Integration Framework (CIF)Available only for Dynamics 365 online, a Javascript toolbar maybe embedded via this interface.
Custom Javascript EmbeddingFor MS CRM that supports classic UI, the Javascript Toolbar is embedded using the Custom Javascript embedding approach.

Compatibility Matrix 

The agent app may be embedded through any of the supported integration approaches. 

MS CRM Version     CRM 365 Online (9.x)CRM 365 On-premise (9.x)CRM 2016 (8.x)CRM Dynamics 365 On-premise (8.2)CRM 2015 (7.x)
Connector Web-CTI Web-CTIWeb-CTIWeb-CTIWeb-CTI
Classic UI(error)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)
CIF 1.0(tick)(error)(error)(error)(error)
Custom JS(question)(question)(question)(question)(error)
CIF 2.0(tick)(error)(error)(error)(error)

Supported Cisco Contact Center Versions

UCCE 12.0PCCE 12.0

UCCX 12.0

UCCE 12.5PCCE 12.5UCCX 12.5.1
UCCE 12.6


Technically starting from Cisco 11.0 till 12.6 all versions should work, However on the above version we have specifically run the Test Cycle. We can also run a smoke test cycle for any other version if required  

Compatibility Matrix

Browser Compatibility




Firefox122.0.1 (32-bit)


Google Chrome123.0.6312.59 (Official Build) (64-bit)COMPATIBLE

Recommended Browser: FireFox 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Compatibility

MS CRM 365

Tested Version




(question)Maybe developed on-demand
(error)Not Supported


MS CRM Web-Connector is not yet integrated with Hybrid Chat, however, the technical feasibility is available, We can schedule this development on-demand

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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