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Solution Workflow

ExpertFlow MS CRM CTI Connector provides a real-time flow of interactions between the MS CRM user interface and Cisco UCCE/UCCX. 

  1. An agent logs into the Dynamics CRM by providing his Dynamics CRM credentials. If SSO is configured, he is also automatically logged into the Cisco contact center. In case the agent credentials for the contact center are not available in CRM, one login form is displayed, allowing him to enter his credentials manually.

  2. By default, the agent is in the ‘not ready‘ state after a successful login. He can change his state to “ready”, using the agent state controls dropdown.

  3. When a call arrives at the contact center, the agent will get an incoming-call notification on the Toolbar. 

  4. Incoming call alert along with the customer information screen pop is shown in the CRM.

  5. The agent can then use the relevant “accept call” button to begin the interaction.

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