Generic Connector JTAPI
A GC client can call this API to connect with Generic Connector.
Agent Commands
Message types and their expected output are mentioned below.
Input Message | Category | Message Type | Message Parameters | Expected Output | Comments |
Send Heartbeat while not logged in | system | Hello#<client_extension> | System Status | ||
Send Heartbeatwhile logged in | system | Beat#<client_destination> | System Status | Not implemented in client yet. | |
Connect AgentID with Client Unique Name | agent_info | Connect#<agent_login_Id> | <client_destination>,<agent_password> | No response | |
Agent Login | agent_state | Login#<agent_login_Id> | <agent_password>,<agent_extension> | ||
Mobile Agent Login | agent_state | MobileAgentLogin#<agent_login_Id> | <agent_password>,<agent_extension>,<agent_phone>,<connection_mode> | Agent State, Agent Info | Only on UCCE but not tested yet. Set connection mode to “true” for “call by call”, “false” for “nailed connection”. |
Agent Logout | agent_state | Logout#<agent_login_Id> | Agent State | ||
Make agent ready | agent_state | MakeReady#<agent_login_Id> | Agent State | ||
Make agent not ready | agent_state | MakeNotReady#<agent_login_Id> | Agent State | ||
Get agent current state | agent_state | GetState#<agent_login_Id> | Agent State | ||
Not Ready with reason code | agent_state | MakeNotReadyWithReason#<agent_login_Id> | <agent_reason_code> | Agent State | |
Make a call | agent_call | MakeCall# <agent_login_Id> | <Other_Party_Extension_Number> | Inbound Call | |
Answer a call | agent_call | AnswerCall# <agent_login_Id> | <Dialog_ID> | Inbound Call | |
Hold a call | agent_call | HoldCall#<agent_login_Id> | <Dialog_ID> | Inbound Call | |
Unhold a call | agent_call | RetrieveCall#<agent_login_Id> | <Dialog_ID> | Inbound Call | |
Release a call | agent_call | ReleaseCall#<agent_login_Id> | <Dialog_ID> | Inbound Call | |
Get Agent Wrap-up Reason Codes | agent_work | wrapupreasoncode#<agent_login_Id> | Reason Codes | ||
Get Agent Logout Reason Codes | agent_state | reasoncodelogout#<agent_login_Id> | Reason Codes | ||
Get Agent Not Ready Reason Codes | agent_state | reasoncodenotready#<agent_login_Id> | Reason Codes | ||
Blind Transfer | agent_call | Transfer_sst#<agent_login_Id> | <Other_Party_Extension_Number>,<Dialog_ID> | Used only in UCCE, will update later. | |
Transfer Initiation | agent_call | ConsultCall#<agent_login_Id> | <Other_Party_Extension_Number>,<Dialog_ID> | Consult Call | |
Conference Inititation | agent_call | ConsultCall#<agent_login_Id> | <Other_Party_Extension_Number>,<Dialog_ID> | Consult Call | |
Complete Transfer | agent_call | TransferCall#<agent_login_Id> | <agent_extension>,<Dialog_ID> | Transfer Call | |
Complete Conference | agent_call | Conferencecall#<agent_login_Id> | <agent_extension>,<Dialog_ID> | Conference Call | |
Get Dialog State | agent_dialog | getdialogstate#<agent_login_Id> | <Dialog_ID> | Agent Dialog | |
Update Dialog Wrap-up Codes | agent_dialog | wrapup#<agent_login_Id> | <Wrapup_Reason>,<dialog_id> | No response is received when this event is called. | |
Logout with Reason | agent_state | logoutwithreason#<agent_login_Id> | <ReasonCode> | Agent State | |
Abrupt Agent Disconnection | agent_state | force_logout#<agent_login_Id> | Agent State | Had do send this message in backend but the output is same as of in Expected Output | |
Get Dialog State Controls | agent_dialog | getdialogstatecontrols#<agent_login_Id> | <Dialog_ID> | Not implemented in client yet | |
Make Work Not Ready | agent_state | makeworknotready#<agentID> | Not implemented in client yet | ||
Make Work Ready | agent_state | makeworkready#<agentID> | Not implemented in client yet | ||
Get Dialog Participants | agent_call | getDialogParticipants#<agent_login_id> | <dialog_id> | Deprecated, Not implemented in client yet | |
Get Logged in Agents | agent_call | getallagents#<agent_login_id> | Get All Agents | ||
Update Dialog Variable | agent_call | update_call_variable#<agent_login_Id> | <dialog_id>,<variable_name>,<variable_value> | Not implemented in client yet | |
Pause Zoom Call Recording | zoom | ZOOMPauseRecording#<agent_login_Id> | |||
Resume Zoom Call Recording | zoom | ZOOMResumeRecording#<agent_login_Id> | |||
Refresh | agent_state | refresh#<agent_login_Id> | |||
Get Team and Global Phonebooks | phonebook | GetPhonebooks#<agent_login_id> | Phonebooks | ||
Get Contacts of a Phonebook | contacts | GetPhonebookContacts#<agent_login_id> | <PhonebookID> | Contacts | |
Accept Outbound Preview Call | agent_call | AcceptOutboundPreview#<agent_login_id > | <dialog_id>,<ACCEPT> | Inbound Call | Pass ACCEPT as a second parameter if you want to accept preview outbound call |
Reject Outbound Preview Call | agent_call | RejectOutboundPreview#<agent_login_id > | <dialog_id>,<REJECT> | Inbound Call | Pass REJECT as a second parameter if you want to reject preview outbound call |
Close Outbound Preview Call | agent_call | CloseOutboundPreview#<agent_login_id > | <dialog_id>,<CLOSE> | Inbound Call | Pass CLOSE as a second parameter if you want to close preview outbound call |
Supervisor Commands
Input Message | Category | Message Type | Message Parameters | Expected Output | Comments |
Get Queue Info | supervisor_queue_info | getqueuelist#<agent_login_Id> | |||
Silent Monitor (Supervisor Function) | supervisor_dialog | silentmonitor#<agent_login_Id> | <Agent_Extension> | ||
End Silent Monitor (Supervisor Function) | supervisor_dialog | endsilentmonitor#<agent_login_Id> | <Dialog_ID> | ||
Drop Participant (Supervisor Function) | supervisor_dialog | dropparticipant#<agent_login_Id> | <Agent_Extension>,<Dialog_ID> | ||
Get Team Users (Supervisor Function) | supervisor_team | getteamusers#<agent_login_Id> |
| If you want to get team user and also want to subscribe team events then pass
Otherwise just pass
| |
Get Team Users State (Supervisor Function) | supervisor_team_member_state | getteamuserstate#<agent_login_Id> | <Team_Agent_LoginID> | Not implemented in client yet | |
Make a Barge Call | agent_call | bargein#<agent_login_Id> | <Team_Agent_LoginID >,<Dialog_ID> |
Admin Commands
Input Message | Category | Message Type | Message Parameters | Expected Output | Comments |
Get Team and Global Phonebooks | phonebook | GetPhonebooks#<agent_login_id> | Phonebooks | ||
Get Contacts of a Phonebook | contacts | GetPhonebookContacts#<agent_login_id> | <PhonebookID> | Contacts | |
Get Team Phonebooks | phonebook | GetTeamPhonebooks#<agent_login_id> | Phonebooks |
GC Events
GC events as published by GC after receiving Finesse events:
System Status
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | System | System
| |
Agent Info
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | AgentInfo | Agent Info
| |
firstName | Agent's first name | ||
lastName | Agent's last name | ||
supervisor | true | false | Is this agent a supervisor? | |
wrapUpOnIncoming | |||
teams | If the agent is a supervisor, it's an array of all teams. Each element is a team object as defined below. | ||
team | Agent's team | ||
agentId | Agent ID |
Agent State
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | State | Agent State
| |
agentId | Agent ID | ||
State | Agent state | From one of the following agent states: UNKNOWN, | |
reasonCode | Not Ready reason codes as defined in Finesse | ||
stateChangeTimeString | not used | ||
pendingState | Only available with UCCE and as passed by Cisco Finesse | ||
stateChangeTime | 2019-09-17 12:46:21 | Date & Time of state change |
Inbound Call State
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | InboundCall | Attributes may vary for each type of Call object. | Agent Call
dialogID | Finesse Dialog ID | ||
state | One of the Finesse dialog states | ||
startTime | The start time of the call | ||
prevDialogId | Finesse Dialog ID | ||
fromAddress | A number from an inbound call is placed | ||
callVariables | A total of 10 call variables as received from Finesse | ||
participants | Participants engaged in the call | ||
agentId | Agent ID |
New Outbound Preview Call
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | InboundCall | Attributes may vary for each type of Call object. | Agent Call
dialogID | Finesse Dialog ID | ||
state | One of the Finesse dialog states | ||
startTime | The start time of the call | ||
prevDialogId | Finesse Dialog ID | ||
fromAddress | A number from an inbound call is placed | ||
callVariables | A total of 10 call variables as received from Finesse | ||
participants | Participants engaged in the call | ||
agentId | Agent ID |
New Outbound Call
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | InboundCall | Attributes may vary for each type of Call object. | Agent Call
dialogID | Finesse Dialog ID | ||
state | One of the Finesse dialog states | ||
startTime | The start time of the call | ||
prevDialogId | Finesse Dialog ID | ||
fromAddress | A number from an inbound call is placed | ||
callVariables | A total of 10 call variables as received from Finesse | ||
participants | Participants engaged in the call | ||
agentId | Agent ID |
New Inbound Call
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | NewInboundCall | New Call
| |
dialogID | Finesse Dialog ID | ||
fromAddress | A number from an inbound call is placed | ||
callVariables | A total of 10 call variables as received from Finesse | ||
agentId | Agent ID |
Reason Codes
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | ReasonCodes | Reason Codes
| |
category | WrapUp | LOGOUT | NOT_READY | as passed in the request | |
reasonCodes | key-value pair of defined reason codes of the specified category | ||
agentId | Agent ID |
Consult Call State
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | ConsultCall | Consult Call States
| |
state | INITIATING | INITIATED | state of call | |
assDialogId | This is an associated Dialog ID. In case of consult call, dialogId is named as assDialogId | ||
startTime | Starting Time of call | ||
fromAddress | A number from which consult call is initiated | ||
toAddress | A number to which the consult call is requested | ||
callVariables | Call Variables in Finesse | ||
participants | Participants engaged in call | ||
agentId | Agent ID |
Release Call Output
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | InboundCall | Dropped Call
| |
dialogId | ID of the call | ||
prevDialogId | null | prevDialogId is not null if call is being transferred to another agent | |
state | state of call | ||
agentId | Agent Id |
Complete Conference
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | InboundCall | Complete Conference
| |
dialogId | DialogId is id of the call | ||
state | Active | States in Finnese | |
startTime | Starting Time of call | ||
prevDialogId | null | Dialog Id in Finesse | |
fromAddress | A number from an inbound call is placed | ||
callVariables | Call Variables in Finesse | ||
participants | Participants engaged in call | ||
agentId | Agent ID |
Transfer Call
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | InboundCall | Complete Transfer
| |
dialogId | Dialog Id in Finesse | ||
state | Held | States in Finnese | |
startTime | Starting Time of call | ||
prevDialogId | null | Dialog Id in Finesse | |
fromAddress | A number from an inbound call is placed | ||
callVariables | Call Variables in Finesse | ||
participants | Participants engaged in call | ||
agentId | Agent ID |
Get Dialog State
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | DialogState | Dialog State
| |
dialogId | Dialog Id in Finesse | ||
state | INITIATED | ALERTING | ACTIVE | HELD | NOT_FOUND | This is state of the call | |
agentId | Agent ID |
Get All Agents
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | Agents | Get All Agents
| |
users | List of login agents |
Get Team User
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output |
type | Agents | Get All Agents
| |
users | List of team user |
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output (JSON) | Sample Output (Default) |
type | object | List of phonebooks |
Attribute | Value | Description | Sample Output (JSON) | Sample Output (Default) |
type | object | List of contacts |
GC Output Messages
Output Message Name | JMS Type | Message | Category | Comments | |
O-001 | Send Agent State | Nil | <agent_login_Id>#State#<agent_current_state>#<agent_full_name>(old format) <agent_login_Id>#State#<agent_current_state>#<reasonCodeId>#<agent_full_name>(New format) | agent_state | |
O-002 | Errorindicationmessage | Nil | <agent_login_Id>#Error#<Error_Message> | agent_error | Details of errors can be found here |
O-003 | Printmessage in agent windowas sent | Nil | <agent_login_Id>#Control#PrintStatusBar#<Message_To_Agent> | agent_control | |
O-004 | System In Service | Nil | System#IN_SERVICE | system | |
O-005 | System Out of Service | Nil | System#OUT_OF_SERVICE | system | |
O-007 | Agent not found | Nil | <agent_login_Id>#State#RE_LOGIN | agent_state | a) Indication that an agent is not found in EF Generic Connector. b) It also indicates that the GC didn't have agent extension in agent structure while checking agent subscription status. GC therefore requests client to RE_LOGIN. This situation may occur when an abnornal failover happens from one GC to the other. The client should attempt to re-login the agent by sending following requests to GC. i) I-021, (ii) I-001 |
O-008 | Inbound Call State | Nil | <agent_login_Id>#InboundCall#<Inboundcall_current_state>#DialogID:<dialog_ID>#<agent_full_name> (Old Format) <agent_login_Id>#InboundCall#<Inboundcall_current_state>#DialogID:<dialog_ID>#<fromAddress>#<CallVariables>#<call_start_time>#<agent_full_name> (New Format) <agent_login_Id>#InboundCall#FAILED#DialogID:<dialog_ID>#<Failure_Cause>#<agent_full_name> (In case of Call Failed) | agent_call | “#DialogID:<dialog_ID>” is only sent in case of (Failed,Dropped,Deleted,Hold.Held,Wrap_up) <Inboundcall_current_state> will be equal “DROP” in case of (Failed,Dropped,Deleted) "<CallVariables>" Format: <callvariable1>=value|<callvariable2>=value|<callvariable3>=value|......... "<call_start_time>": Shows the agent start time in call , Format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
O-009 | New Inbound Call | Nil | <agent_login_Id>#NewInboundCall#<from_address>#<ani>,<callvariable1,callvariable2,..>#DialogID:<dialog_ID> (Old Format) <agent_login_Id>#NewInboundCall#<from_address>#<ani>|<callvariable1>=value|<callvariable2>=value|<callvariable3>=value|..>#DialogID:<dialog_ID>(New format) | agent_call | |
O-010 | Indication of a consult call state4 | Nil | <agent_login_Id>#ConsultCall#<ConsultCall_current_state>#AssDialogID:<associated_dialog_ID> (Old Format) <agent_login_Id>#ConsultCall#<ConsultCall_current_state>#AssDialogID:<associated_dialog_ID>#<fromAddress>#<Call_Variable>#<call_start_time>#<agent_full_name> (New Format) <agent_login_Id>#ConsultCall#FAILED#AssDialogID:<associated_dialog_ID>#<Failure_Cause>#<Agent_Name> (In case of Call Failure) | agent_call | <ConsultCall_current_state> will be equal “DROP”in case of (Failed,Dropped,Deleted) "<call_start_time>": Shows the agent start time in call , Format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
O-011 | Agent info upon login | Nil | <agent_login_Id>#AgentInfo#<agent_first_name>#<agent_last_name>#<Is_Supervisor>#<wrap_up_mode>#<agent_full_name> | agent_info | allowed values for wrap_up mode are: - OPTIONAL - REQUIRED - NOT_ALLOWED - REQUIRED_WITH_ WRAP_UP_DATA |
O-012 | Supervisor Team Info | Nil | <agent_supervisor_login_Id>#TeamInfoIDs#TeamID#<agent_team_ID_1>,<agent_team_ID_2>,… #<agent_full_name> | supervisor_info | |
O-013 | Supervisor Team Info | Nil | <agent_supervisor_login_Id>#TeamInfoNames#TeamName#<agent_team_name_1>,<agent_team_name_2>,… #<agent_full_name> | supervisor_info | |
O-014 | Get DialogState Reply | Nil | <agent_login_Id>#DialogState#<dialog_state>#<dialog_ID>#<agent_full_name>#<fromAddress>#<Call-Variables>#<associated_dialog_ID>#AssDialogState#<fromAddress>#<Call-Variables> | agent_dialog | |
O-015 | Get Dialog State Controls Reply | Nil | <agent_login_Id>#<dialog_type>#DialogState#<dialog_state>#<dialog_ID>#<agent_full_name> | agent_dialog | |
O-016 | Reason Codes | Nil | <agent_login_Id>#ReasonCodes#Category:<category>#Codes:<code_1>,<code_2>,… #Labels:<label_1>,<label_2>,…#<agent_full_name> | agent_work | |
O-017 | Controls5 | Nil | <agent_login_Id>#Control#<control_1_index>,<control_1_visibleFlag>|<control_2_index>, <control_2_visibleFlag>|… | agent_control | |
O-019 | Get Queue Info Reply | Nil | <agent_supervisor_login_Id>#QueueList# QueueName:<queue_1_name>,AgentsNotReady:<queue_1_Number_of_Agents_NotReady>,AgentsReady:<queue_1_Number_of_Agents_Ready>, AgentsTalkingInbound:<queue_1_number_of_agents_talking_inbound>,AgentsTalkingInternal:<queue_1_number_of_agents_talking_internal>, AgentsTalkingOutbound:<queue_1_number_of_agents_talking_outbound>,AgentsWrapUpNotReady:<queue_1_number_of_agents_in_wrapup_notready>, AgentsWrapUpReady:<queue_1_number_of_agents_in_wrapup_ready>,CallsInQueue:<queue_1_Number_of_CallsInQueue>, StartTimeOfLongestCallInQueue:<queue_1_startTimeOfLongestCallInQueue>#...# QueueName:<queue_n_name>,AgentsNotReady:<queue_n_Number_of_Agents_NotReady>,AgentsReady:<queue_n_Number_of_Agents_Ready>, AgentsTalkingInbound:<queue_n_number_of_agents_talking_inbound>,AgentsTalkingInternal:<queue_n_number_of_agents_talking_internal>, AgentsTalkingOutbound:<queue_n_number_of_agents_talking_outbound>,AgentsWrapUpNotReady:<queue_n_number_of_agents_in_wrapup_notready>, AgentsWrapUpReady:<queue_n_number_of_agents_in_wrapup_ready>,CallsInQueue:<queue_n_Number_of_CallsInQueue>, StartTimeOfLongestCallInQueue:<queue_n_startTimeOfLongestCallInQueue> | supervisor_queue_info | |
O-020 | Get Team Users Reply (Supervisor Function) | Nil | <agent_supervisor_login_Id>#TeamUsersList#FirstName:<user_1_firstName>,LastName:<user_1_lastName>,Extension:<user_1_extension>, | supervisor_team | |
O-021 | Team Member State Changed (Supervisor Function) | Nil | <agent_supervisor_login_Id>#TeamMemberStateChanged#<teamID>#<agent_state> | supervisor_team_member_state | |
O-022 | Conference Participants (Supervisor Function) | Nil | <agent_supervisor_login_Id>#ConferenceParticipants#<extension_1>,<extension_2>,… | supervisor_dialog | |
O-024 | Dialog IDs on Failover | <agent_login_id>#DialogStatus#DialogID#DialogState#AssDialogID#AssDialogState <agent_login_id>#DialogStatus#<dialog_ID>#DialogState#<fromAddress>#<Call-Variables>#<associated_dialog_ID>#AssDialogState#<fromAddress>#<Call-Variables> | agent_state | In the case of failover GC sends the Dialog ID and Associated Dialog ID, with states and call type in JMS type | |
O-025 | AgentState on Connector Sync | Nil | AgentState#<Agent_Id>#<Agent_Password>#<Agent_Extension>#<SubscriptionTime> | connector_sync | On topic "ConnectorSync", the message is sent from one GC to the other. |
O-026 | Reconnect Destination | Nil | DESTINATION#<Destination_Name>#RECONNECT | agent_state | This new type is now for Destination events System events have "SYSTEM" as the first keyword to identify the event Agent events (which currently include call events also) are identified by <Agent_ID> Destination events will now be identified by "DESTINATION". There wasn't any destination event in the system before <Destination_Name> refers to the destination which is created. |
O-028 | New Outbound Call | Nil | <agent_login_Id>#NewOutboundCall#<from_address>#ani=<ani>|<callvariable1>=value|<callvariable2>=value|<callvariable3>=value|..>#DialogID:<dialog_ID> | agent_call | BA Call variables List (Passed as it is to the GC Client) -BACampaign -BAStatus -BAResponse -BAAccountNumber -BADialedListID -BACampaignID -BACustomerNumber -BATimeZone -BABuddyName GC Receives two packets from finesse when an outbound call is dialed. GC blocks first packet, as it has some missing information like dialled number, outbound call variables and call type of this packet is OTHER_IN. The second packet contains all the required infromation, hence GC generates NewOutboundCall event for the client. |
O-29 | Get Phonebooks (Administrator Function) | Nil | Phonebooks#name:<phonebook_1_name>,type:<phonebook_1_type>,id:<phonebook_1_id> #name:<phonebook_2_name>,type:<phonebook_2_type>,id:<phonebook_2_id> #....... #name:<phonebook_n_name>,type:<phonebook_n_type>,id:<phonebook_n_id> | ||
O-30 | Get Team Phonebooks (Administrator Function) | Nil | TeamPhoneBooks#name:<phonebook_1_name>,type:<phonebook_1_type>,id:<phonebook_1_id> | ||
O-31 | Get PhoneBook Contacts (Administrator Function) | Nil | PhonebookContacts#description:<contact_1_description>,firstName:<contact_1_firstName>,lastName:<contact_1_lastName>,phoneNumber:<contact_1_phoneNumber>,id:<contact_1_id> #description:<contact_2_description>,firstName:<contact_2_firstName>,lastName:<contact_2_lastName>,phoneNumber:<contact_2_phoneNumber>,id:<contact_2_id>#....... #description:<contact_n_description>,firstName:<contact_n_firstName>,lastName:<contact_n_lastName>,phoneNumber:<contact_n_phoneNumber>,id:<contact_n_id> |
Error_Code | Error_Origin | Error Description | Expected Driver Behaviour | |
CF_INVALID_CALLED_DEVICE | Finesse | The called device is not valid | display the error message and continue regular operations | |
CF_INVALID_CALLING_DEVICE | Finesse | The calling device is not valid | display the error message and continue regular operations | |
CF_INVALID_CONNECTION_ID_FOR_ACTIVE_CALL | Finesse | The active connection ID in the request is invalid | display the error message and continue regular operations | |
CF_INVALID_CONSULT_TYPE | Finesse | The consult type is invalid | display the error message and continue regular operations | |
CF_AGENT_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT | Finesse | The account is locked out | display the error message and continue regular operations | |
CF_INVALID_CSTA_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER | Finesse | The device ID is not valid. | display the error message and ask user to enter valid Extension | |
CF_RESOURCE_BUSY | Finesse | An internal resource is busy | ||
CF_INVALID_LOGON_DEVICE_SPECIFIED | Finesse | The request specified an invalid logon device. | display the error message and ask user to enter valid Extension | |
CF_GENERIC_UNSPECIFIED_REJECTION | Finesse | The request has been rejected (no specific details available). | ||
CF_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE | Finesse | The object is in the incorrect state for the request. | ||
CF_INVALID_PASSWORD_SPECIFIED | Finesse | The request specified an invalid agent password. | Prompt user to supply a valid password | |
CF_GENERIC_SYSTEM_RESOURCE_AVAILABILITY | Finesse | The request failed due to lack of system resources (no specific details available) | Ref: | |
E_CTI_INVALID_CALLID | Finesse | A request message was received with an invalid CallID value. | ||
USER_NOT_FOUND | Finesse | When Agent ID isn't found in Finesse | Display the error message Configuration update in Siebel / Finesse is required to match Agent definition (ID/Pwd). Driver/client app should show the error message | |
GENERAL_ERROR | Finesse | when root cause is unclear | display the error message and continue regular operations | |
CF_GENERIC_OPERATION | Finesse | An operation error occurred (no specific details available). | display error message according to the last command sent | |
BAD_DESTINATION | Finesse | Agent called to an invalid extension | display the error message and continue regular operations | |
DOWN | GC | IOException When Requester gets no response from Finesse GC tries to establish connection with the secondary Finesse | display the error message and continue regular operations | |
LICENSES_EXCEEDED | GC | User license limit exceeded | display the error message | |
MISSING_EXTENSION | GC | Missing Extension | display the error message and ask user to enter extension | |
MISSING_NUMBER | GC | Number to dial is missing in request | display the error message and ask user to enter dial number | |
MISSING_PASSWORD | GC | Password is missing in request | display the error message and ask user for credentials | |
MISSING_REASON_CODE | GC | GC/Finesse expects reason-code that wasn't provided by the client | display the error message and ask user to provide reason code | |
NO_DIALOG_ID | GC | The requested dialog doesn't exists in GC | send getdialogstate request for any active dialogs | |
NOT_REACHABLE | GC | SocketTimeoutException Timeout exception on connecting to Finesse via Requester After 2 unsuccessful retries, GC tries to establish connection with secondary Finesse | display the error message and continue regular operations | |
PLEASE_RETRY | GC | invalid request params, IOException, request timeout | display the error message and continue regular operations | |
SUBSCRIPTION_FAILED | GC | Invalid credentials supplied for agent login | display the error message and ask user to enter valid credentials | |
UNABLE_TO_SUBSCRIBE_TO_FINESSE | GC | Invalid credentials supplied for agent login | display the error message and ask user to enter valid credentials | |
WRONG_EXTENSION | GC | Extension is not valid (contains alphabetic characters) | display the error message and ask user to enter valid Extension | |
SESSION_INVALIDATED | GC | The current session session for login has been invalidate, user has been logged in from a new destination. GC will send a logout message followed by this message | display the error message and ask user to login again | |
Note: Some of the error from finesse are mentioned here. Rest of the Finesse errors can be found in this document on page 17: |
User Messages
Message | Description |
Error#LICENSES_EXCEEDED | License exceeded, please contact system administrator. |
Error#SUBSCRIPTION_FAILED | Invalid LoginId / Password. |
Error#MISSING_EXTENSION | Extension is missing. |
Error#MISSING_PASSWORD | Password not set, please contact system administrator. |
Error#CF_INVALID_LOGON_DEVICE_SPECIFIED | Incorrect phone extension. |
Error#CF_GENERIC_UNSPECIFIED_REJECTION | Please reset your phone and try again |
Error#CF_RESOURCE_BUSY | Phone extension is already in use |
Error#FINESSE_UNAVAILABLE | System is not available, it will connect automatically once available. |
Error#GENERIC_ERROR | An error occurred, please try again later. |
Error#PLEASE_RETRY | An error occurred, please try again later. |
Error#NO_DIALOG_ID | Invalid operation or call not found. |
State#RE_LOGIN | Reconnecting, please wait... |
State#LOGOUT | You are Logged out |
State#LOGGED_IN | You are Logged in |
State#READY | Your State: Ready |
State#NOT_READY | Your State: Not Ready |
State#RESERVED | Your are Reserved, an inbound call is coming. |
State#TALKING | You are talking. |
State#WORK | Wrap up -> Not Ready |
State#WORK_READY | Wrap up -> Ready |
State#UNKNOWN | An error occurred, please refresh your browser. |
State#HOLD | Call is on hold. |
InboundCall#INITIATING | Call is initiated.. |
InboundCall#INITIATED | |
InboundCall#ALERTING | Call is ringing.. |
InboundCall#ACTIVE | Call is active.. |
InboundCall#FAILED | Call has failed.. |
InboundCall#DROP | Call has been released.. |
InboundCall#ACCEPTED | Call is accepted.. |
ConsultCall#ACTIVE | Consult call is active.. |
ConsultCall#INITIATING | |
ConsultCall#INITIATED | |
ConsultCall#ALERTING | Consult call is ringing.. |
ConsultCall#FAILED | Consult call has failed.. |
ConsultCall#DROP | Consult call has dropped. |