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Compatibility Guide

Agent Interfaces 

  1. Unified Service Desk (Desktop)

Integration Approaches

Classic UIUse the Classic UI to develop a UI application inside Dynamics CRM. The default UI below version 9.0. 
Unified Client Interface (UCI)
  1. Introduced in version 9.0 (Dynamics 365) 
  2. Backward compatibility is available using the Dynamics 365-custom app. This app supports classic UI but it'll be discontinued by Q1 2020. 
Channel Integration Framework (CIF)Available only for Dynamics 365 online, a Javascript toolbar maybe embedded via this interface.

Hybrid Chat Agent

The agent app may be embedded through any of the supported integration approaches. 

CRM 365 Online

CRM 365 On-premise (9.x)

CRM 2016 (8.x)

CRM 2015 (7.x)

Classic UI(tick) (tick) (tick) (tick) 


(tick) (error)(error)
Custom JS(error)(error)(error)(error)

Contact Center 




Cisco Contact CenterSupported  (tick)

UCCE 11.6.

UCCX 11.6

Cisco CUCM (question) Can be developed on Demand
Freeswitch / FusionPBX(error) Currently not supported, but in Product Road map

(question)Maybe developed on-demand
(error)Not Supported

  1. With 365 Online, Classic UI may be used to embed HC Agent as Custom-JS embedding. 

Installation Package 

The package contains:

  1. Expertflow Package Ddployer - The Package Deployer can be installed on CRM 2015,2016, Dynamics 365 9.x (on-Premise). 
  2. Expertflow USD Connector - the client application that's installed in Microsoft Unified Service Desk and enabled agent and call controls for the agent.

Unified Client Interface (UCI)

The agent will always be logged in to the Dynamics 365-custom app by default. The agent will not be prompted for any other app even if the agent is privileged to do so.

To make UCI compatible, Expertflow Package Deployer configurations will be modified. 

The agent will then be able to log in to any privileged Dynamics 365 app in USD. The app will then use USD components (hosted controls, events, toolbar, etc) optimized for UCI. 

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.