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Business Features

Integration between Cisco Contact Center and SAP C4C

This embedded Web CTI Connector runs inside the SAP C4C Web UI  and enables agent/call controls within SAP CRM allowing agents to use the same CRM agent interface for all call handling and transfer. The Web CTI Connector has the following feature set

CTI Call Controls

Controls/buttons on the toolbar change based on the current state of the agent/call and on the telephony event fired from the contact center. Using the communication toolbar, the agent can perform the following actions,

  • Accept an incoming call

  • Hold/Resume/End call

  • Consultative or blind call transfer to extensions

  • Conference call

  • Call wrap-up

* blind transfer in case of CCX only supported in 11.6 or higher.

Agent State Controls

The embedded CTI toolbar within SAP CRM allows agents to manage their states. The following state controls are supported,

  • Login - The agents need to provide the Cisco Credentials (Agent-ID, Password, Extension ) to login on to the CTI Toolbar


On Cisco CTI Toolbar, agent can log in with Agent-ID not with userName

  • Logout - The agent will need to explicitly logout from the CTI toolbar by providing the Logout Reason Code 

  • Ready / Not Ready - The agent may change the availability status to “Ready” to receive contact center calls or may change it to any of the “Not Ready” states for a break.


It is mandatory to have at least 1 custom reason code for Not Ready and 1 custom reasons code for Logout

Caller Information Popup on Call Arrival (ScreenPop)

The caller information is displayed on the SAP CRM Agent Notification Page as soon as the call arrives. 

Search In  Accounts, Contacts, And Individual Customer

An incoming call phone number is searched in  Accounts, Contacts, or in Individual Customer Entities. SAP CRM manages the search by Itself and searches in all these entities If only the record is found it will display in the Agent notification bar with the match customer name and number. The agent Needs to click on that notification to open the record inside the CRM.


SAP CRM doesn't search in the Lead Entity for Screen pop

No ANI Match

In the case, that the customer record is not available on either of the Account, Contact, or Individual Customer, It will display the Unknown Caller on the CTI Agent Notification bar. 

If the agent clicks on that Notification bar, the Activity page will open, and then the agent has a choice to create the New Contact / Account/ Individual customer by selecting the appropriate entity from the CRM Manually. 


In case of No-Match, Phone number will not be auto-populated in case of Contact Entity 

Multiple matches

In the case of multiple matches, CTI Toolbar will display the "Multiple Possible Caller" option in the Agent Notification bar.  When the agent will click on that Notification bar, the respective Account / Contact record will open on the Left Side. An agent can choose the respective customer. 


In the case of a Consult call, On Agent B, System will do the screen pop based on customer ANI. 

Multi-Match Case Activity Limitation

In the case of a Multi-match case, Activity will be created however this will not be linked with the customer record. Agent manually needs to link this with the customer account. 

Phone Call Activity / Call Wrap-up

A phone call activity is automatically created and linked to the matched caller account in SAP C4C (for Single Match). Activity is created as soon as the agent click on the Agent Notification bar.  Any call notes that you write while handling the call agent need to explicitly click on the save button, only then activity along with notes will be saved. The Wrapup agent applied on the CTI toolbar will only be saved in Cisco and will be available in the default Cisco Report. 

Click to Call

Click to call a contact from a contact’s phone number or via entering the number directly in the CTI panel’s dial-pad.


If the call is initiated via Click to Call, The Activity will be created with Direction Outbound. For Manual Outbound calls (Dialing directly via CTI DialPad or Initiating via Softphone/Hardphone) Activity will not be created also screen pop will not happen. 

Call attached data

Call attached data or call variables are passed on to a CTI Toolbar from Cisco via Expertflow Connector and are displayed to the contact center agent CTI Toolbar


If the user refreshes the browser at any time while login on to CTI Connector, Once the browser, comes back after refresh it will reconnect and resume the current state of the call. 

Outbound Campaign 

All Cisco Campaigns are supported 

  • Predictive 

  • Progressive

  • Preview 


For Outbound calls, the Activity will be created with the Direction OUTBOUND. 


The following features are not yet available but are in the product roadmap





Email / Chat 

Email / Chats are not yet integrated with Web Connector and are expected to be available in Version 4.0



SSO Support for CRM 

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