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SAP CIC Troubleshooting Knowledge base

DateIssue Reason Customer

Randomly Agents are not 

able to log in on SAP CTI


Agent Successfully Login on SAP, After providing CTI Detail (Extension, Password, CiscoID), He didn't login successfully into the CTI and not able to see full CTI Buttons, like Ready / Not Ready all states (NOT Ready Lunch, Break, etc).

Reason : 

The agent is not able to log in on the SAP CTI, because on EF SAP Adaptor we are not able to subscribe with SAP CTI and getting the following Exception 

Container Subscription URl :
14/10/2021 08:56:09[ERROR]:An error occured while sending container subscribe command. Channel =1. Address =+1018. Exceptiom message =System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element
at SAPIciAdapter.Agent.AgentService.SubscribeContainer(subscribe subscribeRequest)
at SAPIciAdapter.SapIcWebService.subscribe(subscribe subscribe1)

 The reason for that exception is, multiple agents tried to log in with the Same Extension, Whenever 2 users tried to log in with the Same extension this issue will occur. 

The logs we gather from the customer, we see a user having SAPID T1685, and Cisco ID 10216 tried to log in with Extension 1018, below is the screenshot 

Then another SAP USER  having SAP ID t1585 and Cisco ID 10234 (Kalpna Divi) tried to log in with the same extension 1018, Screenshot is attached 


When the 2nd user tried to log in with the same extension, he/she will be getting the Subscription failed error, he/she won't be able to log in on the SAP CTI

Resolution : 

First, every agent should try to log in with his Unique Extension. However, if the above case happens, we need to do the following 

  1. Logout the 1st SAP agent, from SAP CTI, by clicking on LogOff Button,  who tried to log-in with the Wrong Extension. If he has already logout follow the 2nd step 
  2. Login the 1st SAP Agent, with the correct CTI Credentials (Extension, Password, CiscoID), and then plz check and confirm that this agent is successfully login on the SAP CTI, and can see all the CTI Control like Ready / Not Ready Lunch break, short break, etc
  3. Logout the 2nd SAP agent from SAP CTI, by clicking on LogOff Button on SAP 
  4. Login the  2nd SAP agent on SAP and then log in on the CTI with correct CTI Credentials (Extension, Password, CiscoID) 

Note: By following these steps Issue should be resolved, if multiple or many agents are facing this issue, you can restart the SAP CTI Adopter Service. 


Pop up Contact in SAP without login CTI Agent

The screen pop is the default behavior of SAP on the phoneCallChanged event (for a particular dialog state). For phoneCallChanged event we do require to pass a session-related parameter i.e. appId.

We do get this parameter after successful CTI login on SAP. In SAPConnector logs, we can see that we receive the request from SAP which contains appId and session token in the container subscribe command that is received after successful login.


Postman Collection For SAP APIs:

In order to debug the CRM events, we can choose CRM_ICI_TRACE from SAP GUI, then select the user. It will generate logs of all events. We can verify from phoneCallChanged event in the CRM_ICI_TRACE logs that we do need an appId for this event.

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