SAP GUI configuration
SAP GUI configurations to be performed by the SAP partner.
Define an RFC connection
Transaction: SM59
This needs to be done only once per CRM system as this is Client Independent. Add a new HTTP Connection to External Server (Connection Type G). RFC Destination is a free-text field but it is recommended to use some name that reflects the Call center solution you wish to connect to.
Test connection with “Connection Test”. Successful connection with call center solution should display following scree.
Make Settings for Communication Management Systems
Transaction: CRMM_IC_MCM_CCADM
Create a communication management software system with the properties matching the requirements and capabilities. The system ID is a free-text field but it is recommended to use a name that reflects the generic name of the Call Center Solution (without version number etc.). This software system is client dependent and has to be created in all relevant clients in all CRM systems.
CAD Handling should bet set to "C" (Inherited / Copied Back) (empty means Not Inherited / Not Copied back). This setting affects the interaction record handling when a contact is transferred from agent to another, ideally the Interaction Record transfers while call transfers. If it is set to "C" then the CAD is set for the original call. When the transfer is completed, then the CAD is set for the consultation call.
Add Channels for the created entry. Highlight the entry on the right and click on Channels. The channels is scope should be added to the communication management software system, and in our case only Telephony is added
Define Connections for Communication Management Software
Transaction: CRMM_BCB_ADM
Link the RFC connection to the Communication Management Software.
Create a New Entry. The entry in the field Comm. Mgmt Software System ID is the System ID you created in step 2. If your CRM system is CRM 7.0 Ehp1 SP3 or above and you want to use http to connect your CMS system, make sure to include your defined RFC connection (here SAPBCM7.0) in the Session Connected field too.
Define Communication Management Software Profiles
Transaction: CRMC_IC_MCM_CCPRO
Create a communication management software profile. This profile is client dependent customizing, and the configuration will be transported from one SAP system to another. This profile will be business role under functional profiles:
Often companies want their users to automatically log on to the CMS when they log on to the CRM Web Client UI and that is why I did not check ‘Manual CMS Logon’. The ‘Presence’ checkbox defines if presence status of users should be displayed in all assignment blocks and views on the CRM Web Client UI related to business partners as shown below. This is often required and therefore I have checked the box too.
‘Multisessioning’ is mostly used in scenarios with asynchronous communication like email and chat. If multisessioning is enabled SAP CRM would create a new ‘internal tab’ for each session:
assigned to the business role under functional profiles
Link Communication Management Software System to Profile
Transaction: CRMM_IC_MCM_CCLNK
In this configuration step the communication management software system created in paragraph 2.2 is linked to the communication management software profile created in paragraph 2.4 This link is regarded as client dependent customizing, and the configuration will be transported from one SAP system to another. The links was configured as shown below:
With this link everything created so far is linked together. The RFC Connection from paragraph 2.1 was linked to the Communication Management Software System from paragraph 2.2. They were linked in paragraph 2.3. The Communication Management Software Profile created in paragraph 2.4 was linked to the software system from paragraph 2.2 and this was done in paragraph 2.5.
Create Toolbar Profile
Transaction: CRMC_IC_TLBPROF
The toolbar profile defines the buttons which should be shown for the various communication channels: Generic, Telephony, Chat, E-mail and Action Item. The ‘Dynamic’ option enables the buttons on the toolbar to be shown based on the current communication channel state e.g. the Consult button will only be shown when the user is in busy state. This profile is also client dependent customizing, and the configuration will be transported from one SAP system to another. This profile will be assigned to the business role under functional profiles:
The ‘Generic’ buttons will be shown for all channels. The ‘Accept’ and ‘Reject’ button are always shown, when the user is logged on. ‘Manually CMS Logon’ was not selected in the communication management software profile in paragraph 2.4. However if manually CMS logon was selected then the Logon and Logoff would also have been added under generic buttons:
The 3 options for setting the dynamic presence of a button are:
Logged Off – The current user is not Logged In to the Communication Management System
Idle – The current user is not participating in a call
Busy – The current user is participating in a call
The buttons for telephone are defined as shown in the screenshot below. Not all buttons are really needed, and some could be replaced by other button depending on the requirements e.g. Transfer could be replaced by Transfer and End:
Alternate: Switch between calls e.g. between active call and call on hold.
Cancel: It cancels the instantiated interaction record and the confirmed business partner is cleared too.
Conference: Initiate a conference call. This is only possible in an active call.
Consult: Make a consultation call e.g. to a colleague.
Dial: Call a number selected e.g. a business partner is confirmed in an outbound scenario or as part of manual call list execution.
Dial Pad: A dial pad is shown a call can be initiated from it.
End: The interaction (record) in SAP CRM is ended. The UI is cleared and the agent becomes available for new interactions.
Hang Up: The call gets hang up, and the agent will continue working in ‘Afterwork mode’ until the interaction is ended.
Hold: The current call is set on hold.
New Session: A new session is started in a multisession scenario.
Reset: The current contacts table is refreshed and an attempt to recover the users contacts is made.
Transfer: The call is transferred to another agent then the other agent accepts the call.
Un Hold: Return to a call on hold.
Warm Transfer: The agent talks to the other agent before transferring the call.
CMS Integration Profiles
Transaction: CRM_IC_FW_PROF
The CMS Integration Profile defines the behavior related to the CMS functionalities. It defines e.g. if the communication links like phone number should be active. Further it also defines what UI objects should be transferred from one agent to another during call transfer. The profile can also map MCM (multi-channel management /CMS) events to UI navigation and object creation. An empty profile has just been created at this point and the requirements will determined the real usage.
This profile is also client dependent customizing, and the configuration will be transported from one SAP system to another. This profile will be assigned to the business role under functional profiles too.
Assigning Profiles to Business Role Configuration
Transaction: CRMC_UI_PROFILE
Under ‘Assign Function Profiles’ it is possible to assign the profiles created so far. The communication management software profile from paragraph 2.4 is assigned to function profile ‘CONTACTCENTER – Comm. Management Software’. The toolbar profile created in paragraph 3 is allocated to ‘WBAR - Toolbar’, and finally the CMS integration profile from paragraph 4 is assigned to ‘CMS_ROLE – Communication Channel Enabled’:
The business role configuration is also client dependent customizing, and the configuration will be transported from one SAP system to another.