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Business Features

Business Features Google Chrome CTI Extension

Integration between Cisco Contact Center and Google Chrome CTI extension

This Google Chrome CTI extension runs as a web application inside Chrome and enables agent/call controls within the CTI Toolbar. The Google Chrome extension has the following feature set

CTI Call Controls

Controls/buttons on the extension change based on the current state of the agent/call and the telephony event fired from the contact center. Using the Google Chrome CTI extension, the agent can perform the following actions,

  • Accept an incoming call

  • Hold/Resume/End call

  • Consultative or blind call transfer to extensions

  • Conference call

  • Call wrap-up

  • blind transfer in the case of CCX only supported in 11.6 or higher.

Call Control.png


  • Agents can manually input numbers and make calls using the dialpad.

Phonebook Dialpad.png
  • Viewing Contacts: Agents can select a list of contacts from the dropdown menu to view multiple contacts.

  • Searching Contacts: The search bar allows agents to find specific contacts by name or other details quickly.

  • Interacting with Contacts

    • Hover Actions: When an agent hovers over a contact, two buttons appear:

      • Edit (Green Button): Clicking this button will populate the dial pad input field with the contact's number, allowing for quick editing or dialing.

      • Direct Call (Other Button): This button initiates an outbound call directly to the selected contact. 


Consult/Blind Transfer Using Dialpad:

  • Click on the blue dialpad button to open the dialpad interface.

  • Input the number directly into the dialpad to perform a consult or blind transfer.

Consult Blind Transfer Using Dialpad.png

Consult/Blind Transfer Using the Phonebook:

  • Open the contact list and click the edit (green) button next to the desired contact.

  • This action will load the selected contact's number into the dialpad.

  • The agent can then use this number to perform a consult or blind transfer of the active call.

Consult Blind Transfer Using the Phonebook.png

Agent State Controls

The CTI toolbar allows agents to manage their states. The following state controls are supported,

  • Login - The agent can be configured to auto-login to Cisco Finesse 

Login page.png
  • Logout - The agent will need to explicitly logout from the CTI extension by providing the Logout Reason Code 

  • Ready / Not Ready - The agent may change the availability status to “Ready” to receive contact center calls or may change it to any of the “Not Ready” states for a break.

Agent State Controls.png
  • Wrapup - If wrapup is optional on the Cisco configuration for the specified agent then in the agent states dropdown wrapup option will appear and the agent can select it during the call if he wants to go on wrapup state after the call. 


It is mandatory to have at least 1 custom reason code for Not Ready and 1 custom reason code for Logout

Call attached data

Call-attached data or call variables are passed on to a unified service desk from Cisco via Expertflow Connector and are displayed to the contact center agent.


If the user refreshes the browser at any time while login on to CTI extension, Once the browser, comes back after refresh it will reconnect and resume the current state of the call. 

Pops up Caller Information on Call Arrival

This feature enables the agent to see the caller's information as soon as the call arrives. If multiple contacts match, the Suite CRM connector shows all those contacts for agents to choose from. Search can be made as follows

Search in Leads, Accounts, and Contacts

An incoming call phone number is searched in Leads, Accounts, and Contacts. First, second, and third priorities can be set. For example, if the priority is Leads -> Accounts -> Contacts, It will first search into the ‘Leads’ entity, and the resulting record will pop up. If the customer record is not found in ‘Leads’ then it will search into the ‘Accounts’ entity and then finally into contacts, in case no record is found in the accounts.

Consult Blind Transfer Using the Phonebook.png

Caller Information on Call Arrival (Screen pop-up)

No ANI Match

When a call arrives on the logged-in agent, an Anonymous Account/Contact/Lead will pop up. This contact/account/lead will be saved with the name 'Anonymous' with the caller's number, and a call activity will be recorded for that anonymous contact at the end of the call.

Multiple Matches

In the case of multiple matches, a list of all the matched records of the respective entity will be shown in the drop-down list in alphabetical order. The first record in the list will automatically pop up, however, the agent can also manually select the customer record from the dropdown list and that customer profile will pop up.

In the case of a Consult call with Agent B, the system will do the screen pop based on customer ANI.

Phone Call Activity/ Call Wrap-up

A phone call activity is automatically created and linked to the matched caller account in Suite CRM. Any call notes that the agent writes while handling the call, are also saved along with the phone call activity, and the selected wrap-up code is applied in Cisco Finesse. The agent can track the call handling status via native CRM reports as well as via the Cisco call wrap-up report.


Phone Call Activity

Click to Call

This feature allows the agent to select any number corresponding to a record (Account/Contact/Lead) and initiate an outbound call with that number.


Click to call

Outbound Campaign 


The flow of predictive campaign calls is such that it will first ring on the customer end and the agent will be in Reserved state. If the customer accepts the call, then an agent will receive the call. On accepting, the agent and customer both are in talking state i.e the call is Active.


The flow of progressive campaign calls is such that it will first ring on the customer end and the agent will be in Reserved state. If the customer accepts the call, then an agent will receive the call. On accepting, the agent and customer both are in talking state i.e the call is Active.


Preview campaign call flow is slightly different than other campaign calls. In preview campaign call the call first lands on the agent, the agent has 3 choices i.e Accept, Close and Reject the call. If the agent Accepts the call only then the campaign call proceeds. From here on, it behaves like other campaign calls. After that like other campaign calls, it will ring on the customer end. If the customer accepts the call, then an agent will receive the call again. On accepting the agent and customer both are in talking state i.e the call is Active.

Supervisor Features 

Google chrome CTI extension deals with Supervisor Features like Team Performance and Queue Stats as well. 

Team Performance 

In the Team Performance gadget, you can view the details of the team that is selected by default in the Team Name drop-down.

A list of agents for the selected team, their current state, time in the state, and extension appears. You can click the headers of the columns to sort by Agent Name, State, Time in State, or Extension.  You can also search the agent via search box. 

Team Performance.png

Change State of Agent

You can use the Team Performance gadget to force an agent into a Ready state or to sign out an agent.


In the Team Performance gadget, select the agent whose state you want to change.

Change State of Agent.png

Step 2

If you want to sign the agent out, click Sign Out. If you want to force the agent into a Ready state, click Ready.


The Sign Out and Ready buttons are active only if the action is allowed. For example, if you select an agent who is in the Ready state, only the Sign Out button is active. If you select an agent who is in the Not Ready state, both buttons are active.

If you sign out an agent who is on a call (in the Talking state), that agent is signed out when the call ends.

Step 3

To force the agent into a Ready state, click Ready. To force the agent into the Not Ready state, click Not Ready. To sign the agent out, click Sign Out.

In the select state dropdown, the Ready or Not Ready and Sign Out options are active only if the action is allowed. For example, if you select an agent who is in the Ready state, you will see only the Not Ready and Sign Out options will be active, and the Ready Option will be greyed out. If you select an agent who is in the Not Ready state, you will see only the Ready and Sign Out options active, the Not Ready option would be greyed out. 

If you sign out an agent who is reserved for a call (in Reserved or Reserved (Outbound) state), on an active call (in Talking state), or has a call on hold (in Hold state), that agent is immediately logged out of the desktop but the call is retained.

Monitor a Call

The supervisor must be in a Not Ready state to monitor an agent. You can only monitor one agent at a time. To monitor another agent, you must end the silent monitoring call and then select a new agent.


Step 1

From the Team Performance drop-down list, choose the team whose agents you want to monitor.

Step 2

Select the agent that you want to monitor.

The Start Monitoring button is enabled.

Opens image in full screenOpen

Monitor a Call.png

Step 3

Click Start Monitoring.

The Start Monitoring button changes to Monitoring Agent. The silent monitor call appears in the call control area of the desktop. The Hold, Barge In, and End buttons are enabled. You can click Hold to place the call on hold and then click Retrieve to retrieve it. You can click Barge In to barge into the call.

Step 4

To end the silent monitor call, click End.

Barge In on a Call

The Barge In feature allows you to join a call between an agent and a caller.


You can only barge in on a call that you are silently monitoring.


Step 1

From the Team Performance list, select an agent who is in a Talking state to monitor.

Step 2

Click Start Monitoring.

The Start Monitoring button changes to Monitoring Agent. The silent monitor call appears in the call control area of your desktop. The Barge In button appears (With + Sign)

Step 3

Click Barge In

Opens image in full screenOpen

Barge In on a Call.png

The call becomes a conference call between you, the agent, and the caller.

Intercept a Call

After you barge into a call between an agent and a caller, you can intercept the call by dropping the agent from the call. You can also use this feature to drop a participant from any conference call in which you are a participant.


Step 1

Click the Drop drop-down list.

Intercept a Call.png

Step 2

Click the agent who you want to drop from the list of participants.


You can only drop an agent from the call. You cannot drop a CTI Route Point, IVR Port, or a caller.

The selected agent is dropped from the call.

Queue Stats 

The Queue Statistics gadget displays a list of the queues for which you are responsible. You can click the column headers to sort the information in ascending or descending order.

The Queue Statistics gadget provides the following columns:

  • Queue Name: The name of the queue

  • # Calls: The number of calls waiting in the queue

  • Max Time: The length of time the oldest call has been in the queue

  • Ready: The number of agents assigned to the queue who are in the Ready state

  • Not Ready: The number of agents assigned to the queue who are in the Not Ready state

  • Active

    • In: The number of agents assigned to the queue who are on inbound calls

    • Out: The number of agents assigned to the queue who are on outbound calls

    • Other: The number of agents assigned to the queue who are on internal consult calls

  • Wrap Up

    • Ready (Pending): The number of agents assigned to the queue who will transition to the Ready state when wrap-up ends.

    • Not Ready (Pending): The number of agents assigned to the queue who will transition to the Not Ready state when wrap-up ends.

The following notes provide additional information about how the Queue Statistics gadget collects and displays statistics:

  • Finesse does not compute the queue statistics but instead receives the queue statistics from Unified CCE.

  • Finesse does not display the queue statistics for the default queue (default skill group on Unified CCE).

  • The Active Out statistic includes agents talking on outbound calls placed by those agents. It also includes non-routed calls placed to external devices that are not monitored by Unified CM and to devices in a different Unified CM cluster. It does not include agents on Outbound Option calls.

  • If an agent places a direct call to another agent's extension, Unified CCE increments the Active Out statistic for the default queue (skill group). However, because Finesse does not display the queue statistics for the default queue, the Active Out statistics do not change for any of the Finesse queues to which the agent is assigned.


Queue stats feature is available for CCE/PCCE

Additional Notes on how the Queue Statistics gadget collects and displays statistics

  • Finesse does not compute the queue statistics but instead receives the queue statistics from Unified CCE.

  • Finesse does not display the queue statistics for the default queue (default skill group on Unified CCE).

  • The Active Out statistic includes agents talking on outbound calls placed by those agents. It also includes non-routed calls placed to external devices that are not monitored by Unified CM and to devices in a different Unified CM cluster. It does not include agents on Outbound Option calls.

  • If an agent places a direct call to another agent's extension, Unified CCE increments the Active Out statistic for the default queue (skill group). However, because Finesse does not display the queue statistics for the default queue, the Active Out statistics do not change for any of the Finesse queues to which the agent is assigned.

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