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Release Notes

Target release14.2
Target release date






Document owner

@a user, Rafay Raza

QAZeeshan Ali, Hassan Sohail

Release Summary

In this release, we are introducing several noteworthy features to enhance the functionality of our system. One key addition is the Archival Service, which facilitates the archiving of records older than a configurable number of days. Through secure SFTP, this service efficiently transfers these records to an archival server, contributing to effective data management and storage practices. Additionally, the release incorporates a Stream Deletion feature, allowing for the removal of raw stream files and associated data from the database. These features collectively aim to streamline data maintenance processes and optimize the overall performance of our system.

What's New

New Features  Description
Archival ServiceThis service transfers records that are a specified number of days old to an archival server using SFTP. The archived recordings will be displayed in the UI with a distinct appearance (Grey color)
Stream Deletion

The recorder first records two raw files for each call recording leg and those files are mixed into a single file to make it a conversation. The deletion of those files is now taking place following a successful mix.




Consult CallAgent to Agent consult call 
Consult TransferAgent A consults with Agent B and then transfers the customer call to Agent B
Consult Conference

After consulting with Agent B, Agent A initiates a conference call with both the customer and Agent B

Agent to Agent callAgent to Agent call saved duplicate recordings in the application

Fixed Issues In this release

Authenticate to retrieve your issues

 Open Issues

Authenticate to retrieve your issues

Release Test Highlights

Tested With

  • Call recordings are tested with both UCCX and UCCE
  • Call recordings are tested with both CIPC and Cisco Jabber for UCCX
  • Inbound, Outbound, Hold/Resume and Direct Transfer (using extension and Queue DN) call recordings are supported
  • VRS application is tested on Google Chrome and Firefox only

Not tested with

  • The solution is not tested with Cisco Jabber devices for UCCE
  • HA→ High Availability is not supported in this release
  • Load Test has not been conducted

Compatibility Guide

Click here to navigate to the compatibility guide

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