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Create Application User for VRS in CUCM

For the creation of an Application User in order to run JtapiConnector service follow these steps

  1. Open the CUCM main page

  2. In the User Management Tab  click Application User

  3. A new page would open for Application

  4. Click the Add New Button

  5. Enter the Username in the User ID field Password in the Password field.

  6. In the Available Device Choose the devices that are supposed to be recorded and move them to the Controlled Devices block.

  7. In the Permission Information block click Add to Access Control Group, find all Standard CTI options, and select them and click on Add Selected button.

  8. Close the Tab and click Save

  9. Re-open and check the Application User. Write User ID and click find. You can now see your Application User created.

Application user has been created. Enter the Password and the Username in the Environment Variables docker/config.env.

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