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Our Workforce Management (WFM) solution offers a range of features designed to optimize workforce operations and ensure efficient management of employees. Below is an overview of the key functionalities:



Contract Adherence

  • Specifies the agreed-upon working hours for an agent.

  • Determines contract type (full-time, part-time, temporary, etc.).

  • Outlines expected work time (daily, weekly, average) and rest time.

  • Sets acceptable tolerance for deviations in working hours.

  • Defines the working days in the agent's schedule.

Shift Categories

  • Group shifts into categories like Early, Day, and Late.

  • Helps in managing schedules based on business needs and employee preferences.

  • Each category is represented by a color and a short name in schedules.


  • Serves as the building blocks of an agent’s shift that s.

  • Includes skill-related tasks (e.g., phone, email, chat).

  • Covers non-skill-related tasks (e.g., administration, meetings, breaks).

Organizational Hierarchy

  • Provides a structured representation of the organization.

  • Helps manage and optimize workforce resources effectively by organizing employees into levels and units.

Shifts Adherence

  • Automatically schedules agents with designed shifts.

  • Each shift includes a base activity, start and end times, and duration segments.

  • Ensures shifts are compliant with contractual agreements and labor laws.


  • Manages the creation and organization of skills necessary for WFM operations.

  • Includes parameters like service level thresholds, occupancy rates, shrinkage, and efficiency.

Queue Volume

  • Manages workloads such as calls, chats, and emails linked to queues.

  • Ensures accurate forecasting and resource allocation to meet service levels.


  • Uses historical data to estimate contact volumes and staffing needs.

  • Separate forecasts are created for different activities like phone or chat support.

Smart Scheduling

  • Balances business needs with employee well-being through optimized scheduling.

  • Offers options for optimizing schedules, such as days off and agent shuffling.


  • Allows employees to view and manage their individual work schedules.

  • Enhances transparency and communication in scheduling.

Resource Management

  • Facilitates user management within a team-based structure.

  • Includes functionalities like user import and management of user settings.

User Settings

  • Divides settings into General Information, Person Period, and Schedule Period.

  • Provides a structured approach to manage user data efficiently.


  • Offers a variety of reports for analyzing and optimizing workforce operations.

  • Covers key areas like scheduling, adherence, performance, and forecasting.

  • Can download reports in various templates (PDF, EXCEL, CSV, HTML) for detailed analysis

Deployment and Scalability


  • Kubernetes: All services (auth, core, connector, reporting) are deployed as microservices on Kubernetes, ensuring scalability and resilience.

  • Docker: Each service is containerized using Docker, which allows for consistent and isolated environments across all stages of deployment (development, staging, production).

  • Helm Charts: Helm charts are used to manage Kubernetes deployments, providing a templated approach to deploy and manage the microservices.

Security Considerations

  • OAuth2 & JWT: Secure user authentication using OAuth2 and JWT, with token validation in every request.

  • Database Security: Encryption of sensitive data in PostgreSQL, with strict access controls.

  • Kubernetes Security: Implementation of network policies and secrets management for secure service communication.

Performance and Scalability

Microservices Architecture

  • Service Communication: RESTful APIs for communication between services.

  • Load Balancing: Kubernetes-managed load balancing across service instances.

  • Horizontal Scaling: Services scale horizontally in Kubernetes using the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA).

Kubernetes Deployment


  • Docker: Services are containerized using Docker, with Dockerfiles for each service.

  • Helm Charts: Helm charts are used for managing Kubernetes deployments, ensuring consistent and repeatable deployments across environments.

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