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MS Dynamics CRM integration

Dynamics CRM Web or USD

Hybrid Chat integrated with Dynamics CRM allows agents to use CRM as the primary agent desktop, see automatic customer screen-pop with each incoming chat request and, get a chat activity logged automatically at the end of the chat.

Customer information screen-pop

With each incoming chat request, the profile of the customer (requesting chat) is popped up with all the details available in the CRM. This information can be configured as per your business needs.

Automatic Chat Activity

At the end of each chat conversation, a chat activity is automatically created with the information including customer name, agent name, and chat history URL.

Single Match

In the case of a single match, when the agent closes the conversation, a chat activity is automatically created for the popped up customer account.


In the case of multi-match, all matched customer accounts will pop up on the screen and the agent has to choose one from the list manually.

If the agent has selected a customer account, the chat activity is created against the selected account. If the agent does not select an account, the chat activity will not be created at all.

No Match 

If no customer account matches, a chat activity is created but would not be linked with any customer account. 

Pushing Delivery Notification via REST

Variable Name


IS_CRM_UPDATE_DISABLEDIf set to false, no SMS delivery notification will be sent to a third-party app like CRM

Any third party REST API URL and its credentials to push delivery notification after it is
received from Twilio.

example: http://<FQDN>/smsDeliveryNotification

CRM_API_USERCRM API username for basic auth
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