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Release Notes

3.15.9 Release Notes

This patch release covers the following issues.

Authenticate to retrieve your issues

Upgrade from 3.15.8 to 3.15.9

To upgrade from 3.15.8 to 3.15.9 follow these steps

  1. Navigate to HC deployment directory
  2. Edit coreversion.env file
  3. Update the tags of the images
    1. databaseconnector=3.15.9

    2. commserver=3.15.9
    3. mre=3.15.9
    4. chat=3.15.9
    5. ccm=3.15.9
  4. Save and exit coreversion.env file
  5. Edit the <hc-deplyment-dir>/docker/environment-variables/database-connector-variables.env file and add the following environment variable:
    • ERR_FILE_PATH=/usr/src/app/err
  6. Start all components by using the following command
$ efutils all up

3.15.8 Release Notes

Authenticate to retrieve your issues

Upgrade from 3.15.7 to 3.15.8

To upgrade from 3.15.7 to 3.15.8 follow these steps

  1. Navigate to HC deployment directory
  2. Edit coreversion.env file
  3. Update the tags of the images
  1. reportingconnector=3.15.8

  • Save and exit coreversion.env file
  • Start all components by using the following command
  • CODE
    $ efutils all up

    3.15.7 Release Notes

    Key Summary Description Status
    Authenticate to retrieve your issues

    Upgrade from 3.15.6 to 3.15.7

    To upgrade from 3.15.6 to 3.15.7 follow these steps

    1. Navigate to HC deployment directory
    2. Edit coreversion.env file
    3. Update the tags of the images
    1. ccm=3.15.7

    2. commserver=3.15.7

    3. mre=3.15.7

  • Save and exit coreversion.env file
  • Start all components by using the following command
  • CODE
    $ efutils all up

    3.15.6 Release Notes

    This patch release covers the following issues.

    Key Summary Description Status
    Authenticate to retrieve your issues

    Upgrade from 3.15.5 to 3.15.6

    The updated upgrade process is as follows:

        1.Stop Comm Server service.
        2.Login to MongoDB shell and execute the following commands:
    $ efutils login
    # select mongo
    > mongo
    > use chatsolution
    > db.agents.updateMany({},{$set:{"LastStateChangeTime":""}},{"upsert":false});
        3.Edit the coreversion.env file and update the following tags.




           4. To enable SSO edit <hc-3.15.5-installation-dir>/docker/environment-variables/umm-variables.env

                a. Set SSO_ENABLED=true

                b. Set the IDS server path in IDS1_URL and IDS2_URL environment variables

            5. Edit <hc-3.15.5-installation-dir>/docker/environment-variables/chat-variables.env

               a. Add MOBILE_CUSTOMER_RECONNECT_TIME environment variable for reconnect time of mobile based customers. It expects values in seconds e.g. MOBILE_CUSTOMER_RECONNECT_TIME=120. Save the changes.

           6. Start all services

    $ efutils all up

    Finesse Gadget Deployment:

    Please re-deploy the finesse gadget from 3.15.6 Finesse Gadget Deployment.

    To revert to older Comm Server images from 3.15.6, please follow:

    1. Stop Comm Server service.

           2. Login to MongoDB shell and execute the following commands:

    $ efutils login
    # select mongo
    > mongo
    > use chatsolution
    > db.agents.updateMany({},{$set:{"LastStateChangeTime":""}},{"upsert":false});
        3.Edit the coreversion.env file and revert the Communication Server tag.

            4. Start Comm Server service using efutils.

    3.15.5 Release Notes

    This patch release covers the following issues.

    Key Summary Description Status
    Authenticate to retrieve your issues

    Upgrade from 3.15.4 to 3.15.5

    Follow these steps:

    1. Update following tag in coreversion.env
      1. ActiveMQ: 5.15.9-alpine-openj9

    2. Run the following commands: 

      $ efutils all up

    3.15.4 Release Notes

    This patch release covers the following issues.

    Key Summary Description Status
    Authenticate to retrieve your issues

    Upgrade from 3.15.3 to 3.15.4

    Follow these steps:

    1. Update following tag in coreversion.env
      1. commserver=3.15.4
    2. Run the following commands: 

      $ efutils all up

    3.15.3 Release Notes

    This patch release covers following issues.

    Key Summary Description Status
    Authenticate to retrieve your issues

    Upgrade from 3.15.1 to 3.15.3

    Follow these steps:

    1. Update following tags in coreversion.env
      1. chat=3.15.3
      2. databaseconnector=3.15.3
      3. reportingconnector=3.15.3
      4. mre=3.15.3
    2. Run the following commands: 

      $ efutils all up

    3.15.1 Release Notes

    This release covers a major issue identified in the Reporting Connector.  

    Resolved Issues 
    Reporting connector stops working

    CauseWhen the Reporting Connector receives an Unexpected ack received for message-id, the Reporting Connector is unsubscribed from the queue. The issue is rare and may occur in the previous versions too.


    • All the new reporting queue events start piling up in the queue.
    • No further logs are written in the Reporting Connector component.
    • No transactional reports from this time onwards work. 

    Workaround: Restart the Reporting Connector.  

    Resolution: this issue has now been fixed by graceful handling of the exception. The Reporting Connector now re-subscribes to queue.

    Related issues

    • PTCL-428
    • TEL-182

    Upgrade from 3.15.0 to 3.15.1

    Follow these steps:

    1. Update following tags in coreversion.env
      1. mre=3.15.1
      2. mremicroservice=3.15.1
      3. reportingconnector=3.15.1
      4. agentgadget=3.15.0.TEL-96
      5. customergadget=3.16.0
      6. activemq=5.15.9-alpine-3.12
    2. Run the following commands: 

      $ efutils all up.
      $ efutils service → mre → restart

    3.15.0 Release Notes

    New In this release

    WhatsApp via Dialog-360

    WhatsApp integration was supported only via Twilio. With this release, Dialog-360 may also be used for WhatsApp integration. 

    Twilio MMS Support 

    With Twilio integration, both SMS and MMS are now supported. 

    Validate signature in the Header for Viber 

    Viber signature was not being validated in the earlier releases. With this implementation, Viber signature received in the request header is validated. 

    Validate signature in the Header for Facebook 

    Facebook signature was not being validated in the earlier releases. With this implementation, Facebook signature received in the request header is validated. 

    Merged BT-38

    Some development for Hybrid Chat integration inside Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Hybrid Chat deployment on Windows were done in this branch and have now been merged in 3.15. 

    Completed Stories

    P Key Summary
    Authenticate to retrieve your issues

    Resolved Issues

    This release covers major performance improvements and resolution of some critical and major bugs.

    Key Summary T P
    Authenticate to retrieve your issues

    Load Test Improvements and Results

    A load-test cycle for customer-to-bot only conversation on WhatsApp channel was performed with a 360Dialog mock and customer traffic with dummy numbers. The system is capable of handling 5000 active chats with an average traffic rate of 150 messages per second. This is a load average for the test performed for eight hours.

    Test Scenario: 

    1. New chats are being active every second until they reach 5000 active chats (It will take around 84 minutes)
    2. After every 20 seconds of every chat, a message will be sent and BOT will reply to it 
    3. After 30 minutes of test start the chats will be closed in every 3 seconds System will achieve 5000 chats because the closing chat frequency is 3 times lesser than adding new chat
    4. As soon as the active chats count will decrease from 5000, the new chat will be added to maintain the active chat count Roughly the message frequency would be 150 messages per second in overall system
    5. The test is carried out for 8 hours with the system health normal and with everything functional, then we decreased the load gradually and stopped the test

    Open Issues 3.15.x

    Key Summary P Status Fix Versions
    Authenticate to retrieve your issues

    All Known Issues of 3.15.0 and older

    Key Summary T P
    Authenticate to retrieve your issues

    Release Test Highlights

    Tested with:

    • This release was tested with UCCE 11.6, UCCX 11.6 and UCCX 12.5.
    • Rasa bot is trained only for English language and tested with Standard Rasa 1.4.5.
    • Tested with Articulate in English, French and Arabic language. 
    • For other channels (SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook & Viber), this release is only tested with Twilio trial account, Facebook developers tester account, Viber tester accounts.
    • Agent gadget mobile app has also been tested.
    • Agent and customer gadgets are tested on Google Chrome Internet Explorer and Firefox only. 
    • The solution was tested for up to 5000 active chats exchanging messages every 20 seconds for 8 consecutive hours.

    Not tested with:

    • The release was not tested with any Facebook, WhatsApp, or Viber production environment.
    • Embedded Agent gadget is tested in Cisco Finesse only.
    • The Agent gadget was not tested for embedding in USD or as an app in CRM.
    • Test cycle for Windows based deployment is not done for this release.

    Release Limitations

    • This release is not compatible with Rasa version 0.x.
    • Some functions in High Availability deployment may not work. 
    • Separate deployment of Customer-Gadget via deployment script is not functional 
    • Windows based deployment is not available with this release.
    • In case of outbound message via agent interface, the agent will get the confirmation message "SMS sent successfully" for failed or not-delivered messages also.
    • The system behavior for 5000+ concurrent chat sessions is unpredictable.

    Please note that the end of support is three years after a version is released. After this period, Expertflow will not provide updates and technical support for the particular version.

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