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Agent Authorization with AgentDesk

Disclaimer: To allow senior agents and supervisors be able to perform agent operations, you must also add senior agents and supervisors in the agent_permissions group.

FeatureDescription ResourceExpected Behavior 
Customer ProfilesBe able to view/edit customer profilescustomer

Agent: An agent or a junior agent can access, i.e. view and update a customer profile only once he/she is in an active conversation with the customer. However, agents cannot create new profiles from scratch.

Senior Agent: Can access the Customer List and customer profiles regardless of an active conversation with a customer. They can also create and update customer profiles from scratch, regardless of an active conversation.

Supervisor: Can access the Customer List and customer profiles regardless of an active conversation with a customer. They can also create and update customer profiles from scratch, regardless of an active conversation.

Link ProfileBe able to link a conversation with a different customer profile customer

Agent: For now, agents do not have the scope to link a conversation with a customer profile.

Senior Agent/Supervisor: All senior agents and supervisors can link conversations with different customer profiles.  

View Conversations History Be able to view a customer previous conversations and all activities attached to the customer in Conversation Viewagent-conversation-control

All Agents, Senior Agents and Supervisors have the same level of access to view conversations history of a customer with or without having any active conversation with the customer

Customer Schema Bea able to view and manage the Customer schema fields of the Customer Object, such as name, phone number, and other custom fieldscustomer-schema

Agent: Cannot view nor perform any operations on the Customer Schema page

Senior Agent: Cannot perform any operations on the Schema object , however, they can still view the existing Customer Schema

Supervisor: Can view and update the Customer Schema 

Change State

Be able to change the current state state-change

All Agents, Senior Agents and Supervisors have the same level of access to change their state, i.e global + MRD state

Assign/Manage LabelsBe able to create, edit, delete and assign labels to customerscustomer-labels

All Agents, Senior Agents have the same level of access to create, view and assign labels to customers. Supervisors, however, can also edit or delete labels from the Labels List.

TransferBeing able to transfer a conversation to another queue agent-conversation-control

All Agents, Senior Agents, Supervisors have the same level of access to transfer a conversation to another member of a queue.

Conference Being able to add other agents from queues to conference agent-conversation-control

All Agents, Senior Agents, Supervisors have the same level of access to transfer a conversation to another member of a queue.

Start a new channel session / conversationBeing able to start a new conversation with a new customer or initiate a channel session within an existing conversation with the customeragent-conversation-control

Agent: Can start a new channel session only during an active conversation with a customer 

Senior Agent: Can start a new channel session or a new conversation with a new customer  

Supervisor: Have the same level of access as the senior agents

Add Wrap-up / NotesBeing able to push a wrap-up activity agent-conversation-control

All Agents, Senior Agents, Supervisors have the same level of access to add a wrap-up activity during or after the conversation 

Leave ChatBeing able to leave from a conversation agent-conversation-control

All Agents, Senior Agents, Supervisors have the same level of access to leave from a conversation

Subscribed ListBeing able to manage subscribed list and join, end chats from theresubscribed-list

Agent: All Agents, Senior Agents can see and join conversations from Subscribed Lists

Supervisor: can see, join and also End an active conversation directly from the List.

Supervisor DashboardBeing able to monitor the realtime stats of conversations, queues from the dashboardsupervisor

Agent: No Agents or Senior Agents can acceess the dashboard. 

Supervisor: can access the supervisor dashboard to monitor the realtime statistics of teams , agents, queues and ongoing conversations 

Customer PIIFor security reasons, the PII customer data should be protected from unauthorized access. customer

Agent: can view the PII attributes of the Customer as masked.

Senior Agent:  can view all the PII attributes without masking.

Supervisor: can view all the PII attributes without masking.

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