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Deployment Script Questionnaire

Use the following table to provide answers to the questions prompted by the deployment script.


Please enter Deployment Path [press ENTER to select /var/expertflow/]

The path at which the script will download & place the docker installation files. The user can choose any path however, it's recommended to choose the default path.

Please enter CIM FQDN:

Enter the FQDN of the target server. The users will access the solution via this FQDN.


3Please enter the SQL server IPThe IP of the SQL server.
3aEnter the SQL server usernameSQL Server DB user name.
3bEnter the SQL server passwordSQL Server DB password.
3cEnter the SQL server password again
3dEnter the reporting database name

Please make sure to create the database with the same name using this script on the target SQL server before processing.

Follow this Document : (4.3) Historical Reports Database Script

3eEnter DBMS Connection type (mssql/mysql)

Database connection type could be on of the following :

  • mssql (for Microsoft SQL Server) 
  • mysql (for MySQL Server)
3fEnter SQL server port SQL Server port number could be on of the following :
  • 1433 (for Microsoft SQL Server) 
  • 3306 (for MySQL Server)

Convert WhatsApp list message to text?

Choose Yes to send the WhatsApp structure list message as a text message.

Choose No to send a WhatsApp structure list message as the default structure message.

The default value is NO


Is this going to be a Standalone or Cisco Finesse Integrated Solution

Choose Yes if you want to integrate solution with Cisco Finesse

Choose No if you want to deploy the solution in standalone mode.


 Enter Cisco Finesse Domain 

Enter the IP or DNS of Cisco Finesse  e.g. finesse12-5.ucce.ipcc

Please Choose the Contact Centre Type


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