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Media Routing Domain

A Media Routing Domain (MRD) is a collection of precision queues associated with a common media class. It is used to organise requests coming from each communication medium, such as voice and chat and manage agent states in each MRD. This provides the flexibility to agents to manage their states separately on each individual MRD.

Another role of the MRDs is at the Agents' state level. Agents have independent states for each MRD they are associated with. The agent can choose to be available on each MRD independently. For instance, making itself READY for the Chat MRD and NOT_READY for voice MRD. Agent states in each MRD are independent of the other MRDs.

Note: All agents are associated to all MRDs configured in the Unified-admin.

A real life example of this is: suppose we have a Chat MRD to handle all chat type media like WhatsApp, facebook messages etc. and suppose we have two channel-types i.e. WHATSAPP and FACEBOOK configured in the system. Both of these channel-types will have the Chat MRD associated to them. Hence grouping these channel types under a single media domain.

Further more suppose we have two routing queues, one handles the chat requests and the other handles the voice requests. The queue handling the chat requests will have the Chat MRD associated to it and requests coming from both WhatsApp and facebook channels will be routed to this queue. This is just one example of how we can use the MRDs to group media types at channel level and queue level. This configuration is flexible and up-to to the user to decide.

See Media Channels to learn more about Channels, Channel Types, Channel Connectors, and Channel Sessions.

Media Routing Domains are configured (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) in the Unified-admin dashboard. Their association with the channel type and routing queue is also configured in the unified admin. A media routing domain entity consist of the following fields:




A unique identifier (assigned automatically by the Routing Engine configurations backend)

NameName of the media routing domain
DescriptionShort description of the media routing domain
Max Task RequestThis is the max tasks that the MRD can receive. By default each agent's max tasks value is same as the value of MRD's max task request.
InterruptibleBoolean field. Tells whether a conversion of a specific media domain can be interrupted at the agent's end by a higher priority conversation. For instance, a chat conversation on WhatsApp can be interrupted by a voice call. On the contrary an ongoing voice call cannot be interrupted by a chat request. This feature is not implemented yet in the routing engine and hence this field is not being used yet.
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