Reports Configuration (Superset 2.0)
This document covers the setup for importing the reports in Apache Superset 2.0 Instance.
1. Download for MSSQL → for MySQL → file and place it in any directory of your choice.
Don't import both MsSQL & MySQL reports on the same apache superset server.
2. Unzip this file and go to the directory databases.
3. Now open file "cim_reporting_database.yaml".
4. The field sqlalchemy_uri is the connection string in the below format. Please update this as per your configuration. (Don't update any other field.)
MySQL Format : mysql+mysqldb://Username:Password@ServerAddress:PortNumber/DatabaseName
MsSQL Format : mssql+pymssql://Username:Password@ServerAddress:PortNumber/DatabaseName
5. Now delete the previous zip file & zip the parent folder again.
6. Log in to the Superset Administration console by browsing https://server-ip:port/ URL.
7. Goto the "Import dashboards".
8. Select the zip file and press "IMPORT".
9. Everything is up now.
10. Now set the UTC offset for reports by following document UTC Offset - Reports.