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CIM Contact Message

Contact message is primarily used to send details of a contact (name, email, phone etc.) to the recipient.

The method to send contact message is given as follows:

  • Specify the type = "CONTACT". Body should be in JSON format with following properties:

type - String - RequiredValue = "CONTACT"
markdownText - String - Optionalcontains custom plain text sent by end user.
additionalDetails - String - OptionalAdditional details such as timedate object values can be passed.
contacts:Contacts contains parameters such as name, phone and additional details.
contacts: name - String - Required

Contains information about the name.


  • formattedName="someName" - Required
  • addtionalNameDetails (first_name,last_name,middle_name,name_suffix,name_prefix) - Optional
contacts: phone - String - Required

Contains phone number information.


  • phone="+923xxxx" - Required
  • addtionalPhoneDetails (type = "CELL", wa_id) - Optional
contacts: addtionalContactDetails - String - Optional


  • addresses=(street,city,state,zip,country,country_code,type)
  • emails=(email, type)
  • org= (company,department,title)
  • urls=(url,type)
  • ims=(service,userId)
  • birthday="yy-mm-dd"
"body": {
        "type": "CONTACT",
        "markdownText": null,
        "additionalDetails": null,
        "contacts": [
                "name": {
                    "formattedName": "Dummy Name",
                    "additionalNameDetails": {
                        "first_name": "Dummy",
                        "last_name": "Name",
                        "middle_name": null,
                        "name_suffix": null,
                        "name-prefix": null
                "phones": [
                        "phone": "+92123456489789",
                        "additionalPhoneDetails": {
                            "type": "CELL",
                            "wa_id": null
                "additionalContactDetails": {
                    "addresses": [
                            "street": "3b Block 3",
                            "city": "Lahore",
                            "state": null,
                            "zip": "54700",
                            "country": "Pakistan",
                            "country_code": "pk",
                            "type": "HOME"
                    "emails": [
                            "email": "",
                            "type": "INTERNET"
                    "org": {
                        "company": "Expertflow",
                        "department": "SW",
                        "title": "Software Engineer"
                    "urls": [
                            "url": "",
                            "type": "HomePage"
                    "ims": [
                            "service": "SKYPE",
                            "userId": "Expertflow"
                    "birthday": "1990-05-06"
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