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CX Upgrade Guide CX-4.4.1 to CX-4.4.2

  1. Create indexes on MonogDB following the steps from this guide.

  2. Delete deployment of following reporting connector components.

    # Navigate to the following folder of the existing release i.e. CX-4.4/4.4.1
    cd cim-solution/kubernetes
    kubectl delete -f kubernetes/pre-deployment/reportingConnector/ef-reporting-connector-cron.yaml 
    # Delete the following config map
    kubectl -n expertflow delete configmap ef-reporting-connector-conf
  3. Clone the CX repository on target server

    # Create/navigate into CX-4.4.2 directory
    git clone -b CX-4.4.2
  4. Replace the following files from 4.4.2 directory to current deployment directory

    # Copy Historical Reporting Manager deployment files
    cp CX-4.4.2/cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/ConfigMaps/ef-historical-reporting-configmap.yaml CURRENT_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/kubernetes/cim/cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/ConfigMaps
    cp CX-4.4.2/cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/Deployments/ef-historical-reports-deployment.yaml CURRENT_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/kubernetes/cim/cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/Deployments
    cp CX-4.4.2/cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/Services/ef-historical-reports-service.yaml CURRENT_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY/kubernetes/cim/cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/Services
  5. Run the following command to deploy historical-reporting-manager component.

    # Navigate to the following folder of the existing release i.e. CX-4.4/4.4.1
    cd cim-solution/kubernetes
    kubectl apply -f cim/ConfigMaps/ef-historical-reporting-configmap.yaml
    kubectl apply -f cim/Deployments/ef-historical-reports-deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f cim/Services/ef-historical-reports-service.yaml
  6. Update Reporting Connector

# Navigate to the following folder
cd cim-solution/kubernetes/

Add following new environment variables in pre-deployment/reportingConnector/reporting-connector.conf file.

  1. batch_limit=1000

    • The current batch_limit is set to 1000 by default.

    • This variable controls the number of records processed per batch in ETL jobs.

  2. upper_limit=300

    • The current upper_limit is set to 300 by default.

    • This variable represents the maximum boundary for looped ETL jobs.

    • It is strongly recommended not to alter this value unless absolutely necessary.

    • Changing this value may affect the overall system behavior and performance.

  3. svc_name=http://ef-historical-reports-svc.expertflow.svc.cluster.local:8081

  1. Run the following commands to make the changes

    kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-reporting-connector-conf --from-file=pre-deployment/reportingConnector/reporting-connector.conf
  2. Apply the reporting connector cron job.

    kubectl apply -f pre-deployment/reportingConnector/ef-reporting-connector-cron.yaml -n expertflow
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