CX Upgrade Guide CX-4.4.4 to CX-4.4.5
Before proceeding with the upgrade, make sure that the system is idle state i.e. all agents are logged out from the agent desk.
Update following ConfigMaps
CODE# Navigate to the following folder of the existing release i.e. CX-4.4.4 cd cim-solution/kubernetes 1) Open cim/ConfigMaps/ef-connection-env-configmap.yaml add following environment variable under data: REDIS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: "300" apply the updates kubectl apply -f cim/ConfigMaps/ef-connection-env-configmap.yaml 2) Open cim/ConfigMaps/ef-conversation-controller-configmap.yaml replace OUTBOUND_URL: http://ef-conversation-manager-svc:8080/controller-webhook with CONVERSATION_MANAGER: http://ef-conversation-manager-svc:8080 kubectl apply -f cim/ConfigMaps/ef-conversation-controller-configmap.yaml
Delete Core Components Deployment
CODE# Delete core deployments and AMQ kubectl delete -f cim/Deployments kubectl delete -f cim/StatefulSet/ef-amq-statefulset.yaml
Update AMQ Deployment
CODE1) Open cim/StatefulSet/ef-amq-statefulset.yaml file. 2) Update AMQ Tag 3) Add following environment variable under container env - name: MAX_CONNECTIONS value: "5000" 4) kubectl apply -f cim/StatefulSet/ef-amq-statefulset.yaml
Update Core Components Deployments
YAML# Update Conversation Controller Deployment 1) Open cim/Deployments/ef-conversation-controller-deployment.yaml 2) Add following environment variabe under container env - name: REDIS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: REDIS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT name: ef-connection-env-cm 3) Replace name and key of following container env from OUTBOUND_URL to CONVERSATION_MANAGER - name: CONVERSATION_MANAGER valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: CONVERSATION_MANAGER name: ef-conversation-controller-cm 4) Update image: # Update Agent Manager Deployment 1) Open cim/Deployments/ef-agent-manager-deployment.yaml # Update Conversation Manager Deployment 1) Open cim/Deployments/ef-conversation-manager-deployment.yaml # Update Customer Channel Manager Deployment 1) Open cim/Deployments/ef-ccm-deployment.yaml # Update Routing Engine Deployment 1) Open cim/Deployments/ef-routing-engine-deployment.yaml # Update Bot Framework Deployment 1) Open cim/Deployments/ef-bot-framework-deployment.yaml
Apply Core Components Deployment
CODE# Start the core components kubectl apply -f cim/Deployments