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CX Upgrade Guide CX-4.4 to CX-4.4.1

Before proceeding with the upgrade, make sure that the system is idle state i.e. all agents are logged-out from agent-desk.

  1. Delete deployment of following components.

    # Navigate to the following folder of the existing release i.e. CX-4.4
    cd cim-solution/kubernetes
    kubectl delete -f cim/Deployments/ef-agent-manager-deployment.yaml
    kubectl delete -f cim/Deployments/ef-licence-manager-deployment.yaml
    kubectl delete -f cim/Deployments/ef-unified-admin-deployment.yaml
    kubectl delete -f kubernetes/pre-deployment/reportingConnector/ef-reporting-connector-cron.yaml 
  2. Update the following components' deployment tags.

    cim/Deployments/ef-agent-manager-deployment to 4.4.1-SR1
    cim/Deployments/ef-licence-manager-deployment.yaml toto 4.3-SR1
    cim/Deployments/ef-unified-admin-deployment.yaml to 4.4-1-SR1
    kubernetes/pre-deployment/reportingConnector/ef-reporting-connector-cron.yaml to 4.4.1-SR1
  3. Run the following command to update the deployment

    # Navigate to the following folder of the existing release i.e. CX-4.4
    cd cim-solution/kubernete
    kubectl apply -f cim/Deployments/ef-agent-manager-deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f cim/Deployments/ef-licence-manager-deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f cim/Deployments/ef-unified-admin-deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f kubernetes/pre-deployment/reportingConnector/ef-reporting-connector-cron.yaml 
  4. Execute the script on Keycloak DB following the steps outlined in this guide.

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