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Rooms and Conversation


This article describes rooms and conversation and other related objects.


A room is a permanent container for all activities. Unlike conversation that ends once the attendees are inactive for a period of time, a room is a permanent container for a customer or an agent. Two way communication can be carried out in a room although only one conversation is active at a time in one room. A history of previous activities is maintained in a room. Rooms can be broadly categorized into two types explained in a table.



Customer Rooms

A customer room is linked to a customer. One customer can exist in multiple rooms, however, for a customer room to exist, it must have atleast one customer. Customer-agent communication is handled in this room. An agent can be in more than one customer room but customer room can also exist without an agent.

  • Private Rooms - rooms for non-interactive activities such as chat messages. The inhabitants of the room can view the messages and respond to them on their own time.

  • Contact Center Room - this room is created for every user.

Team Rooms

Team Rooms are for agent-agent or agents-supervisor communication of one team. More than one agent can exist in a room.


A conversation object is temporary container that maintains all active customer interaction via a channel. Customers, human agents, botParticipant or App can participate in a conversation. For details, see Conversations.

Channel Session

Whenever a conversation is initiated, channel session object is invoked. A ChannelSession object to track active customer's presence on a media channel. A channel Session instance maintains the flow of the conversation which includes start and end time, participants detail, channel information through which the customer has join etc. For more details, see Channel Session object.

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