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_CX Release Notes 4.5.3

Release Name

CX 4.5.3



Dev Completion Date

Release Date

Release Summary

New in CX 4.5.3

Following are the planned improvements and fixes



Hold & Resume

Migration from 3.x to 4.x

Pending discussion with @a user and @a user

Authentication and authorization on stateful sets

Enable authentication and authorization & TLS on CX DBs

Multi channel Bugs/Issues

Multi-channel support voice + chat channels

A1 Issues


Add pagination / Improve realtime dashboard APIs


CX 4.5.3 Release Limitations

Expand to view limitations

Release Limitations

Release Test Highlights

Tested Features

Un-Tested Features

Planned Epics

Key T Summary P Assignee Status
Authenticate to retrieve your issues

Planned Features and Stories

Expand to view features and stories planned

Key T Summary P Assignee Status
Authenticate to retrieve your issues

Planned Bugs

Expand to view bugs planned for this release

Key Summary T P Status
Authenticate to retrieve your issues

Issues Opened in this release

Expand to view issues opened in this release

Key Summary T P Status Fix Versions
Authenticate to retrieve your issues

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