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CX Release Notes

Release Name

CX 4.5.1


Functionality: QA PASSED, Performance: QA FAILED

Release Date

Release Summary

  • All stability fixes until the latest patch release of CX4.4.8

  • View and Play Recording Links

  • Canned Message on the Agent Desk

  • Batch data processing in reporting connector

  • Conversation disposition bug fixes

  • Set ActiveMQ Maximum Connections Limit

  • Enhancements

Upgrade Guide

Upgrade Guide from 4.5 to 4.5.1

What is New in CX4.5.1

The following new features have been added to this release.



View and Play Recording Links

Enables authorized Agent Desk users to view and play the recording links in a conversation

Canned Messages on the Agent Desk

Enables agents to send preconfigured canned messages, organized into customizable categories.

Improvements in CX4.5.1

The following features are enhanced in this release

Agent Experience Improvements

Queue Transfer

Allows agents to place a request on the queue even if no agent is available in the queue.

Advanced Cases for Manual Outbound

Supports advanced cases for manual outbound for CCX by providing additional call controls of Consult Call, Consult Transfer, and Consult Conference.

Minimize or display the active call status

Provides an option for agents to minimize, hide, display, or fix the CTI toolbar in the Conversation view to improve the overall call-handling experience and facilitates agents to perform any activity during active calls.

Cisco Finesse Agent Login

The UCCE Integration supports both non-SSO and SSO agents.

Dialpad Integration

Integration is available on the Agent Desk for the agents to send DTMF signals during active calls.

Making Dashboards available as a home page

The Summary Dashboard is set as a homepage upon login as an agent.

Supervisor Experience Improvements

View Multiple Agents in the Same Conversation

Enables Supervisors to view multiple agents in the same conversation on the Ongoing Conversation Detail Dashboard.

Change Agent's State

Enables Supervisors to manage long-idle agents by changing their states on the Active Agents Detail Dashboard.

Making Dashboards available as a home page

The Summary Dashboard is set as a homepage upon login as a supervisor.

Reporting Enhancements

Conversation Disposition

Computing the conversation dispositions in a better way by adding possible task state and reason code fields in the conversation table.

ETL Jobs Improvements

The Reporting Connector can now extract data in batches. This optimization would improve processing efficiency by breaking down data extraction into manageable batches, resulting in faster execution and reduced resource utilization.

Performance Improvements

This release includes all the performance improvements done in CX4.4.x until CX4.4.8. See past releases for all the improvements done in CX4.4.x.



AMQ Max Connections limit configuration

A deployment configuration AMQ Max Connections is added to ActiveMQ. By default, ActiveMQ (AMQ) allows up to 1000 client connections.

This configuration would ensure that connections are not exhausted. Some of the Stomp based AMQ clients do not release an AMQ connection timely.

Tested with

This release has been tested with these environments and tools.

CX 4.5.1 Release Limitations

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Release Limitations

  • There are slowness issues and not recommended for more than 25 agents and 100 concurrent chats

  • Outbound has not been functioning on the Supervisor Dashboard.

Release Test Highlights

Tested Features

  • View and Play Recording Links

  • Queue Transfer

  • Advanced cases for manual outbound

  • Historical Reports have only been tested with MySQL.

  • Conversation Disposition

  • Task Media State

Un-Tested Features

  • Batch data processing in reporting connector

  • Historical reports are not tested with MSSQL.

Planned Epics

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Planned Features and Stories

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Planned Bugs

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Issues Opened in this release

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