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_CX Release Notes 4.5.4

Release Name

CX 4.5.4



Dev Completion Date

Release Date

Release Summary

New in CX 4.5.4

Following are the planned improvements and fixes



Controller Performance improvements

  • Remove timers from conversation controller

    • Introduce customer inactivity timer threashold

    • Agent Manager (Wrap up, Agent Response SLA)

    • CCM (Customer Response SLA)

    • Discuss the possibility of having separate service for managing the  SLA

    • Controller should only process conversation events without any state. No BOT/AGENT/CUSTOMER 

    • Enable/Limit Controller to process only Control events. All the data/message events will not be processed for Conversation Control. Impact: Traffic on Controller will be reduced to around 20%

    • Change conversation/session state on Bot/Agent left

Voice activities in Realtime

Conversation Studio Integration

Conversation Studio integration


  • CIM-12012

CX 4.5.4 Release Limitations

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Release Limitations

Release Test Highlights

Tested Features

Un-Tested Features

Planned Epics

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Key Status
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Planned Features and Stories

Expand to view features and stories planned

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Planned Bugs

Expand to view bugs planned for this release

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Issues Opened in this release

Expand to view issues opened in this release

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