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Voice and Video

Expertflow CX offers the following voice and video interaction features. Using CX Voice, a business can:

  • receive inbound customer phone calls

    • Do a traditional or a conversational IVR treatment, and

    • Route calls to the most suitable customer care agent

  • make outbound calls

    • agents can make manual outbound calls

    • Contact center administrators can schedule agent-based and IVR campaigns

  • Connect via WebRTC using customer widget or a mobile app for audio and video calls and screen-sharing

  • Automated self service via traditional and conversational IVR.

Expertflow CX enables voice and video capabilities using the following three voice elements:

SIP Proxy

controls Voice or WebRTC calls

CX Media Server

class-5 switch that provides IVR, recording and other services

Agent phones

WebRTC phones

The SIP proxy ensures switching between SIP B2BUA’s (Expertflow IVR, agent phones, third party call center, third party IVR).

A call is always first controlled by the SIP proxy, which initiates a session and a conversation flow (if none exists yet).

The following documents provide detailed technical solutions for components of CX Voice and Video:

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